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Agree with ajp emperor lines are iconic as all hell.

I am also a fan of the 97 celebration song but I also still enjoy the original.


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Agree with ajp emperor lines are iconic as all hell.

I am also a fan of the 97 celebration song but I also still enjoy the original.


Yeah no shame in Yub Nub since it was there from the beginning but 1997 song does do a better job of feeling like an epic trilogy is coming to a close. Yub Nub sounds like something out of Fraggle Rock, lol.
Yeah no shame in Yub Nub since it was there from the beginning but 1997 song does do a better job of feeling like an epic trilogy is coming to a close. Yub Nub sounds like something out of Fraggle Rock, lol.

:lol :lol

I view yub nub as the smaller celebration song to celebrate the victory of winning back the Ewok neighborhood while 97 is more befitting of saving the galaxy.

Besides never go full Lando clapping with yub nub....shudders the thought.

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:lol :lol

I view yub nub as the smaller celebration song to celebrate the victory of winning back the Ewok village neighborhood while 97 is more befitting of saving the galaxy.

Besides never go full Lando clapping with yub nub....shudders the thought.

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Maybe Lando was having a hard time clapping because he was used to pimp slapping. Different set of muscles guys.
What? Too low? ;)

:lol :lol :lol

Yep. All good stuff.


1.) Yeah, acting definitely could've been better. Fisher was mostly okay until the Endor bridge stuff.

Ok her Bikini was good :) but She was never very good acting wise.. Maybe when she said "General.. Count me in" That was delivered well :lol

2.) Luke is a bore!? Wow, I couldn't disagree more. He developed more of a quiet confidence and understated demeanor overall, but I think that lines up really well with his evolution into becoming a Jedi. And Vader had to be more subdued in order for the redemption to work at the end. If he's full badass Vader for most of the movie, his turn at the end just becomes a disjointed plot convenience. Would've been worse, IMO.

Oh don't get me wrong he is the best part of the movie (besides Jabba). But he just was so "Meh" I know he is becoming a Jedi and he is getting his emotions in check but by doing that they made him less interesting IMO. He went from an OT Luke to a Luke that would fit better in the PT :lol

I agree about Vader.. But something more was just off... Was it James Earl Jones' voice performance? IDK.. Perhaps if they spent less time with Ewoks and more time with Vader's arc it could have been done better.

3.) Luke's "plan" was a definite mess. :lol But the "muppet show" in Jabba's palace is some of my favorite stuff. To this day I can't believe all the work and execution that went into that. Love it! Stuff like Jabba and the Max Rebo Band were imaginative and pulled off exceptionally well. Some others just stood there, but still added flavor to the scenery. Man, we are on total opposite ends of this one. :lol

I was easily my fav part as a kid. Everything I had related to ROTJ when I was a kid focused around Jabba's palace. Today it just goes on too long for me. That seems to be one of my issues with ROTJ.. The stuff i am not crazy about goes on too long (Jabba's palace, Ewok village, Luke staring out windows, battle of Endor) and the stuff I like is very short (Space battle, Luke and Vader saber duel)

4.) Wow. That's harsh.

:lol :lol

I do like the Rebel Briefing :)

5.) Understandable. But since that ground battle happens in a way that's mixed with the space battle and throne room, its weakness is lessened for me.

I think I get frustrated because most of the time is spent on the ground with the battle of Endor while all the great stuff is happening in space and eventually on the Death Star. So I just find myself saying "Hurry up will ya"

6.) Luke is fighting himself at that window. He's seeing everything (and everyone) he cares about get destroyed by a trap. He's feeling helpless watching it, but knows that turning around and taking action is exactly what the Emperor wants.

I get that.. Its just not directed well enough for me I guess.. It lacks drama. Maybe some dialogue back and forth would have helped.. Instead its all the Emperor taunting Luke and Luke just looking out the window.. In very basic and boring shots.

7.) Yep. I can agree with that. :lol

I cant believe that George brought it back for the PT.. Wait Yes I can.. George was the original Troll. :lol

Are you kidding? Palpatine alone accounts for a bunch! "Oh no, my young Jedi. You will find that it is *you* who are mistaken, about a great..many...things." and "So be it, Jedi." and "Oh, I'm afraid the deflector shield will be quite operational when your friends arrive." and "Young fool... Only now, at the end, do you understand."

In all honesty I did not even think of the villains for some reason.. Still ROTJ has to be the least quoted of the tree films. I do like the "Young fool... etc.. " Line a lot
Yoda: "That face you make... look I so old to young eyes?" and "There is another"

I do like That face you make.. Look I so old to young eyes" and "When 900 years old you reach look as good you will not"

The "there is another" I would not call classic at all... I had the story of Record and I never knew what the hell he was saying :lol

Luke and Han: "How we doin?" "Same as always." "That bad, huh?"

Good but not OT great :)

Luke and Han again: "I used to live here, y'know." "You're gonna die here, y'know. Convenient."

That was a good one.

Ill add a few

Vader: "You are unwise to lower your Defenses", "Give yourself to the Dark Side", and pretty much his whole opening dialogue on the Death Star is gold.. Add that scene to things I love about the film also.

So OK it has some.. But nothing like the other two... I never see it get quoted that much.. Maybe I never notice as its such a part of us now.

I too hope you come back around to it. It's no ANH or ESB, but it has a lot going for it. And the bad acting is only really problematic in relatively minor moments. Here's hopin' you rediscover your childhood love for ROTJ someday. :duff

Its SW.. I'll never hate it. The stuff I like will always be gold. I was just shocked because the acting took such a turn.. And while I knew it did I don't think seeing Harrison Fords performance sandwiched between ESB and TFA did it any favors.

But of course I have no issues with people loving it.. I will always like it... It will just never be a fav of mine.
Ok her Bikini was good :) but She was never very good acting wise.. Maybe when she said "General.. Count me in" That was delivered well :lol

:lol :lol :lol

Oh don't get me wrong he is the best part of the movie (besides Jabba). But he just was so "Meh" I know he is becoming a Jedi and he is getting his emotions in check but by doing that they made him less interesting IMO. He went from an OT Luke to a Luke that would fit better in the PT :lol

I agree about Vader.. But something more was just off... Was it James Earl Jones' voice performance? IDK.. Perhaps if they spent less time with Ewoks and more time with Vader's arc it could have been done better.

I guess I can understand why you wanted Luke to have a more energetic or lively vibe. But I don't find his portrayal in ROTJ boring at all because it works so well with the things he's wrestling with. Not just being more in control of his emotions to be like a true Jedi, but the whole time confronting the idea of killing his father and how to avoid that. I like that his change is consistent enough with such a heavy burden as he concludes his journey. Makes the ending more of a triumphant release, IMO.

Whenever I watch movies (even silly sci-fi/fantasy ones), the characters' behaviors and attitudes need to gel with their circumstances and priorities. Luke has to act differently as he becomes a Jedi, and then also has to deal with a major dilemma. After he watched Yoda die, then spoke to Obi-Wan about not being able to kill his father, a more lively/fun Luke wouldn't have worked for me. That kind of dissonance usually takes me right out of a film.

But I'm not gonna disagree with you about less time on Ewoks in favor of more time on Vader. :lol Definitely could've elevated ROTJ even more.

I was easily my fav part as a kid. Everything I had related to ROTJ when I was a kid focused around Jabba's palace. Today it just goes on too long for me. That seems to be one of my issues with ROTJ.. The stuff i am not crazy about goes on too long (Jabba's palace, Ewok village, Luke staring out windows, battle of Endor) and the stuff I like is very short (Space battle, Luke and Vader saber duel)

I think I get frustrated because most of the time is spent on the ground with the battle of Endor while all the great stuff is happening in space and eventually on the Death Star. So I just find myself saying "Hurry up will ya"

That makes sense. But Jabba's palace is like a gold mine for me because of how imaginitive and exotic some of those concepts were, so I can't really ever relate to that part dragging. But of course I would've loved more space battle and throne room too. No doubt!

I get that.. Its just not directed well enough for me I guess.. It lacks drama. Maybe some dialogue back and forth would have helped.. Instead its all the Emperor taunting Luke and Luke just looking out the window.. In very basic and boring shots.

This probably comes back to being almost like a small version of a character-study thing. I appreciate the extended tension and conflict that Luke must be feeling. I don't mind when that stuff gets dragged out.

I cant believe that George brought it back for the PT.. Wait Yes I can.. George was the original Troll. :lol


In all honesty I did not even think of the villains for some reason.. Still ROTJ has to be the least quoted of the tree films. I do like the "Young fool... etc.. " Line a lot

I do like That face you make.. Look I so old to young eyes" and "When 900 years old you reach look as good you will not"

The "there is another" I would not call classic at all... I had the story of Record and I never knew what the hell he was saying :lol

Good but not OT great :)

That was a good one.

Ill add a few

Vader: "You are unwise to lower your Defenses", "Give yourself to the Dark Side", and pretty much his whole opening dialogue on the Death Star is gold.. Add that scene to things I love about the film also.

So OK it has some.. But nothing like the other two... I never see it get quoted that much.. Maybe I never notice as its such a part of us now.

Nice additions to the quote collection. :hi5:

Its SW.. I'll never hate it. The stuff I like will always be gold. I was just shocked because the acting took such a turn.. And while I knew it did I don't think seeing Harrison Fords performance sandwiched between ESB and TFA did it any favors.

But of course I have no issues with people loving it.. I will always like it... It will just never be a fav of mine.

Understood. As for Ford's performance, he wasn't happy with Han's role in ROTJ and would've preferred the character to have made a grand sacrifice. Easy to see how that would seep into his acting. Plus I don't think Marquand got what he should've out of the actors. Maybe with George over his shoulder, I'm making an unfair assessment there, though.

I guess I can understand why you wanted Luke to have a more energetic or lively vibe. But I don't find his portrayal in ROTJ boring at all because it works so well with the things he's wrestling with. Not just being more in control of his emotions to be like a true Jedi, but the whole time confronting the idea of killing his father and how to avoid that. I like that his change is consistent enough with such a heavy burden as he concludes his journey. Makes the ending more of a triumphant release, IMO.

Whenever I watch movies (even silly sci-fi/fantasy ones), the characters' behaviors and attitudes need to gel with their circumstances and priorities. Luke has to act differently as he becomes a Jedi, and then also has to deal with a major dilemma. After he watched Yoda die, then spoke to Obi-Wan about not being able to kill his father, a more lively/fun Luke wouldn't have worked for me. That kind of dissonance usually takes me right out of a film.

I think if Han and Leia were handled better I would have been 100% fine with Luke.. Because Han and Leia are such a let down for me all my attention is on the one actor who gave a ****... So I guess I put even more burden on him :lol

But I'm not gonna disagree with you about less time on Ewoks in favor of more time on Vader. :lol Definitely could've elevated ROTJ even more.

Yes it could have helped. Like i said I don't mind the Ewoks as characters.. Just so much time is spent with and focused on them.

That makes sense. But Jabba's palace is like a gold mine for me because of how imaginitive and exotic some of those concepts were, so I can't really ever relate to that part dragging. But of course I would've loved more space battle and throne room too. No doubt!

I will forever love Jabba himself and will always find the Palace scene watchable because of him. I really wish Spielberg could have directed like was originally planed (I believe) or Irving Kushner. I think many of the issue I have could be fixed with a more competent director.

This probably comes back to being almost like a small version of a character-study thing. I appreciate the extended tension and conflict that Luke must be feeling. I don't mind when that stuff gets dragged out.

Irving Kushner would have done it better :lol I get what you are saying.. If there was no Endor battle going on and it was just going back and forth between the space battle and Luke I think I would be much more agreeable to all of that. :)

Understood. As for Ford's performance, he wasn't happy with Han's role in ROTJ and would've preferred the character to have make a grand sacrifice. Easy to see how that would seep into his acting. Plus I don't think Marquand got what he should've out of the actors. Maybe with George over his shoulder, I'm making an unfair assessment there, though.

This.. I didn't even see your Marquand comment till I started to reply to you so all of the above comments I made are something we both seem to think may have been the problem.

Great conversation about Jedi... Perhaps next time I watch it I will focus on the positives and think about the things that you love and why.. Sometimes that helps when watching a film I am not crazy for :)
All right ST/Dinsey lovers, some questions.

- Explain why Anakin's lightsaber calls to a Sith Lord's granddaughter.

- Why does Palpatine broacast his return BEFORE his ships are ready to launch? He isn't stupid, but the ST sure is.

- Reminder that the entire battle of Exegol revolves around the fact that the Death Star Destroyers need to leave Exegol in order to activate their shields, but they can't leave Exegol, because the Final Order don't know how to fly a ship upwards! :lol

- Giving some real life context to the ridiculousness of Palpy?s return:

Spoiler Spoiler:

- Explain why Rey had to be superior to Luke in every way, as a person and as a Jedi. Why she believes Kylo can be redeemed when Luke does not, even though he knows and experienced this situation before in the OT. They turned him into the old ways of the Jedi when he was supposed to be the new.

- Kylo turns back to the light for the dumbest reason imaginable, either from his mom mind raping him or a figment of his imagination. Look up Jacen Solo for how somebody really turns.

- Rey's "romance." Explain it.

Spoiler Spoiler:

- Live look at KK when Disney bought Star Wars

Spoiler Spoiler:

- Reminder that the guy that Rey sold her scraps to, Unkar Plutt was holding young Rey?s arm in the flashback implying he is the one that raised her yet there doesn?t seem to be any sort of relationship between them in The Force Awakens, be it a good one or a bad one.

- Just imagine if in 2013 someone told you that the Sequels will have Luke acting as a Jedi in only one scene and then dies, there will be no Anakin Force Ghost and at the end of 9 the situation of the Galaxy is exactly as it was at the end of 6. No new republic, no new Jedi order. Defend that.

- Why do they try to desecrate Luke so much in everything?

Spoiler Spoiler:

I would so love to be in quarantine with her. :)

Pretty much everything that KK's SJW Story Group has put out in other media has sucked. Whoever wrote the novel that those lines are excerpted from is an idiot.

They literally staged RO so that no one in the Alliance would ever know who got the plans. All the Rebels know is that Admiral Raddus took the fleet to Scarif after someone stole their captured Imperial ship and gave a bogus callsign before departing. The only transmissions that were made were from Bodhi and no one in the Alliance really knew who he was either and almost certainly wouldn't have been able to figure out who he was based on his voice alone.

The writers of RO were very careful to make sure their movie synced up with ANH where General Dodonna gives Leia ALONE credit for obtaining the plans since they literally didn't know who specifically went down to get them from Scarif itself. That new writer is indeed a moron.
All right ST/Dinsey lovers, some questions.

- Explain why Anakin's lightsaber calls to a Sith Lord's granddaughter.

- Why does Palpatine broacast his return BEFORE his ships are ready to launch? He isn't stupid, but the ST sure is.

- Reminder that the entire battle of Exegol revolves around the fact that the Death Star Destroyers need to leave Exegol in order to activate their shields, but they can't leave Exegol, because the Final Order don't know how to fly a ship upwards! :lol

- Giving some real life context to the ridiculousness of Palpy?s return:

Spoiler Spoiler:

- Explain why Rey had to be superior to Luke in every way, as a person and as a Jedi. Why she believes Kylo can be redeemed when Luke does not, even though he knows and experienced this situation before in the OT. They turned him into the old ways of the Jedi when he was supposed to be the new.

- Kylo turns back to the light for the dumbest reason imaginable, either from his mom mind raping him or a figment of his imagination. Look up Jacen Solo for how somebody really turns.

- Rey's "romance." Explain it.

Spoiler Spoiler:

- Live look at KK when Disney bought Star Wars

Spoiler Spoiler:

- Reminder that the guy that Rey sold her scraps to, Unkar Plutt was holding young Rey?s arm in the flashback implying he is the one that raised her yet there doesn?t seem to be any sort of relationship between them in The Force Awakens, be it a good one or a bad one.

- Just imagine if in 2013 someone told you that the Sequels will have Luke acting as a Jedi in only one scene and then dies, there will be no Anakin Force Ghost and at the end of 9 the situation of the Galaxy is exactly as it was at the end of 6. No new republic, no new Jedi order. Defend that.

- Why do they try to desecrate Luke so much in everything?

Spoiler Spoiler:

I am going to let someone else go over all this.. Frankly I am exhausted running around in circles with you Ducky. A lot of these questions you ask have been discussed [FONT=Verdana,Geneva,sans-serif]ad nauseam and many have been discussed with you personally.

I don't even know what you are trying to do anymore :lol

Also this comment
- Kylo turns back to the light for the dumbest reason imaginable, either from his mom mind raping him or a figment of his imagination. Look up Jacen Solo for how somebody really turns.

No offence but are you playing dumb? Leia calling out to Kylo was mind raping? I guess Obi Wan Mind Raped Luke in ANH also? Did Luke Mind rape leia in ESB?

Sorry Ducky. I am not biting this time. I am just going to enjoy me some Star Wars :)
