I always took "bringing balance to the force" it to mean that both the light and dark side of the force are out of whack... the Sith of course are a mess and totally douchey. But the Jedi have become complacent and too wrapped up in "knowing the force" that they have lost themselvse. The idea that they are unable to marry or have relationships kind of goes against what one would consider to be healthy and "balanced". its like of like the Jedi are priests and Sith are John Belushi on a bender... both are too extreme to work very well.
Even the way the Jedi conceptualized the meaning of bringing balance was to destroy the dark side; sounds pretty imbalanced to me
I figure that Anakin (for good or bad) destroyed the Jedi and fathered Luke in order for Luke to then create a more "human" order of Jedi that would in themselves embody a better balance of the light and dark side of the force.
In that way (a very roundabout one) he does eventually bring balance to the force in Luke.