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And now the TROS comic adaptation has been cancelled. It seems, in our anger, we killed it.



On a brighter note, an upcoming Darth Vader comic will have connections, references and explanations for TROS, as is the Story Group's raison d'?tre.
Psssst. Hey I got a secret for you. Guess what? Now fans realize how stupid they e been and the PT popularity is at an all time high. Only a handful of people hate the PT now. People have grown to accept it. All it?s flaws and all it?s wacky antics and all it?s silly crap has all been accepted and people don?t care anymore cause they didn?t think it was gonna get any worse

The PT's popularity is at an all time high because the people who were kids when they first saw it are now adults posting about it on forums. Meanwhile even newer young fans are watching the PT with zero expectations going in and with no great attachment to the OT like the original generation of fans had - so yeah, odds are they like the PT aswell and are adding to its fandom. In this way PT fandom grows - it was inevitable as it turns out - and this same process may well occur with the ST. We live in the matrix. Everything that is happening now has happened before and will happen again.

As for fans realizing how 'stupid' they have been and now liking the PT all of a sudden whilst 'correctly' hating the ST - I question that. If that is happening then maybe they are idiots but not for the reason you're suggesting. More than one thing can suck at the same time. Just because new ***t comes along doesn't make old ***t not be ***t anymore. The PT is ***t. The ST is also ***t. Simples :)
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The PT's popularity is at an all time high because the people who were kids when they first saw it are now adults posting about it on forums. Meanwhile even newer young fans are watching the PT with zero expectations going in and with no great attachment to the OT like the original generation of fans had - so yeah, odds are they like the PT aswell and are adding to its fandom. In this way PT fandom grows - this same process may well occur with the ST. We live in the matrix. Everything that is happening now has happened before and will happen again.

And more than one thing can suck at the same time. The PT is ***t. The ST is also ***t. Simples :)

True about the PT, but the problem with the ST is that barely any kids like it. See toy sales, comic sales, halloween costume sales... PT kids loved it. And still love it. So, I don’t ever see the ST seeing a resurgence of any sorts.
There's no ****ing way George Lucas had a goddamn thing to do with ANY of this Disney crap.

There's no "Lucas Cut."

It's 1000% fan fiction.

It's current year. Anyone with a phone can put a dork-ass helmet on his head and make up nonsense stories for youtube without a single source.
True about the PT, but the problem with the ST is that barely any kids like it. See toy sales, comic sales, halloween costume sales... PT kids loved it. And still love it. So, I don’t ever see the ST seeing a resurgence of any sorts.

And like you I don't think it should - by virtue of it being crap. But I thought the same of the PT and look whats happening :lol Star Wars is a brand that seems to survive regardless that a significant portion of it is either terrible or mediocre. I was only complaining about this recently - why the hell is this thread even still active when threads for far superior movies are nowhere to be seen - even huge mainstream movies like Avengers Infinity War and Endgame. Good or bad, Star Wars gets talked about endlessly.

Star Wars only dies if both we AND Disney let it die. And that's not going to happen on either part. As long as it lives there will be future fans who don't have the same connection to the OT or to the PT that fans before them had and they will see no particular disparity between any of the trilogies.
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The reason for the PT's longevity is its world building of which the ST had none to very little at best. Just watch some of the behind the scenes extras on the PT dvds to see how much Lucas cared about the most minute detail. He wanted to create a distinct look for the PT (a republic in the height of its power but smothered in layers of bureaucracy and on the cusp of falling in on itself) and also have it organically feel like it would every easily transform into the more dilapidated visage of the OT that we are familiar with. The attention to detail with the vehicles (jedi starfighters are miniature star destroyers etc.) and trooper designs alone is fantastic.

It is those details and world building which triggers imaginations and increases the 'believability' in your universe. For me, this was the reason why I consumed all of the media around the PT growing up. I loved the galaxy far far away and time period that George had created. It all felt so real and 'logical', i knew the rules and the lore of it. It was so vast and endless and for the most part I have enjoyed the novels, comics and games etc. that are set within it. Both clone wars cartoons are brilliant but in different ways.

Sure the execution of the movies themselves are not without fault and in some areas very lacking. We have had some very good and accurate comments in just the last few pages which covered this in detail. But in my opinion it is the world building and the overall story that captures the imagination and creates the magic.

I bet a lot of kids growing up today and in the future will like the PT the best (if they were to watch all the movies without their OT parents influencing them), from a kids perspective they are the most exciting, flashy and have the most jedi / sith in them and they are supported by the cartoons. Once you have someone invested at a young age then you always have them by the balls of nostalgia (haha!) for the rest of their life.


Tell a-dev he was right about the PT. Those kids are grown up now and they are slowly prising the OT fans' hands off the wheel, just look at the new media (Clone Wars the final season, bad batch) and the consumables (low to high end) being pumped out with a PT slant.

You know who was wrong about the PT ... Disney. They foolishly thought that because a large proportion of the adult OT fans hated the PT back in the day that everyone hated it now. That's why the ST films ignore it and why they treated it like the ginger haired stepchild of the Star Wars family during their initial years in charge. They were trying to carry favour with the OT diehards only it back fired. I bet if they included a lot more call-backs and nostalgia points for the PT in the ST then more fans would be accepting of it. I would also not be surprised if it was the PT fans who are now the loudest and most vocal 'haters' of the ST.

The ST feels soulless to me and small, I never caught myself imagining what is happening around the edges or just off-screen. That (amongst other things) is why it failed but I believe why it will not have a similar PT like resurgence in the future.

I just thank the maker that I sold off all my ST collectables immediately before TLJ dropped. My feelings on the matter served me well and fortunately my love for Star Wars did not cloud my judgement haha.
Bravo, Bravomite! :duff

Future audiences will have a different perspective to the OT generation, and George had to make his films as timeless as possible.

"Soon we'll be dead... and our complaints with us."
Psst.... Got a secret for you.. There were are many people who were pissed off at Lucas for directing poorly made films with the PT. And there the ****er messes with the OT to fit his PT.. There are freaking Documentaries made about the fan's frustration. Lucas himself warned Spielberg about the fan backlash before he made Indiana Jones 4 (if only he listened).

It wasn't just our Head Canon.. You yourself only like ROTS

Members here have talked about how awful the PT was treated in the past by board members and the internet.

Soooooo I am not sure what your issue is.

I personally don't hate George but he has has earned the criticism. Freaking Han Firing first, R2 hiding behind rocks he cant fit behind, Obi wan's new Alien roar, Freaking Jabba being in ANH, Freaking CGI aliens singing new worse songs at Jabba's Palace, Freaking Vader saying "noooooo" at the end of Jedi, Hayden appearing at the end of Jedi as a force ghost..

and that is just how he ****ed with the OT..

We then get,

Bad Acting by every side character in the trilogy
Awful Dialogue
Jedi Super Speed
Jar Jar Binks
Oscar winners forgetting how to act
Little Kids who cant act
Vader Builder of 3P0
Star Wars Politics
Gungan Battles
Hayden as Anakin
A plot about a guy who hires a guy, who hires a girl, who hires a robot, who hires some bugs to kill padme
Dax and that stupid Diner
The worst Romance ever put too film
Running in the fields and playing on Flea cows
Anakin and Obi Wan's relationship or lack thereof
The animated Clones
Bugs designed the Death Star
Who the **** is Sifo-Dyas :lol and why did he build a clone army nobody knows about.
Everything about Obi Wan's sub plot
Those jedi that show up at the end and are obviously friends of Lucas who know nothing about how to hold a sword or act.
Mace Jumping Hundreds of feat only to land to land on them, Anakin falling thousands of feat just to land on the right transport, Obi Wan falling thousands of feet with no real concern of death..... Jedi can Fly now?? They fly now.
Mace swinging a saber to block lasers
Yoda with a Saber
That awful Light saber duel between Anakin and the Count
****ing Sand!!!!!!
Opening of ROTS - The Emperor saying "yeah" when Obi wan beats a destroyer droid.. Guess he is really into playing the part
General Grievous
"Love has Blinded you"
Hayden's acting
Natalie's acting
Emperor Palps duel with the Jedi in his chambers
Emperor Palps Duel with Mace
Anakin's rushed turn to the dark side
Anakin only being able to kill kids and unarmed aliens
Chewbacca (Who designed that head)
Kashyyyk - The worst rendered CGI planet in the SW saga
Tarzan yell again.. Lucas loves to troll.
The 2nd half of the light saber duel
The twirling Lightsaber duel move
Dying of a broken heart (Whatever Ducky :lol)
Nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo - Seriously, this is supposed to be the moment we have all been waiting for and instead of tears or awe.. The audience laughed.

And that is just off the top of my head.. I could do a deep dive easily and you know it.

Nah... I change my mind.. I hate Lucas

:lol :lol :lol jk

And before you go but but but The ST... Yeah I could go down a list of that also but this was about lucas not KK

Epic post

Jedi fly now

They fly now

I?m dying lol

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Oh come on.. What in the name of everything good in Lucas' last 3 films makes you think he could have made a good movie about the thing that pissed off people more then anything.. Freaking Midichlorians.. That is Lucas just trolling again.. Like he Did by having Vader say Noooo at the end of Jedi and putting the Tarzan yell in Revenge of the Sith.. Lucas loves to stick a middle finger at the audience.. What do you think Maclunky means.. It means "**** you fan boys" :lol

Yep, Lucas has taken obvious glee in doubling down on the stupidest elements of his Saga. Who the hell in his right mind looks at the revised Han/Greedo scene and says "yeah, but how can I make it *worse*?" :slap

You are probably right..

Lucas would bow to the mob also.

Don't like Jar Jar - No problem by ROTS he wont even talk
Hate Midochlorians - Don't worry.. They shall never be discussed again
Not enough Fun and Bonding with Anakin and Obi Wan - Dedicate the first 25 min of ROTS to just that.

But that is easy fixes when you have an overall plan..


You like Snoke.. Oh **** we killed him get the Emperor
You want to know who Reys parents are? Wait you are mad that they are nobody - Quick get the Emperor :lol
Hate Rose - No problem. Give her 5 lines of dialogue
Hate that luke throws away the Saber - Got that covered.


It's such a misnomer to claim that the ST "had no plan." I'm surprised to see even you perpetuating that JAWS. ;) They had a plan. They had the entire trilogy outlined with the endgame in sight before even RO hit theaters. Colin Trevorrow's script dated November or December 2016 literally proves this. And Trevorrow himself confirmed on Twitter that the Duel of the Fates script (and all accompanying concept art also completed over a full year before even TLJ hit theaters) was indeed his.

The ST had a more unified plan than *both the OT and PT.* Do you think Lucas had a script for ROTS and concept art a year before AOTC hit theaters? Hell no. Do you think that ROTJ was written in 1979? HELL NO, lol. Disney/LFL did their due diligence and planned out the entire trilogy well in advance.

And that plan was to have TFA seem familiar with Snoke in the Emperor's role and Kylo in Darth Vader's role. Everything appeared the same but they were "going backward to go forward." And the "going forward" part was the huge twist that Snoke would not be the Emperor for very long and that the Darth Vader character (Kylo) was going to reign supreme this time around. However Disney saw how divisive TLJ was with the new ideas it was leaning into and called an audible with TROS. "Ditch the original plan. Go back to the familiar that audiences loved so much in TFA." And so they did. And the trilogy feels a bit disjointed due to the "course correction" but it isn't because they were making it all up as they were going. Far from it.

But ROTJ ditched the entire plan that George had with ESB so it's in good company. And TROS did a hell of a lot better of changing things at the last second than ROTJ did as well.
Yep, Lucas has taken obvious glee in doubling down on the stupidest elements of his Saga. Who the hell in his right mind looks at the revised Han/Greedo scene and says "yeah, but how can I make it *worse*?" :slap

It's such a misnomer to claim that the ST "had no plan." I'm surprised to see even you perpetuating that JAWS. ;) They had a plan. They had the entire trilogy outlined with the endgame in sight before even RO hit theaters. Colin Trevorrow's script dated November or December 2016 literally proves this. And Trevorrow himself confirmed on Twitter that the Duel of the Fates script (and all accompanying concept art also completed over a full year before even TLJ hit theaters) was indeed his.

The ST had a more unified plan than *both the OT and PT.* Do you think Lucas had a script for ROTS and concept art a year before AOTC hit theaters? Hell no. Do you think that ROTJ was written in 1979? HELL NO, lol. Disney/LFL did their due diligence and planned out the entire trilogy well in advance.

And that plan was to have TFA seem familiar with Snoke in the Emperor's role and Kylo in Darth Vader's role. Everything appeared the same but they were "going backward to go forward." And the "going forward" part was the huge twist that Snoke would not be the Emperor for very long and that the Darth Vader character (Kylo) was going to reign supreme this time around. However Disney saw how divisive TLJ was with the new ideas it was leaning into and called an audible with TROS. "Ditch the original plan. Go back to the familiar that audiences loved so much in TFA." And so they did. And the trilogy feels a bit disjointed due to the "course correction" but it isn't because they were making it all up as they were going. Far from it.

But ROTJ ditched the entire plan that George had with ESB so it's in good company. And TROS did a hell of a lot better of changing things at the last second than ROTJ did as well.

You obviously do not read much of anything that has been written about the development of the ST.
Google will help you out.
It is a fact that there was no plan and Abrams scrambled around to figure out what to do after Johnson pulled the rug out from under him and killed off Snoke.
The Emperor returning was a desperate Hail Mary move.
There are even current interviews with the editors of TFA and TROS expressing their disappointment with Johnson for undoing so much of TFA and undermining Abrams work.
Do you really think the plan was to say Rey was nobody and then switch that to her being a Palpatine?
There was no plan. If everyone at Lucasfilm can admit this you should be able to as well.
You obviously do not read much of anything that has been written about the development of the ST.

:lol :lol :lol :lol

Kids these days, lol.

Google will help you out.
It is a fact that there was no plan and Abrams scrambled around to figure out what to do after Johnson pulled the rug out from under him and killed off Snoke.
The Emperor returning was a desperate Hail Mary move.
There are even current interviews with the editors of TFA and TROS expressing their disappointment with Johnson for undoing so much of TFA and undermining Abrams work.
Do you really think the plan was to say Rey was nobody and then switch that to her being a Palpatine?
There was no plan. If everyone at Lucasfilm can admit this you should be able to as well.

Yes it is a literal fact that she was originally Rey Solana and that Kylo was going to tell her her last name right before he died in Trevorrow's script. But by all means continue to get your information from "Doomcock and the Fandom Menace" on YouTube and Twitter. :lol

Obviously ignorance (or should I say derangement) really is bliss.
Yep, Lucas has taken obvious glee in doubling down on the stupidest elements of his Saga. Who the hell in his right mind looks at the revised Han/Greedo scene and says "yeah, but how can I make it *worse*?" :slap

It's such a misnomer to claim that the ST "had no plan." I'm surprised to see even you perpetuating that JAWS. ;) They had a plan. They had the entire trilogy outlined with the endgame in sight before even RO hit theaters. Colin Trevorrow's script dated November or December 2016 literally proves this. And Trevorrow himself confirmed on Twitter that the Duel of the Fates script (and all accompanying concept art also completed over a full year before even TLJ hit theaters) was indeed his.

The ST had a more unified plan than *both the OT and PT.* Do you think Lucas had a script for ROTS and concept art a year before AOTC hit theaters? Hell no. Do you think that ROTJ was written in 1979? HELL NO, lol. Disney/LFL did their due diligence and planned out the entire trilogy well in advance.

And that plan was to have TFA seem familiar with Snoke in the Emperor's role and Kylo in Darth Vader's role. Everything appeared the same but they were "going backward to go forward." And the "going forward" part was the huge twist that Snoke would not be the Emperor for very long and that the Darth Vader character (Kylo) was going to reign supreme this time around. However Disney saw how divisive TLJ was with the new ideas it was leaning into and called an audible with TROS. "Ditch the original plan. Go back to the familiar that audiences loved so much in TFA." And so they did. And the trilogy feels a bit disjointed due to the "course correction" but it isn't because they were making it all up as they were going. Far from it.

But ROTJ ditched the entire plan that George had with ESB so it's in good company. And TROS did a hell of a lot better of changing things at the last second than ROTJ did as well.


And this is why I am forever team Khev.

Besides team khev sounds a whole lot cooler than team ducky-wez lol

JAWS has made some amazing posts the dude is on fire and also truly bored at work BUT thank you for taking that one last Kool-aid away from him.

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And like you I don't think it should - by virtue of it being crap. But I thought the same of the PT and look whats happening :lol Star Wars is a brand that seems to survive regardless that a significant portion of it is either terrible or mediocre. I was only complaining about this recently - why the hell is this thread even still active when threads for far superior movies are nowhere to be seen - even huge mainstream movies like Avengers Infinity War and Endgame. Good or bad, Star Wars gets talked about endlessly.

Star Wars only dies if both we AND Disney let it die. And that's not going to happen on either part. As long as it lives there will be future fans who don't have the same connection to the OT or to the PT that fans before them had and they will see no particular disparity between any of the trilogies.

Seee when I was a kid they had PT stuff galore. Games, toys and costumes. People bought those and people liked it. The ST cared more about selling merchandise first and story second and that?s a big reason why it failed. I don?t see any kids embracing the ST. Maybe mando but not ST

And this is why I am forever team Khev.

Besides team khev sounds a whole lot cooler than team ducky-wez lol

JAWS has made some amazing posts the dude is on fire and also truly bored at work BUT thank you for taking that one last Kool-aid away from him.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Yea your his Igor to his Frankenstein