STAR WARS: EP. I--The Phantom Menace in 3D: 2/10/12

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Fact is Dooku should have been featured in TPM as should Grievous. But they weren't and is evidence that GL made the whole damn thing up as he went along which is very poor storytelling.
As far as SW villains go Dooku is right up there with Tarkin IMO.

First of all he's played by Christopher Lee so he's got that going for him. Plus he took on Anakin, Obi-Wan, and Yoda and defeated two out of the three and lived to escape from Yoda.

Even when he died that was only after defeating Obi-Wan a second time and he's only the fourth major villain after Tarkin, Maul and Jango who didn't squeal like a baby before he died.

The same can't be said for Vader, Palpatine, Boba Fett, Piett, Grievous, etc.
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Fact is Dooku should have been featured in TPM as should Grievous. But they weren't and is evidence that GL made the whole damn thing up as he went along which is very poor storytelling.

Yeah SOME kind of reference to Syfo-Dias/Dooku should definitely have been made in TPM just like The Emperor and Jabba were mentioned in ANH in 1977. It really came of the blue in AOTC.
Yeah SOME kind of reference to Syfo-Dias/Dooku should definitely have been made in TPM just like The Emperor and Jabba were mentioned in ANH in 1977. It really came of the blue in AOTC.


It came out of the blue and then really never was explained on screen. Just terrible terrible story telling. Makes me wish someone really would just junk the whole Star Wars saga and begin anew. :lol
As well versed as I am in even the prequels at this point its kind of embarrassing that if someone asked me to explain the whole Syfo-Dyas thing I really don't know that I could. :duh

How could he make the story so overly complicated yet vague at the same time. :lol

It came out of the blue and then really never was explained on screen. Just terrible terrible story telling. Makes me wish someone really would just junk the whole Star Wars saga and begin anew. :lol

The prequels sure, but the OT is great.
I always thought Christopher Lee, as much as I love him, looked like he didn't even know his lines in AOTC. Especially when talking to Obi-wan on Geonosis.
Darth Maul should have been the main villain in the prequel trilogies. I wish he would have killed Mace Windu and a lot of the jedis.

Dooku was dookie and I thought the Emperor's fight scenes were lame too. That robot with the four arms and cough was stupid as hell too. :lol

Agreed, Maul was great. His fight scenes were unreal.

The fights between Dooku, Grievous, and Palpatine were way too comical and there was not nearly enough drama to them.
Grevious could have been great if he was given a chance to be, allowed to be in more than one film and really expanded on. As he was he was more a chance for Jedi to make "quips" due to his presence.

Dooku to me was a waste, Lee did a good job with him but overall the whole Padawan/Master chain was eyerolling and if you removed him you could have had something far more substantial. Palpatine was far too humorous to take seriously in ROTS and for me took away a bit of how I saw the Emperor in the OT.

Although with the recent Brisk commercial of Maul bouncing and bumbling around I fear what may have occurred had he endured the first film to go on.
Although with the recent Brisk commercial of Maul bouncing and bumbling around I fear what may have occurred had he endured the first film to go on.

Yep, probably a great example of "be careful what you wish for." Maul at least got to appear, be badass, and exit with some dignity. We'll see how the current CW treats his "return."
The same can be said for Return of the Jedi which makes it easier to simply enjoy at least the good parts of AOTC and ROTS. I still think ROTS is a better overall film than ROTJ. My main issue with it is the gratuitous use of CG for the clones.

Ignoring the Special Edition, I love Return of the Jedi, ewoks and all. It really fleshed out the galaxy and not in an embarrassing way. Little ewoks over powering the stormtroopers is a novel and familiar plot point. Perhaps if they made the movie today they would have used CG ewoks to fully realize how they were able to overcome the Empire. But in 1983 times, I just accepted it because the acting was good and the effects were good. And... it's a lot of fun.

Revenge of the Sith has a dazzling space battle and great effects but it's ruined by a clumsily executed story (the story is actually a great story) and even worse acting. There's no soul in the final battle between Obi-Wan and Anakin. I watch the first 5 minutes and I have to turn it off as soon as they land on Grievous' ship. Even R2-D2 is annoying in this film.

Attack of the Clones is a complete waste. Entirely. CG Clone Troopers? Worst uses of lightsaber ever was in the Arena battle and hundreds of awful extras swinging and waving at nothing. C-3PO? Pervert Dex? And the title doesn't even work. The Clones come in and defend the Jedi and it's such a minor event in the film that just happens to be the last war. In essence... this should be The Phantom Menace Rides Again since they still don't know who's in control.

TPM = 4th best Star Wars movie. ROTS is 2nd worst. And AOTC is worst.
Ignoring the Special Edition, I love Return of the Jedi, ewoks and all. It really fleshed out the galaxy and not in an embarrassing way. Little ewoks over powering the stormtroopers is a novel and familiar plot point. Perhaps if they made the movie today they would have used CG ewoks to fully realize how they were able to overcome the Empire. But in 1983 times, I just accepted it because the acting was good and the effects were good. And... it's a lot of fun.

Revenge of the Sith has a dazzling space battle and great effects but it's ruined by a clumsily executed story (the story is actually a great story) and even worse acting. There's no soul in the final battle between Obi-Wan and Anakin. I watch the first 5 minutes and I have to turn it off as soon as they land on Grievous' ship. Even R2-D2 is annoying in this film.

Attack of the Clones is a complete waste. Entirely. CG Clone Troopers? Worst uses of lightsaber ever was in the Arena battle and hundreds of awful extras swinging and waving at nothing. C-3PO? Pervert Dex? And the title doesn't even work. The Clones come in and defend the Jedi and it's such a minor event in the film that just happens to be the last war. In essence... this should be The Phantom Menace Rides Again since they still don't know who's in control.

TPM = 5th best Star Wars movie. TPM is 2nd worst. And AOTC is worst.

Agree with everything you wrote. 100%. except what I changed. :monkey3 :lol
I liked ROTS the most out of the PT, TPM next, and pretty much hate AOTC. There are only a few select scenes in it I care for. As far as the PT villains go, I didn't care about Maul, liked Dooku, but didn't think we had enough time to get to know him, and liked Grievous' design, but hated the execution of his character - he was too much of a coward, as opposed to his more aggressive and frankly badass character seen in the 2D animated Clone Wars series. Oh and I think Zam Wesell should've been Aurra Sing.
Oh and I think Zam Wesell should've been Aurra Sing.

Except that by not appearing in AOTC Sing gets to be this enigmatic badass in our minds like Maul.

I think Jango should have been Boba. Then we could have seen him jump down into the Geonosis arena, kick ass against some Jedi, and escape. It would have been perfectly acceptable to believe he was over 50 in the OT and would have given a precedent for his seemingly stupid (in 1983) maneuver of rocketing down to within arm's reach of Luke on the desert skiff.
I'll take CG Clones over Jabba's Muppet band anyday :lecture

The Rancor and space battle in ROTJ were epic, but I actually prefer ROTS. I think the payoff was everything I expected, bad acting and overuse of CG included.

Did anyone else see the similarities between the Rancor and a Gremlin? Other than the face it's pretty much the exact same body.
Except that by not appearing in AOTC Sing gets to be this enigmatic badass in our minds like Maul.

I have no use for that EU stuff, which is why I believe she should've been Wesell. There was just no sense for her to be used in that one shot.