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I've read that the Holiday Special was the source of childhood trauma for some.

I didn't watch it until much, much later. It's a strange curio, whose only real point of interest is the appearance of Boba Fett. I guess it got on the aeroplane due to its proximity to the source and associated historical significance.

The real Dark Passengers are the PT and ST. Both born during brutal attempted murders of Star Wars, first at the hands of George Lucas, then at the hands of Kathleen Kennedy, even if done so only out of misplaced sentiment.

Lucas came at the PT with a different mindset. If original Star Wars was anti-imperialist, anti-Vietnam War, the PT was anti-imperialist post Gulf War. He was now more concerned with the political machinations of how empires are built, not just through brute force, but through propaganda and misinformation.

The ST is likewise self-conscious, but now more concerned with the gender war. Poe Dameron had to be made an example of due to his reckless 'toxic masculinity', but it was only a temporary punishment until he'd learned his lesson.

In the OT it wasn't so on the nose. Leia repeatedly attacked Han for his reckless, selfish behaviour, and it was all part of the humour and his roguish nature. He makes the right call at the end of Star Wars when he returns to the Battle of Yavin.

In the ST the bringing down of Poe was humourless and humiliating.

Lucas and Kennedy couldn't kill Star Wars though. There are too many hands fighting to keep it alive, those who remember what Star Wars originally was.

Rather than dying it adapted into lifelines such as Rogue One, Solo and The Mandalorian.

To continue...

There's nothing inherently wrong with agendas in films or series, since almost everything will have an agenda. It's unavoidable as creators don't exist in a vacuum. They're a product of and a part of society. It just comes down to how well that agenda fits into the narrative, or how it makes its presence felt at the expense of the narrative.

Lucas knew he was going into some heavy material with the PT. He was departing from the hokey space yarn he'd created, and was going to pull back the curtain and show the Wizard at work rather than just the work itself. So, there's fake trade negotiations, a fake trade war, a fake army, all in order to set the conditions required for the Wizard to create the 'Land of Oz' Lucas showed us in the OT.

On top of that Lucas was going into a darker story - far darker than The Empire Strikes Back - that would involve slavery and child murder. But to get that point he had to lighten the load with clumsy comical elements, such as the camp nature of the battle droids or the slapstick nature of Jar Jar Binks.

The two sides of this story don't gel. Not nearly as well as the humour and graphic violence had in the OT.

The ST is similarly clumsy, from the basic premise that they were making it up as they went along, and each film lays a trap for the next. OT heroes are wasted, as with Luke's loss of confidence culminating in his sacrifice - necessary because this trilogy is promoting Rey's journey, not the Skywalker legacy. Or Han meeting his end at the hands of his mentally defective 'son', who never actually rings true as being the product of either Han or Leia. Kylo is like Buffy's sister. She appears out of nowhere as if she's always been there, and makes you think you must've missed an episode in between.

The OT heroes were shoehorned into the ST, and because they were secondary to Rey's story their roles were marginalised. Ideally the story of Episodes VII-IX should have been saved for a potential X-XII. Harrison's reluctance to play Han Solo, a co-starring role compared to the preferred starring role of Indiana Jones, probably doomed such a project early on. At least he had plenty of adventures in the expanded universe novels, and it's impossible to read them and not imagine Harrison Ford's image and persona.

Which brings us back to Alden Ehrenreich. If they're ever going to tell the stories involving the heroes that lead up to The Force Awakens in live action, we'd have to get used to a whole new cast. That'll just be bait for some, going by how much hate Alden got for taking on the role of Han.

It's the ideal role for animation to fill this story telling gap. It seems they're still fixated on pre-OT clones though.

Great posts. As much as I like TROS I think its obvious from my other posts that i agree with you pretty much 100%

I would love an animated series that takes place post ROTJ / Pre TFA.

Who's Luca?

I've read that the Holiday Special was the source of childhood trauma for some.

I didn't watch it until much, much later. It's a strange curio, whose only real point of interest is the appearance of Boba Fett. I guess it got on the aeroplane due to its proximity to the source and associated historical significance.

The real Dark Passengers are the PT and ST. Both born during brutal attempted murders of Star Wars, first at the hands of George Lucas, then at the hands of Kathleen Kennedy, even if done so only out of misplaced sentiment.

Lucas came at the PT with a different mindset. If original Star Wars was anti-imperialist, anti-Vietnam War, the PT was anti-imperialist post Gulf War. He was now more concerned with the political machinations of how empires are built, not just through brute force, but through propaganda and misinformation.

The ST is likewise self-conscious, but now more concerned with the gender war. Poe Dameron had to be made an example of due to his reckless 'toxic masculinity', but it was only a temporary punishment until he'd learned his lesson.

In the OT it wasn't so on the nose. Leia repeatedly attacked Han for his reckless, selfish behaviour, and it was all part of the humour and his roguish nature. He makes the right call at the end of Star Wars when he returns to the Battle of Yavin.

In the ST the bringing down of Poe was humourless and humiliating.

Lucas and Kennedy couldn't kill Star Wars though. There are too many hands fighting to keep it alive, those who remember what Star Wars originally was.

Rather than dying it adapted into lifelines such as Rogue One, Solo and The Mandalorian.

To continue...

There's nothing inherently wrong with agendas in films or series, since almost everything will have an agenda. It's unavoidable as creators don't exist in a vacuum. They're a product of and a part of society. It just comes down to how well that agenda fits into the narrative, or how it makes its presence felt at the expense of the narrative.

Lucas knew he was going into some heavy material with the PT. He was departing from the hokey space yarn he'd created, and was going to pull back the curtain and show the Wizard at work rather than just the work itself. So, there's fake trade negotiations, a fake trade war, a fake army, all in order to set the conditions required for the Wizard to create the 'Land of Oz' Lucas showed us in the OT.

On top of that Lucas was going into a darker story - far darker than The Empire Strikes Back - that would involve slavery and child murder. But to get that point he had to lighten the load with clumsy comical elements, such as the camp nature of the battle droids or the slapstick nature of Jar Jar Binks.

The two sides of this story don't gel. Not nearly as well as the humour and graphic violence had in the OT.

The ST is similarly clumsy, from the basic premise that they were making it up as they went along, and each film lays a trap for the next. OT heroes are wasted, as with Luke's loss of confidence culminating in his sacrifice - necessary because this trilogy is promoting Rey's journey, not the Skywalker legacy. Or Han meeting his end at the hands of his mentally defective 'son', who never actually rings true as being the product of either Han or Leia. Kylo is like Buffy's sister. She appears out of nowhere as if she's always been there, and makes you think you must've missed an episode in between.

The OT heroes were shoehorned into the ST, and because they were secondary to Rey's story their roles were marginalised. Ideally the story of Episodes VII-IX should have been saved for a potential X-XII. Harrison's reluctance to play Han Solo, a co-starring role compared to the preferred starring role of Indiana Jones, probably doomed such a project early on. At least he had plenty of adventures in the expanded universe novels, and it's impossible to read them and not imagine Harrison Ford's image and persona.

Which brings us back to Alden Ehrenreich. If they're ever going to tell the stories involving the heroes that lead up to The Force Awakens in live action, we'd have to get used to a whole new cast. That'll just be bait for some, going by how much hate Alden got for taking on the role of Han.

It's the ideal role for animation to fill this story telling gap. It seems they're still fixated on pre-OT clones though.

That's quite a post (posts).

Let's face it: Lucas evolved from 1977 to 1999. And it was not for the betterment of Star Wars. His interests were elsewhere.

Unfortunately, Star Wars (ANH) and The Empire Strikes Back seem to be the anomalies. Even in 1978, the Holiday Special showed us what Lucas was capable of.

Further, after the first two, Lucas reigned supreme. ROTJ was driven by self-interest and toys. Nothing more. There is no love in that movie; it feels vacant. Something that had to be finished, quickly. Then, Lucas really took charge for the PT -- even taking on what he said he hated: directing. All three movies in fact. Why? Control. Nothing more. Once again, emphasis on toys. So much so there was even a Star Wars Night BEFORE the first trilogy movie even opened to unveil the toys. The Toys. And even moreso than ROTJ, the PT felt vacant of genuine emotion and purpose, disjointed, poorly structured and cluttered with "neat things" for toys.

I mean, what was the purpose of the PT? There is an argument that the OT is modern parable about Man vs Machine -- a story about a lone natural boy armed with only his spirit fighting against the Evil Machine (technology) that wants to engulf us all. But what was the PT in that sense? It really is nothing more than a long-winded lead-in to how Vader became Vader. If its a story about corruption, then why did Lucas make Anakin turn into Vader in literally 5 seconds in the 3rd movie? The idea of a 'tragedy for kids" doesn't even make sense. But we all know why it was made. Money and toys. There's not much more too it. At its heart, the only 'study in corruption' that comes from the PT is the story of Lucas himself, ruling over his realm and surrounded by McCallums.
That's quite a post (posts).

Let's face it: Lucas evolved from 1977 to 1999. And it was not for the betterment of Star Wars. His interests were elsewhere.

Unfortunately, Star Wars (ANH) and The Empire Strikes Back seem to be the anomalies. Even in 1978, the Holiday Special showed us what Lucas was capable of.

Further, after the first two, Lucas reigned supreme. ROTJ was driven by self-interest and toys. Nothing more. There is no love in that movie; it feels vacant. Something that had to be finished, quickly. Then, Lucas really took charge for the PT -- even taking on what he said he hated: directing. All three movies in fact. Why? Control. Nothing more. Once again, emphasis on toys. So much so there was even a Star Wars Night BEFORE the first trilogy movie even opened to unveil the toys. The Toys. And even moreso than ROTJ, the PT felt vacant of genuine emotion and purpose, disjointed, poorly structured and cluttered with "neat things" for toys.

I mean, what was the purpose of the PT? There is an argument that the OT is modern parable about Man vs Machine -- a story about a lone natural boy armed with only his spirit fighting against the Evil Machine (technology) that wants to engulf us all. But what was the PT in that sense? It really is nothing more than a long-winded lead-in to how Vader became Vader. If its a story about corruption, then why did Lucas make Anakin turn into Vader in literally 5 seconds in the 3rd movie? The idea of a 'tragedy for kids" doesn't even make sense. But we all know why it was made. Money and toys. There's not much more too it. At its heart, the only 'study in corruption' that comes from the PT is the story of Lucas himself, ruling over his realm and surrounded by McCallums.

That is hands-down your most savage post ever ever...EVER!

You just incinerated and then vaporized ducky, prime and ironwez lol

Dude ****ing brutal and savage!

What the hell is wrong with you who kicked your dog, pee in your cereal and banged your wife today sheesh you ******* savage did someone call you a Trump lover today or what lol

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Last edited:
If you think about this the ST could have been salvaged with just a few changes:

1) Make Ben Skywalker the main protagonist of the 3 story arc, the story should revolve around his growth as a jedi, If you do this small change it fixes so many issues (see below)

2) Have Rey be the main antagonist, the emperor's lost daughter via his clones son or his granddaughter whatever pleases you. Rey Murders Han Solo instead of Ben sending ben into an angry frenzy this is the first time his emotions have been truely tested as a jedi. luke has to calm him, teach him, remind him of the ways of the Jedi- ben listens to luke he does not allow his anger or hatred of Rey to consume him, he grows even stronger as a jedi. Unlike anakin, his grandfather he was able to reign in his emotions after losing his father when Anakin could not after the loss of his mother.

3) As a child he was protected, shielded from any dark forces by his powerful uncle and his loving parents. Their love and kindess prevented the darkside from corrupting ben. Rey had no such love growing up, so she was easily seduced to the darkside- pulled to it even as if it was part of her dna :)

4) Dont have the emperor come back unless you plan on explaining his return EG how he survived what his goals were have this planned out thru the 3 movie story arc. The explanation needs to be well thought out so it does not diminish anything the heroes did in the OT. If you cannot do this just use Rey as the main villian just dont have Ben kick her ass 2 times so she never posses any real threat too him.

5) Keep luke around assisting and Training ben and going on adventures with him, maybe have luke fight a few higher powered sith before Ben is ready since its still too early in the training (part 1), part 2 can expand this relationship and Ben's growth as a jedi, then in part 3 have Rey kill Luke using some sort of trickery so that it is not implied he was overpowered. Final Battle ensures with or without the emperor (depends on #4). Maybe adds some inquisitors or other darkside users so ben has a few tests and people to fight instead of just fighting rey all the time lol

6) Keep Rian Johnson in galaxy far far away from star wars sets- Carbon freezing would work nicely on him, then display him at museum of failed directors who ruined franchises
ROTJ was driven by self-interest and toys. Nothing more. There is no love in that movie; it feels vacant. Something that had to be finished, quickly.

ROTJ is the only Star Wars film I saw in the cinema. I was so hyped before, during and afterwards that I've never felt any animosity towards it. Jabba's palace is still my favourite location.

This will likely be the same for some of those who were at the right age for the Prequels or Sequels, and grew up with those heroes instead.

And yes, toys were the thing. Lucas got me at, "Collect them all!" Every trip to town or somewhere new meant the chance of seeing new Star Wars figures and vehicles.

I didn't maintain any nostalgia for Kenner though. I sold them all when I decided one sixth was what I liked best.
That's quite a post (posts).

Let's face it: Lucas evolved from 1977 to 1999. And it was not for the betterment of Star Wars. His interests were elsewhere.

Unfortunately, Star Wars (ANH) and The Empire Strikes Back seem to be the anomalies. Even in 1978, the Holiday Special showed us what Lucas was capable of.

Further, after the first two, Lucas reigned supreme. ROTJ was driven by self-interest and toys. Nothing more. There is no love in that movie; it feels vacant. Something that had to be finished, quickly. Then, Lucas really took charge for the PT -- even taking on what he said he hated: directing. All three movies in fact. Why? Control. Nothing more. Once again, emphasis on toys. So much so there was even a Star Wars Night BEFORE the first trilogy movie even opened to unveil the toys. The Toys. And even moreso than ROTJ, the PT felt vacant of genuine emotion and purpose, disjointed, poorly structured and cluttered with "neat things" for toys.

I mean, what was the purpose of the PT? There is an argument that the OT is modern parable about Man vs Machine -- a story about a lone natural boy armed with only his spirit fighting against the Evil Machine (technology) that wants to engulf us all. But what was the PT in that sense? It really is nothing more than a long-winded lead-in to how Vader became Vader. If its a story about corruption, then why did Lucas make Anakin turn into Vader in literally 5 seconds in the 3rd movie? The idea of a 'tragedy for kids" doesn't even make sense. But we all know why it was made. Money and toys. There's not much more too it. At its heart, the only 'study in corruption' that comes from the PT is the story of Lucas himself, ruling over his realm and surrounded by McCallums.

When of the best SW posts ever. Well done.
If you think about this the ST could have been salvaged with just a few changes:

1) Make Ben Skywalker the main protagonist of the 3 story arc, the story should revolve around his growth as a jedi, If you do this small change it fixes so many issues (see below)

2) Have Rey be the main antagonist, the emperor's lost daughter via his clones son or his granddaughter whatever pleases you. Rey Murders Han Solo instead of Ben sending ben into an angry frenzy this is the first time his emotions have been truely tested as a jedi. luke has to calm him, teach him, remind him of the ways of the Jedi- ben listens to luke he does not allow his anger or hatred of Rey to consume him, he grows even stronger as a jedi. Unlike anakin, his grandfather he was able to reign in his emotions after losing his father when Anakin could not after the loss of his mother.

3) As a child he was protected, shielded from any dark forces by his powerful uncle and his loving parents. Their love and kindess prevented the darkside from corrupting ben. Rey had no such love growing up, so she was easily seduced to the darkside- pulled to it even as if it was part of her dna :)

4) Dont have the emperor come back unless you plan on explaining his return EG how he survived what his goals were have this planned out thru the 3 movie story arc. The explanation needs to be well thought out so it does not diminish anything the heroes did in the OT. If you cannot do this just use Rey as the main villian just dont have Ben kick her ass 2 times so she never posses any real threat too him.

5) Keep luke around assisting and Training ben and going on adventures with him, maybe have luke fight a few higher powered sith before Ben is ready since its still too early in the training (part 1), part 2 can expand this relationship and Ben's growth as a jedi, then in part 3 have Rey kill Luke using some sort of trickery so that it is not implied he was overpowered. Final Battle ensures with or without the emperor (depends on #4). Maybe adds some inquisitors or other darkside users so ben has a few tests and people to fight instead of just fighting rey all the time lol

6) Keep Rian Johnson in galaxy far far away from star wars sets- Carbon freezing would work nicely on him, then display him at museum of failed directors who ruined franchises

IDK, in your version BOTH Han and Luke suffer meaningless deaths. Plus there's no call back to Vader anymore, which contributed to the initial buzz regarding the Kylo Ren/Ben character. And you're back to overthrowing the emperor, which would have simply resulted in your complaints about the ST's lack of originality starting even sooner than they did! :lol

I'm with you on #6 though...
Jedi is great flick, the ewoks are the only thing that bring it down but if people envision them as the cannibalistic little demons they are, they dont seem like cute teddy bears anymore lol. If it wasn't for C3p0 they would have eaten poor han and luke. As kid that was my favorite movie, but again Luke skywalker has always been my favorite character, i liked Han but was never big han fan.. Most of my friends and people i knew loved han but i was always the luke guy. In any case i loved luke in Jedi, thats how I envisioned his jedi being- calm, stoic, cool and collected almost like a zen monk. He was perfect in it imo. Han wasnt the same but first thing i noticed about him in Jedi was how old he looked, he was way older then the rest of cast at the time. I think he was just done with star wars he viewed it as beneath him and didnt want to be type cast- he still turned in a good performance but it was nothing like his performance in New Hope or Empire. Carrie fisher did fine, i mean hell we got that hot ass slave leia costume. As i've grown older though i've become way more partial to empire, i do love new hope too but Jedi will always hold a special place for me as a Luke fan. ROTJ was the last time we got to see the true jedi luke so it will always be special too me. The ST had a chance to do great things with the character but they decided to prop up the evil guys daughter at the expense of the real heroes of the story.
That is hands-down your most savage post ever ever...EVER!

You just incinerated and then vaporized ducky, prime and ironwez lol

Dude ****ing brutal and savage!

What the hell is wrong with you who kicked your dog, pee in your cereal and banged your wife today sheesh you ******* savage did someone call you a Trump lover today or what lol

When of the best SW posts ever. Well done.

Well thank you.

I do feel a little bad kicking down the franchise I love so much. But truth is truth.

In the end, I still have Star Wars (ANH) and The Empire Strikes Back, which is more than enough for me. A grand gift that has lasted a lifetime.

And no matter how I feel about Lucas now, he'll always be a genius to me for his early film work and for all the amazing technological advances that he spurred. He really did single-handedly change Hollywood forever.

But then, so has Covid now.
ROTJ is the only Star Wars film I saw in the cinema. I was so hyped before, during and afterwards that I've never felt any animosity towards it. Jabba's palace is still my favourite location.

This will likely be the same for some of those who were at the right age for the Prequels or Sequels, and grew up with those heroes instead.

There's no way of logically separating childhood affections from reality. How you perceived something at a certain age is engrained in a way like nothing else. Parents, religion, favorite movies; all these things -- good and bad -- make you what you are and people will defend them to the death. People have a hard time disassociating their childhood impressions from adult understanding.

For me though, over time, I have managed to break away from that juvenile spell. And now I recognize more similarities between ROTJ and the PT than I do ROTJ with the first two films.
That's quite a post (posts).

Let's face it: Lucas evolved from 1977 to 1999. And it was not for the betterment of Star Wars. His interests were elsewhere.

Unfortunately, Star Wars (ANH) and The Empire Strikes Back seem to be the anomalies. Even in 1978, the Holiday Special showed us what Lucas was capable of.

Further, after the first two, Lucas reigned supreme. ROTJ was driven by self-interest and toys. Nothing more. There is no love in that movie; it feels vacant. Something that had to be finished, quickly. Then, Lucas really took charge for the PT -- even taking on what he said he hated: directing. All three movies in fact. Why? Control. Nothing more. Once again, emphasis on toys. So much so there was even a Star Wars Night BEFORE the first trilogy movie even opened to unveil the toys. The Toys. And even moreso than ROTJ, the PT felt vacant of genuine emotion and purpose, disjointed, poorly structured and cluttered with "neat things" for toys.

I mean, what was the purpose of the PT? There is an argument that the OT is modern parable about Man vs Machine -- a story about a lone natural boy armed with only his spirit fighting against the Evil Machine (technology) that wants to engulf us all. But what was the PT in that sense? It really is nothing more than a long-winded lead-in to how Vader became Vader. If its a story about corruption, then why did Lucas make Anakin turn into Vader in literally 5 seconds in the 3rd movie? The idea of a 'tragedy for kids" doesn't even make sense. But we all know why it was made. Money and toys. There's not much more too it. At its heart, the only 'study in corruption' that comes from the PT is the story of Lucas himself, ruling over his realm and surrounded by McCallums.

Pretty much sums up everything I feel about ROTJ and the PT. Even though I can find some enjoyment out of them.

That is hands-down your most savage post ever ever...EVER!

You just incinerated and then vaporized ducky, prime and ironwez lol

Dude ****ing brutal and savage!

What the hell is wrong with you who kicked your dog, pee in your cereal and banged your wife today sheesh you ******* savage did someone call you a Trump lover today or what lol

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

It was savage

Behold the George Lucas Doomcock Edition of TFA, lol:

:lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol
Jedi is great flick, the ewoks are the only thing that bring it down but if people envision them as the cannibalistic little demons they are, they dont seem like cute teddy bears anymore lol. If it wasn't for that C3p0 they would have been eaten poor han and luke. As kid that was my favorite movie, but again Luke skywalker has always been my favorite character, i liked Han but was never big han fan.. Most of my friends and people i knew loved han but i was always the luke guy. In any case i loved luke in Jedi, thats how envisioned his jedi being, calm, stoic, cool and collected almost like a zen monk. He was perfect in it imo. Han wasnt the same but first thing i noticed about him in Jedi was how old he looked, he was way older then the rest of cast at the time. I think he was just done with star wars he viewed it as beneath him and didnt want to be type cast- he still turned in a good performance but it was nothing like his performance in New Hope or Empire. Carrie fisher did fine, i mean hell we got that hot ass slave leia costume. As i've grown older i've been become way more partial to empire, i do love new hope too but Jedi will always hold a special place for me as a huge luke fan. ROTJ was the last time we got to see the true jedi luke so it will always be special too me. The ST had a chance to do great things with the character but they decided to prop up the evil guys daughter at the expense of the real heroes of the story.

Their being teddy bears ruined the battle of Endor. Having an indigenous tribe/species help our heroes vs. the Empire was a great idea, but GL went too kid friendly in the execution. When they were tossing rocks at stormtroopers and shooting arrows at velocities that wouldn't even break their skin (let alone pierce their armor), it was rather ridiculous.
Han does not suffer a meaningless death he was murder by Rey, well ya i guess its meaningless (all peoples who are murdered are meaningless deaths in a way) but it serves as a major catalyst for Ben's growth and lukes ability to mentor him. Harrison wanted out he was not going to be around for all three movies so he had to die somehow. Dying at the hand of his own kid, who grew up with love and kindness is way worse

2) was obi-wan death meaningless? From a certain point of view it was, but it also was the catalyst for Luke to do great things. When luke dies at the hands of Rey- the baton will be passed to Ben as the last Skywalker. It will be Skywalker vs palpatine once again at the end of the final film of the saga.

3)Personally i didnt want the emperor back but i was not trying to change everything in the movie, this why i said it had to be handle properly and if they cant do it dont use him at all. Just have Rey be the main antagonist.