Hmmmmm Interesting.. I find the characters in the ST to be its strong point. I really like Kylo and love the OT characters of course. I thought Rey was good overall and found her charismatic. Both Kylo and Rey were the least interesting in TLJ. Finn was great in TFA but sadly misused in the next two films. I thought Poe was his best in TROS.
As for the PT I find the characters one of the weaker elements. Granted much of that has to do with the cheesy Dialogue and some very wooden acting. Obi Wan is ok but I have never really been a fan. My feelings about Anakin and how he is portrayed and acted are well documented and Padme is IMO just very very boring. Other then Anakin worrying about her death she could not be in the films and she would not be missed.. She is kinda like Finn that way
. I really don't like Yoda or any of the jedi counsel.
The Emperor, Maul, and Qui Gon are great. I find Jar Jar to be more interesting then most other side characters
Ric Olie is the best character in the PT.
The PT is without question the more solid overall story though and some of the action are the main thing that keeps me coming back.
Kylo Ren, Rey, the OT characters and some of the action are the main things that will keep me coming back for the ST