Psst.... Got a secret for you.. There were are many people who were pissed off at Lucas for directing poorly made films with the PT. And there the ****er messes with the OT to fit his PT.. There are freaking Documentaries made about the fan's frustration. Lucas himself warned Spielberg about the fan backlash before he made Indiana Jones 4 (if only he listened).
It wasn't just our Head Canon.. You yourself only like ROTS
Members here have talked about how awful the PT was treated in the past by board members and the internet.
Soooooo I am not sure what your issue is.
I personally don't hate George but he has has earned the criticism. Freaking Han Firing first, R2 hiding behind rocks he cant fit behind, Obi wan's new Alien roar, Freaking Jabba being in ANH, Freaking CGI aliens singing new worse songs at Jabba's Palace, Freaking Vader saying "noooooo" at the end of Jedi, Hayden appearing at the end of Jedi as a force ghost..
and that is just how he ****ed with the OT..
We then get,
Bad Acting by every side character in the trilogy
Awful Dialogue
Jedi Super Speed
Jar Jar Binks
Oscar winners forgetting how to act
Little Kids who cant act
Vader Builder of 3P0
Star Wars Politics
Gungan Battles
Hayden as Anakin
A plot about a guy who hires a guy, who hires a girl, who hires a robot, who hires some bugs to kill padme
Dax and that stupid Diner
The worst Romance ever put too film
Running in the fields and playing on Flea cows
Anakin and Obi Wan's relationship or lack thereof
The animated Clones
Bugs designed the Death Star
Who the **** is Sifo-Dyas
and why did he build a clone army nobody knows about.
Everything about Obi Wan's sub plot
Those jedi that show up at the end and are obviously friends of Lucas who know nothing about how to hold a sword or act.
Mace Jumping Hundreds of feat only to land to land on them, Anakin falling thousands of feat just to land on the right transport, Obi Wan falling thousands of feet with no real concern of death..... Jedi can Fly now?? They fly now.
Mace swinging a saber to block lasers
Yoda with a Saber
That awful Light saber duel between Anakin and the Count
****ing Sand!!!!!!
Opening of ROTS - The Emperor saying "yeah" when Obi wan beats a destroyer droid.. Guess he is really into playing the part
General Grievous
"Love has Blinded you"
Hayden's acting
Natalie's acting
Emperor Palps duel with the Jedi in his chambers
Emperor Palps Duel with Mace
Anakin's rushed turn to the dark side
Anakin only being able to kill kids and unarmed aliens
Chewbacca (Who designed that head)
Kashyyyk - The worst rendered CGI planet in the SW saga
Tarzan yell again.. Lucas loves to troll.
The 2nd half of the light saber duel
The twirling Lightsaber duel move
Dying of a broken heart (Whatever Ducky
Nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo - Seriously, this is supposed to be the moment we have all been waiting for and instead of tears or awe.. The audience laughed.
And that is just off the top of my head.. I could do a deep dive easily and you know it.
Nah... I change my mind.. I hate Lucas
And before you go but but but The ST... Yeah I could go down a list of that also but this was about lucas not KK