Disney has no authority over me. Just because they own the "rights" to the property doesn't mean it's "real."
What happened to Luke, Leia, Han, Chewie, Lando, and the droids after their Endor party? Who knows. It's entirely up to you.
If you reject this Disney ******** corporate lifeless soulless **** like I do, then just refuse to accept it. You need someone to hold your hand and officially announce it's not "canon?" I don't. It was never canon to me. The story ended with Leia pulling Luke back into his circle of friends, after he said goodbye to the ghosts of his past. What happens next is wide open.
I guess if you LIKE the idea of the three of them wasting their lives and dying pointless deaths, with all of their heroics amounting to nothing, that's your choice.
I don't think those characters would let that happen to them. I think they're stronger than that.
The Emperor is dead. Anakin Skywalker is redeemed. There is and never will be any character known as "Rey."
That's how I see it. Just cause the biggest corporation in the world hired a bunch of salty middle aged women to take a big old Cleveland Steamer on the trilogy I was raised on doesn't make it valid in the slightest. Anyone with enough money can do anything. Disney could make Citizen Kane 2 where he jumps out of bed and starts dancing around the room, but it'll never be "canon."
Anyway....I'm rambling again. This stinking thread does that to me. TL;DR F Disney in the A. Without lube.