STAR WARS: EP. I--The Phantom Menace in 3D: 2/10/12

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That's called a sucker bet sadly. :lol

True, but I can't help it. A lot of the older fans like/love the OT b/c that's what they grew up with or first saw. Obi-Wan and the PT are the reasons I got into to Star wars And I'm not afraid to say it. I love star wars and am not ashamed for the reasons why but I can see where OT fans are coming from.

Not to derail the thread too much but I feel the same way as many OT fans do when it comes to folks who think that Nolan's Batman films are the "end all" superhero/batman films. I still enjoy the burton films much much more but whatcha gonna dooo :huh people like what they like for whatever reasons

Must have a low Midichlorian count. :huh

Might be b/c I'm looking while on my phone

Me too no see :dunno

I must also have mini midichlorian count :gah:


Guess we're not as strong w/ the force as we thought, Jye :lol
I grew up with the Tim Burton Batman movies and.... they all suck.... as Batman movies. Sure they have cool costumes and style... but they're not good. Doesn't mean they're not fun... they're still entertaining on that primitive level.

I grew up with OT Star Wars, still good.

I grew up with Robotech, Voltron, Thundercats, Transformers.... love the concept and characters but cartoons are awful.

I consider myself a reasonable filmgoer and don't rely on nostalgia for liking something. I like The Phantom Menace then, and I still like it now.

Good Post.
I think thats why I like All the SW films. Sure there are things I wish were done different.. but that can be said for everysingle film out there.
I grew up with the Tim Burton Batman movies and.... they all suck.... as Batman movies. Sure they have cool costumes and style... but they're not good. Doesn't mean they're not fun... they're still entertaining on that primitive level.

I consider myself a reasonable filmgoer and don't rely on nostalgia for liking something. I like The Phantom Menace then, and I still like it now.

No way, the Burton Batman movies are still the best BatMovies. Burton's darker version of Batman influenced so many others. Elfman's score is still brilliant and a true classic. Keaton and the rest of the cast also really worked great together. There is no comparison between the prequels and Batman and Returns.
Love how Lucas took away the mysticism of the force being a spiritual thing that anyone could possess really if they learned how to focus it to it being basically a gene or organism only a select few had.
I'm trying to listen what my midichlorians are trying to tell me but it's coming in all staticy.

Christ, speak up, I can't quiet my mind any quieter.

Wait, what, what's that you're trying to say....George Lucas is a what.
Imagine how much better the initial (and ongoing) reaction to the movie would have been if George had simply had Qui Gon explain the prophecy of the Chosen one to Anakin instead of midichlorians.

"Qui Gon sir, I heard Master Yoda say something about a prophecy, I've been wondering, what IS a prophecy?"

"The Prophecy of the Chosen One was written many years ago by a Jedi believed to be under the influence of the Force. It was said that the creature know as the last Sith would be destroyed by a very special Jedi...."
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Love how Lucas took away the mysticism of the force being a spiritual thing that anyone could possess really if they learned how to focus it to it being basically a gene or organism only a select few had.

Actually I thought it was brilliant the way he described the force. It harkens to our own mitochondria that live in our cells. The fact that those born with a more concentrated amount would be stronger in the force or more apt to use it is obvious. You still have to quiet your mind and find the spirituality of the force to feel it and manipulate it but essentially everyone is born with the midichlorians so therefore has the potential to be able to use it.
Actually I thought it was brilliant the way he described the force. It harkens to our own mitochondria that live in our cells. The fact that those born with a more concentrated amount would be stronger in the force or more apt to use it is obvious. You still have to quiet your mind and find the spirituality of the force to feel it and manipulate it but essentially everyone is born with the midichlorians so therefore has the potential to be able to use it.

I must have missed the in-depth explanation. I just recall Qui Gon talking to Anakin's mom and Obi about it.
I wonder what Lucas was trying to say about society with his midichlorian/mitochondria correlation there.

Now I want to know what JarJar's concentration was. :tap
I wonder what Lucas was trying to say about society with his midichlorian/mitochondria correlation there.

Now I want to know what JarJar's concentration was. :tap

Not sure but I think his IQ is below 40.

As far as midi and mito I think, and this is just my interpretation, that he is trying to say that spirituality comes from within. That you need meditation and prayer to quiet your mind enough to be able to see the path you need to follow and hear that inner voice of reason speaking to you.
I must have missed the in-depth explanation. I just recall Qui Gon talking to Anakin's mom and Obi about it.

I only remember him talking to Anakin about about that not his mother other than obi and the council. He tells Anakin that without the midichlorians life could not exist. Which tells me every living thing has some. Yoda even said that life creates it and makes it grow. It being the force.

QG also says that we would have no knowledge of the force without them but that would mean there would be no one there to even have the conversation so that part goes without being said.

That's just what I got from it. I goes more in depth in the books on that subject as well as the prophecy. The book was much better. ROTS book was better too cause it took 4 days of sleep deprivation and worry to be vulnerable enough to succumb to the silver tough of Palpatine. Not 20 minutes like in the movie.
It's a messed up explanation, since then it means that Force sensitivity could just be tested, so if it were so easy to test for potential Jedi (or Sith) then the story wouldn't make sense.
It's a messed up explanation, since then it means that Force sensitivity could just be tested, so if it were so easy to test for potential Jedi (or Sith) then the story wouldn't make sense.

Yeah, which takes away the mystical aspect of it. Midichlorians got the biggest laugh in 1999 when I was in the packed theater. Lucas must have forgotten his target audience which by that time read the Zahn novels and so many others to where they were the experts and this laughable revisionism of the force was ridiculous.
Just saw it. The projection in my theatre was way too bright, apart from that I loved it. I don't care that it's not cool to say that. I loved it. I'm a bit of a 3D nut, have a full 3D setup at home and a 3D projector, and I have to say I thought it was the most natural post conversion I have seen to date. Maybe a little too subtle for some people, but it felt natural compared to: Captain America, Thor, Green Hornet and ahem.. Clash of the Titans.

Personally, I look forward to buying it on 3D blu, if Lucas doesn't wait another 6 years to release it. The best bit in 3D? The battledroids, they just looked great.

It's a messed up explanation, since then it means that Force sensitivity could just be tested, so if it were so easy to test for potential Jedi (or Sith) then the story wouldn't make sense.

Why wouldn't it make sense? In the comics and novels the early Jedi did test potential Jedi for midichlorian count.

They were called baby snatchers in some cultures because they took infants at a young age to train. Anakin even at 9 years old was still too old to begin the training.

They would meditate, listen to the will of the force, and sense new force sensitives and travel to those systems to ask the parents. They would follow the disturbances in the force because force users can sense each other and take infants from their homes.

Some cultures trusted the Jedi and saw it as a great privilege and honor for their offspring to be chosen by the Jedi. The force and the Jedi order was a becon of hope during the ancient sith wars so they knew that sacrificing their life with their child would help to preserve peace in the galaxy against the threat of the sith.

After so many thousand years everyone thought the threat of the sith was a thing of the past. That's how Palpatine was able to manipulate the senate against the Jedi.
If they could just test for it then there would have to be way more Jedi, or even dark side users--I would imagine crime rings that would perhaps breed for Force users or pay for Force users. It makes more sense for the Jedi to be out using the Force to perhaps sense who might have the ability.

Plus, if it were something to be tested then there wouldn't have been the Jedi hunt
Did anyone else bull____ throughout the whole movie? Laughing, answering questions to the characters on screen?