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Man I'm so glad I don't give a flying rip about whatever rumors or theories might or might not be in development to "fix" Star Wars. Retcon this, decanonize that, whatever. I've got my canon Saga at home and memories of experiencing everything properly on the big screen so LFL can do whatever they want from here on out.

If they want to "Dark Fate" the ST (not that I actually believe they will) go ahead. That worked out so well for Terminator, lol.

Never bought the 4K/blu-ray; I have no desire to see it again. Wish I hadn't bothered with buying the other two ST movies, either.

Well, TBH, IMO u are better off. Finally saw it again and IMO it's worse the second time around. First time I wasn't even sure of everything that had happened. Second time I really "got" what they are trying to do with Rey, which hadn't sunk in.

To get to that level would've needed an epic set of films with far more talent, buildup, script, and editing than Abrams & co. could pull off. There's people who can do that kind of thing and Abrams isn't one of them.

So I sat there thinking this movie is pretty cringe. Lots of potential but - look, IMO it just sucks. U can't even watch it as a guilty pleasure. Because there's no weight or whatever it is that draws people into the hero's journey, Rey just isn't believable. Besides all the other stuff like Kylo just keeling over and the million CGI Death Stars that can't navigate WTF.

Feel for the actors tho.
I thought was back to a "rumour"...

Well, from a supposed source at LFL - if the source is reliable.

Separately, that it will be a Broom Boy trilogy - no great surprise.

In fact that?s probably how RJ sold TLJ to LFL - as a launchpad for a new story arc (since they were so obviously bereft of other ideas).
I better warn JAWS that a mysterious dude on youtube hated TROS I hope he doesn?t take it too hard...


Poor Khev what will this devastating news do to him..


:lol :lol :lol
Lol how ignorant and narrow minded are some ST supporters. "I don't care if they retcon this or that I just love Rey and nothing will ever top it". Just stick their head in the sand and not even willing to give a retcon a chance.
Lol how ignorant and narrow minded are some ST supporters. "I don't care if they retcon this or that I just love Rey and nothing will ever top it". Just stick their head in the sand and not even willing to give a retcon a chance.

Keep up the great contribution to the forum. Your insight is so valuable.
And RJ will forever be tied to the most hated and divisive Star Wars property ever. His Star Wars tenure is over.

I really hope so. Even thought there are parts of TLJ that i enjoy, most of it is just boring and uneventful. It is the least "Star Wars" feeling of the saga and I did not care for any of the new characters.

I know we differ on how we feel about TROS. It saved the ST for me and helped me to appreciate TFA a little more. But the ST will always have that big annoyance right in the middle that will always leave a sour taste in my mouth when I think of the ST.

Much like TCW I will always be frustrated when I have to watch it to complete the saga.

So yeah.. Keep him as far away as possible from Star Wars.
Lol well I tried to see the value and story when watching these characters. Watched a few clips last night and everything is just so bad. The fighting, the dialogue, the way they explain things. Yea rots had **** dialogue but damn I still find myself liking the characters. ST characters are so boring and cookie cutter
Lol well I tried to see the value and story when watching these characters. Watched a few clips last night and everything is just so bad. The fighting, the dialogue, the way they explain things. Yea rots had **** dialogue but damn I still find myself liking the characters. ST characters are so boring and cookie cutter

Hmmmmm Interesting.. I find the characters in the ST to be its strong point. I really like Kylo and love the OT characters of course. I thought Rey was good overall and found her charismatic. Both Kylo and Rey were the least interesting in TLJ. Finn was great in TFA but sadly misused in the next two films. I thought Poe was his best in TROS.

As for the PT I find the characters one of the weaker elements. Granted much of that has to do with the cheesy Dialogue and some very wooden acting. Obi Wan is ok but I have never really been a fan. My feelings about Anakin and how he is portrayed and acted are well documented and Padme is IMO just very very boring. Other then Anakin worrying about her death she could not be in the films and she would not be missed.. She is kinda like Finn that way :lol. I really don't like Yoda or any of the jedi counsel.

The Emperor, Maul, and Qui Gon are great. I find Jar Jar to be more interesting then most other side characters :lol

Ric Olie is the best character in the PT.


The PT is without question the more solid overall story though and some of the action are the main thing that keeps me coming back.

Kylo Ren, Rey, the OT characters and some of the action are the main things that will keep me coming back for the ST
I did my best to come to terms with TROS in finding the redeemable aspects in all the madness. As a fan of TFA and TLJ, I thought I owed this trilogy at least that. Conclusion I came to is that there's some decent ideas in there trying to burst out of the complete derivative and mediocre writing. I kept seeing nothing but the script coming out of these characters with no real agency or clearly defined motivation. Apart from that it absolutely fails at rounding off this saga let alone feeling like a 'SW' movie despite its poor attempts at making me think it was.

For the new characters: Rey's lineage did more to damage her character than any of the 'Mary Sue' arguments ever did; Finn does less in this film than he does in TLJ; Poe was stronger whenever he was on ground until the end when he just literally becomes a perspective of the sky battle for the audience; Kylo Ren definitely could have used more screen-time; Rose is embarrassingly shoved into a corner.

The old: Leia's death was really neat; a very expensive Ford cameo; a Hamill appearance to get Rey to point A to B; Billy Dee looking like he was having the time of his life which I was happy about; Ian was great to see again despite the writer's having no utility for his character besides as the big bad with nebulous plans.
Hmmmmm Interesting.. I find the characters in the ST to be its strong point. I really like Kylo and love the OT characters of course. I thought Rey was good overall and found her charismatic. Both Kylo and Rey were the least interesting in TLJ. Finn was great in TFA but sadly misused in the next two films. I thought Poe was his best in TROS.

As for the PT I find the characters one of the weaker elements. Granted much of that has to do with the cheesy Dialogue and some very wooden acting. Obi Wan is ok but I have never really been a fan. My feelings about Anakin and how he is portrayed and acted are well documented and Padme is IMO just very very boring. Other then Anakin worrying about her death she could not be in the films and she would not be missed.. She is kinda like Finn that way :lol. I really don't like Yoda or any of the jedi counsel.

The Emperor, Maul, and Qui Gon are great. I find Jar Jar to be more interesting then most other side characters :lol

Ric Olie is the best character in the PT.


The PT is without question the more solid overall story though and some of the action are the main thing that keeps me coming back.

Kylo Ren, Rey, the OT characters and some of the action are the main things that will keep me coming back for the ST

Damn. I honestly can?t see what you see. Those characters are very bland aside from kylo. Rey is the worst imo. Probably the most boring main character put on screen. No development, no charm, no memorable moments. Just awful. Finn was wasted and had the greatest potential. He should of been the lead and Poe was just some cliche pilot.
But hey we been over this soooooooo many times lol