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I kinda get where Jye is coming from. He overlooks the ST's flaws because it gave him the Big Three, I overlook the PT's flaws because it gave me a back story for the OT.

I can admit the ST is better executed, but I'm just not as invested in the new generation.
I cannot go with him on that. The OT gave me the Big Three. I have no need for the depressing versions that they brought back just to get butts in seats only to kill them all off one by one.
See for me I find it more depressing how we went from a masterpiece like ESB to goofy ROTJ.

Sure ROTJ has an epic 3rd act with dancing ewoks and smiling ghosts to celebrate the fall of the empire but at the end of the day those characters were severely let down thanks to a burnt out Lucas.

In the ST while all 3 main characters were never together onscreen and their futures ended up grim at least they were better handled than their ROTJ doppelg?ngers.

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Nah. When I weigh that against the uninspired, repetitious mediocrity of the 3 ST films overall and the uninteresting new main characters we're forced to endure I still end up favouring ROTJ as the last hurrah for the Big Three.
I cannot go with him on that. The OT gave me the Big Three. I have no need for the depressing versions that they brought back just to get butts in seats only to kill them all off one by one.

I would tend to agree. I really wanted to see them all together at least one more time and we didn't get that. Hopefully newer movies will take the time to develop the new characters and story so we can enjoy something new. My go to Star Wars movies are Rogue One and the original trilogy. Solo is fun and better than I expected.
I would tend to agree. I really wanted to see them all together at least one more time and we didn't get that. Hopefully newer movies will take the time to develop the new characters and story so we can enjoy something new. My go to Star Wars movies are Rogue One and the original trilogy. Solo is fun and better than I expected.


And this monumental failure was secured from the very first movie of the trilogy.
Anakin (with Matt Lantner's voice) helps Ben see the Light:

Rey summons the Chosen One:

God, why didn't that happen.

That was literally the only thing that would have redeemed the ST for me. The only thing that would have allowed me to accept it as some alternate, yet begrudgingly acceptable timeline despite still being ultimately stupid with the force ghost interference. The only thing that truly would have meant the RISE OF SKYWALKER and tie all 3 trilogies together.

**** man! Why didn't they do this.
Cause it sets up the characters in the previous movie and gives them conflict to deal with now they must learn to fight alone instead of together. Duh. ST fans don't really get story and development huh? Lol
God, why didn't that happen.

That was literally the only thing that would have redeemed the ST for me. The only thing that would have allowed me to accept it as some alternate, yet begrudgingly acceptable timeline despite still being ultimately stupid with the force ghost interference. The only thing that truly would have meant the RISE OF SKYWALKER and tie all 3 trilogies together.

**** man! Why didn't they do this.

Lol you and me both no why. They lacked passion and understanding. They just wanted to get people like JYE in seats. People who will see the movie film cause it has OT callbacks. They have no interest in making a grand story.

Soryy JYE but Disney loves you lol
They also were never going to sideline their female protagonist like that, even if it really would have made more sense in the grand scheme of the saga to have Anakin return to kill off Palpatine for good....again. :rolleyes2
I cannot go with him on that. The OT gave me the Big Three. I have no need for the depressing versions that they brought back just to get butts in seats only to kill them all off one by one.

See for me I find it more depressing how we went from a masterpiece like ESB to goofy ROTJ.

Sure ROTJ has an epic 3rd act with dancing ewoks and smiling ghosts to celebrate the fall of the empire but at the end of the day those characters were severely let down thanks to a burnt out Lucas.

In the ST while all 3 main characters were never together onscreen and their futures ended up grim at least they were better handled than their ROTJ doppelg?ngers.

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I don't think I originally felt that way.. But watching ROTJ this last time I could not get over how awful the big three were.. Well Luke was ok but oh so boring. I mean Ford and Fisher make Jake Llyod performance look Oscar worthy in comparison. Then I followed up with the ST. Ford and Hamill put in a great performance. Fisher was not as good as the other two but so much better the Coked out Zombie that was in ROTJ.

God, why didn't that happen.

That was literally the only thing that would have redeemed the ST for me. The only thing that would have allowed me to accept it as some alternate, yet begrudgingly acceptable timeline despite still being ultimately stupid with the force ghost interference. The only thing that truly would have meant the RISE OF SKYWALKER and tie all 3 trilogies together.

**** man! Why didn't they do this.

Blah.. There would be zero emotion if it was Anakin. That Kylo scene is literally one of the best if not the best emotional scene in the entire saga. Why would anyone want to change that?

As for the final scene... Maybe.. I don't know. I felt it was all there anyways with the voices and knowing they were there in Rey.

And this monumental failure was secured from the very first movie of the trilogy.

Yes Sir and for me I knew it would be downhill from there for me. And yes Khev Empire only had them together in the one scene but the story built around them had stakes and you didn't know if they would see each other again. I cared for the characters and wanted to see them all make it through. With the new trilogy there was very little character development since they changed directors for each film and they changed things on the fly. Wasted opportunities on Finn and Poe. Instead we got Mom jokes and Finn screaming Rey every scene.

And this monumental failure was secured from the very first movie of the trilogy.

Yes and no. If we talking about a non action scene then yes. That would have been nice. If it was an action scene I am not so sure it would have played well. Ford and Hamill could have pulled it off. Fisher would have ruined it.

However Since it is a sequel to the OT I don't think they have to share the screen. It would have been nice but ultimately I didn't feel it was needed.

They shared the screen in ROTJ and the results were not pretty :lol
Yes Sir and for me I knew it would be downhill from there for me. And yes Khev Empire only had them together in the one scene but the story built around them had stakes and you didn't know if they would see each other again. I cared for the characters and wanted to see them all make it through. With the new trilogy there was very little character development since they changed directors for each film and they changed things on the fly. Wasted opportunities on Finn and Poe. Instead we got Mom jokes and Finn screaming Rey every scene.

TLJ would be made 50% better if Finn and Poe went on the mission together instead of Finn and Rose.

They tried to do a bit of ESB with that film by separating them but it just did not work. Separating them was not the issue. The Plots surround Finn and Poe i that film is.

TFA was Rey and Finn's movie since Poe was originally supposed to die early in the film.

Its too bad that it took the third film to get them together because I think they all share great chemistry together

Finn was the only character that i thought got the short end of the stick. I still like him but he was wasted.

As for the whole Separating them in Empire for drama and story. Yes. I think Khev understands that. But I would argue that is why they are separated in the ST. As I have said the event of Kylo Ren is what separated the team. They needed to separate them. It was the only thing that made sense to allow another Empire to rise.

I like that TFA is Hans movie
TLJ is Luke's
TROS would have Leia's but it was not meant to be.
I like that TFA is Hans movie
TLJ is Luke's
TROS would have Leia's but it was not meant to be.

Yep I like that each ST film focused on a different OT cast member. It would have been great to see them all on screen again together but at the end of the day it would have just been a fun fan service moment and not necessary to the overall storytelling. Certainly nothing to throw the whole trilogy out over.

And when I watched ROTJ again I did find myself glad that Han's last spoken line of the Saga was not him saying "When he comes back, I won't get in the way" and then looking confused and goofy when Leia kissed him, lol.
ROTJ has so many cringe moments.

Leia should have kissed a wookie lol

Wicket snorts cocaine off her stomach :horror

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