I love SW especially the OT.. I love SW and the OT so much that I liked each PT film the first couple of times I watched them.. As uncomfortable as the acting, directing and dialogue made me I still liked them.. Because they were SW.
Then I just could not get past how much I disliked AOTC and what they did with ninja Yoda and how Anakin really did nothing except kill some kids and get his butt beat by the only Jedi he came up against. How his wife died of a broken heart and how he was tricked into this all in the first place.. It all drove me crazy.
But I still loved SW and the OT.. So I still watched the PT because it was SW but it was non canon to me.
Then came TFA.. All I could think was WTF did everyone love it. Why?? You had this mary sue of a main character, you turned Han into an absente father, you had an unimaginative copy of ANH.. Why was it loved?
Then came TLJ.. I was out.. I lost all interest in SW.. Even the OT was being effected.. 5 straight films of subpar SW films.. Damn it!!!!
Then came TROS. Ultimately the film that saved the Skywalker saga for me. I dont know what to say. It rekindled my love for all things SW. I love the OT as much as I ever did. I found enjoyment out of TFA and excepted the PT for what it was / is. I started buying SW items again. Books and statues... I keep coming back to this thread.. Talking about this one movie. IDK what to say. With 4 viewings I still fully enjoy most of the movie with my only issues really being the stupid cave scene and the plot of the knife. Everything else was perfect for me.
I love that all questions in the film are not answered.. I love that I have to make up some head canon.. I use to do that with the OT before there was ever a PT or ST.
Yes I would have loved if the TFA hinted at the Emperor always being there (I know many don't like that but it brings it full circle for me) that way it would not have felt so forced.
But I fully enjoy the film. Its not perfect just like most of the films are not.
But being a SW fan goes a bit deeper then the films. Its the Universe.
I have said it before and I will say it again.
Nobody gives the PT the time of day if its not a SW film. Not with that acting, scripts, and direction.. Those movies would have stopped after TPM. You know how I know that.. John Carter of Mars.. That's how
Same thing goes for the ST. The lack of imagination with TFA would have put that film DOA.
But they ARE SW films.. We love the universe and the way the OT made us feel.
Its that love that makes us so angry when things don't go our way and meet our expectations.. its why we continue coming back even when those expectations are not met.
Its why this thread has over 20,000 replies while Endgame only has 7000.