STAR WARS: EP. I--The Phantom Menace in 3D: 2/10/12

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I wish he'd handed the script to someone else (and the directing too) but i really enjoy the Phantom Menace, and I really enjoyed this (the original trilogy may be better films, simpler, more 'classic' ....but I think this has a better STORY, I enjoy the political stuff. I just wish He'd let somebody else write the script. OR at least polish up what he'd written (its not ALL bad lol).

I agree with you. For the first one, I think it was fine for him to direct but man.. have another writer as good as Lawrence Kasdan do something so amazing that George would have no excuse but to do it that way.

And then there was the thing about George asking Ron Howard to direct one and Steven Spielberg to direct another? They both said "no, it's your baby, you gotta do it!"

I hate them both so much for that decision.
I love star wars but these movies are so bad, the more i watch them the worse they get,even rots. The writing is terrible, the acting is awful. I wonder what most of the actors think of the movies now because you can tell they arent taking most of their scenes seriously. I want to love these movies and I know everyone will defend them forever cause their star wars but they are bad lol.
I love star wars but these movies are so bad, the more i watch them the worse they get,even rots. The writing is terrible, the acting is awful. I wonder what most of the actors think of the movies now because you can tell they arent taking most of their scenes seriously. I want to love these movies and I know everyone will defend them forever cause their star wars but they are bad lol.

You took the words right out of my mouth.
He's planning on releasing a movie a year right? 3D might just be a fad and fade in another 5 years. 5 years is a lot of time for something like 3D to stay around.
Thats why there are rumors, that E2 and E3 will be out by the end of the year. It doesnt help them to do one a year, if they really arent trying to make GOOD 3d.

The "rumor" is from a fox executive. At least the stuff I have read so far.

The awful 3d is what killed this. No one is going to wait year after year, for a gimmick they didnt even bother to do right.
I'd like to see 3, 4 and 5 over the next year and a half. That's all.

The whole one per year thing is really dumb. By the time we get to episode 6 the whole 3D experience could be different and simply be IMAX or something else.... so what happens: George starts all over again.

Thats why there are rumors, that E2 and E3 will be out by the end of the year. It doesnt help them to do one a year, if they really arent trying to make GOOD 3d.

The "rumor" is from a fox executive. At least the stuff I have read so far.

The awful 3d is what killed this. No one is going to wait year after year, for a gimmick they didnt even bother to do right.

I love this idea. Just blow them out there. Put 'em all out at once for all I care -- I'll cherry pick the nes I want to see. No way I could sit through AOTC in a theater. Be hard pressed to sit through the 2nd half of ROTJ too.
I love star wars but these movies are so bad, the more i watch them the worse they get,even rots. The writing is terrible, the acting is awful. I wonder what most of the actors think of the movies now because you can tell they arent taking most of their scenes seriously. I want to love these movies and I know everyone will defend them forever cause their star wars but they are bad lol.

Haha, I only defend Ep1. And only because there is a lot of good in it. There's also a good handful of bad. But it's not as bad as ep2 and ep3... THOSE were the Star Wars we really wanted to see when Lucas set upon this journey and he ruined it. Ep1 was kind of a bonus if you think about it. It really didn't need to be told. It was the prequel to the prequels.
Oh poor mr lucas, always getting the finger evilly waived in his face. Bottom line is all of the fans love what he created. Obviously there are numerous flaws within that, but it's still a magical world we love....and love to hate sometimes! TPM had scenes where I had to stop and ask myself if they were actually in 3d, and to be honest I almost want to say the openning crawl was the most impressive take we got, stars twinkling in the far distance. I suppose I'd jump at any chance to see these films again on the big screen, so count me in for another 5, though I agree with a bunch of you in not wanting to drag this out for 5 more years to do so. I'd rather spend my time and money on a new saga in our beloved universe, but that probably won't happen. So, until it does, I'll settle for a 10' yoda here and there and 3d that might look better with red and blue lenses......and I'll be happy, slightly happy.
I enjoyed the 3D for Episode 1 myself, I thought it added a lot of depth to the picture. I knew from the get go it wasn't going to be the gimmicky throw stuff at you 3D of say the last Final Destination film. It was also great seeing Star Wars back on the big screen, and it looked better in Digital than it on film back in 1999.
Holy Amazeballs... oKay we've ALL in our heads or whatever reasoned why and how the prequels could have been better. We all agree with RedLetterMedia and while I still liked ep1 (and dislike ep2 and ep3), I saw this video and was blown away. Ep1 SHOULD have been this good:


I think the key thing is turning it into Obi-Wan's story... not Anakin's. great video.
Hey, while we're wishing, how about I take my time machine and show 1983 Lucas all Prequels and see if he says they are good.
The "no main character" seems to come up quite a bit in criticisms against Phantom Menace. I kind of like that its different that way, kind of a slice of life anthology movie in the Star Wars universe.

It might have actually played better if it wasn't told in chronological order.

Its almost a SW "Pulp Fiction" with regard to its characters. Obi-Wan and Qui Gon are Jules and Vince Vega on their way to a mundane trade dispute that gets messy. They pick up Marvin (Jar Jar) who makes things even messier and a briefcase full of midichlorians that makes everyone crap their pants (Anakin.)

It would obviously break from SW tradition but I'd love to see a Tarantino-style edit of TPM. Maybe start with the Maul/Qui Gon Tatooine duel then the two Jedi en route to the Federation Starship and have each remaining scene also told out of sequence with chapter headers (Showdown on Naboo, The Pod Race, The Shmi Situation, etc.) Somebody should do that. :D

Mace Windu: "Do you see a sign outside the Jedi Council that says White Slave Boy Storage?"