SSF Joke Thread

Collector Freaks Forum

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?won ynnuf ti sI

:D ... flesym pu ti edam I tub ,wonk I hguor ytterp , syug yrros

"?eert em eht si tahw dna ,enoyna pleh lliw ti ekil mees ton seod eert wey taht ,oN" , sdnopser rethgiferif ehT

".eert" ekil dednuos ti ",eerht" fo daetsni ,nigiro esenihC fo gnieb ,esruoc fO

"!mih pleh eerht uoy dna kcuts si irtimiD !elbirret si ,on hO" , syas ehS

.no gniog s'tahw efiw eht ksa dna ,kcurterif rieht htiw esuoh eht ta evirra srethgiferif eerth ,setunim nihtiW

.tnemtraped erif eht sllac ehS .dnabsuh reh si ,seert eht fo eno ni kcuts ,ereht dna ,wodniw moordeb eht tuo skool ehS "!pleh" gnituohs enoemos yb denekawa si efiw eht ,revewoh thgin eht fo elddim eht nI

.seert wey egral lareves htiw tnedicni tuohtiw snruter eH .nerrab dna egral rehtar si dray sa ,esuoh sih txen tnalp ot seert teg ot mraf eert a ot seog eh yad enO .aciremA ni gnivil era efiw esenihC sih dna irtimiD deman yug naissuR a oS

:monkey3 ... ekoj yldneirf-ylimaf ,naelc a s'ti ,syug yrros dnA

?ereh ti gnitsop naht ti erahs ot yaw retteb tahw ,yad rehto eht ekoj a htiw pu emac I
.setunim evif tuoba em koot ylno tI rehtaf ym hguohtlA !cixelsyd ton m'I dnA

.llew ytterp nwod-edispu ro sdrawkcab daer nac I tuB

.sdrawkcab etirw ot flesym hsup ot evah yllaer I hguohtlA

sorry about your headache, villainsfan. Oops, I meant .

nafsnialliv ehcadaeh ruoy tuoba yrroS


!LOL llitts si sdrawkcab LOL

Ok, I still don't see why my joke is funnier backwards... :confused:
Ok I got another one... This one wasn't made up by me (how lucky for you all!) so it may actually be funny... :D

So an elementary school teacher is teaching her 2nd grade class about the 5 senses. While they are learning about taste, the teacher brings in candy of various flavors.

Eventually, the teacher hands out a honey-flavored candy for the students to eat. None of them can seem to identify what flavor it is, so they ask her.

She replies, "It's something your mother might sometimes call your father."

One little girl stands up, spits her candy out and screams "Oh my God! They're a$sholes!"
I thought of this one a while back....

A man gets very low pay working for his company. One day, he decides to ask his boss for a raise.

He enters his boss's office and says,

"Excuse me sir... but I have a wife and two children, with another on the way... and it's very difficult to pay for everything I need, and sir, I have been with this company for a very long time, and I've always worked my hardest... Do you think that perhaps, I could have a raise?"

His boss looks up from his papers and says,

"Of course!.... When pigs fly! Now go bring me my newspaper."

He does as he is told, and continues working for the rest of the day.

The next day, he again knocks on his boss's door, asking for a raise. His boss replies the same way as before.

The man leaves, coming back with a smile on his face. He tosses the day's newpaper on the desk and says to his boss,

"Can I have a raise now sir?"

The headline reads "THE WORLD PANICS, SWINE FLU!"
Ok I got another one... This one wasn't made up by me (how lucky for you all!) so it may actually be funny... :D

So an elementary school teacher is teaching her 2nd grade class about the 5 senses. While they are learning about taste, the teacher brings in candy of various flavors.

Eventually, the teacher hands out a honey-flavored candy for the students to eat. None of them can seem to identify what flavor it is, so they ask her.

She replies, "It's something your mother might sometimes call your father."

One little girl stands up, spits her candy out and screams "Oh my God! They're a$sholes!"

thats great, im telling my friends that!
Yeah? Well I had sex with your wife!...........................:wink1:
A 'heads up' for those men who may be regular Home Depot customers. Over the last month I became a victim of a clever scam while shopping. Don't be naive enough to think it couldn't happen to you or your friends.

Here's how the scam works: Two seriously good-looking 20-21 year-old girls come over to your car as you are loading your purchases. They both start wiping your windshield with a rag and Windex, with their breasts almost falling out of their skimpy T-shirts. It is impossible not to look. When you thank them and offer them a tip, they say 'No' and instead ask you for a ride to another store. You agree and they get in the backseat. On the way, they start undressing each other and making out. Then one of them climbs over into the front seat and starts crawling all over you, while the other one steals your wallet.

I had my wallet stolen March 4th, 9th, 10th, twice on the 15th, 17th, 20th, & 24th 29th. Also April 1st, 4th, twice on the 8th, 11th, 12th, three times last Saturday, probably tomorrow, and very likely again this upcoming weekend. So tell your friends to be very careful.