The scripts wasn't ready, but the history was planned, of course he made a few changes during the way.
Of course. Don't confuse me for one of the derangement folks who screams "no plan" about any movie I don't like to the point of absurdity.
The scripts wasn't ready, but the history was planned, of course he made a few changes during the way.
Of course. Don't confuse me for one of the derangement folks who screams "no plan" about any movie I don't like to the point of absurdity.He had specific things in mind that he wanted to show in the PT, his plans just were as concrete as the plans for the ST since the ST had a script for the final chapter well before the second chapter was even in theaters.
George was working on the screenplay for ROTS before the release of AOTC too and these movies had a larger gap between them than the accelerated ST so the PT wins.
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I just did but I'm not surprised at all that you want to run away from that as fast as possible since Trevorrow was very familiar with her very early into the production of TLJ. So much for "writing in silos."
Wow, you really do have no idea how often a script can evolve and change right up until a film's release do you? "Baked into the shared story?" There's literally no such thing.Listen, I know it's "current year" so I get how trendy it is to state a narrative as fact no matter how big a pile of bull**** it is. So if you're one of those types who just can't let go of their preferred narratives then I'm going to let you do just that.
But the fact remains that the ST was planned more than the both the OT and PT. There's just no disputing that without an absolute detachment from reality.
And now you have changed your position to the ST had MORE planning than the ST or the PT...well that was not what we were talking about...
It's such a misnomer to claim that the ST "had no plan." I'm surprised to see even you perpetuating that JAWS.They had a plan. They had the entire trilogy outlined with the endgame in sight before even RO hit theaters. Colin Trevorrow's script dated November or December 2016 literally proves this. And Trevorrow himself confirmed on Twitter that the Duel of the Fates script (and all accompanying concept art also completed over a full year before even TLJ hit theaters) was indeed his.
The ST had a more unified plan than *both the OT and PT.* Do you think Lucas had a script for ROTS and concept art a year before AOTC hit theaters? Hell no. Do you think that ROTJ was written in 1979? HELL NO, lol. Disney/LFL did their due diligence and planned out the entire trilogy well in advance.
And that plan was to have TFA seem familiar with Snoke in the Emperor's role and Kylo in Darth Vader's role. Everything appeared the same but they were "going backward to go forward." And the "going forward" part was the huge twist that Snoke would not be the Emperor for very long and that the Darth Vader character (Kylo) was going to reign supreme this time around. However Disney saw how divisive TLJ was with the new ideas it was leaning into and called an audible with TROS. "Ditch the original plan. Go back to the familiar that audiences loved so much in TFA." And so they did. And the trilogy feels a bit disjointed due to the "course correction" but it isn't because they were making it all up as they were going. Far from it.
But ROTJ ditched the entire plan that George had with ESB so it's in good company. And TROS did a hell of a lot better of changing things at the last second than ROTJ did as well.
Yes but that script was erased from the temple archives ... when was JJ's script completed?
This back and forth is fun but I've forgotten what the original point was haha
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"Working on?" Please. Duel of the Fates had a *complete* script over a year before TLJ hit theaters. ST wins.![]()
She was fine with his original screenplay. But when Carrie died his chapter required a massive overall and Trevorrow reportedly requested to KK that RJ be forced to let Luke live (so that he could fulfill Leia's role in Duel of the Fates) but she sided with RJ. So yes there was a plan. But Carrie's death and the backlash to TLJ changed the plan. But changing a plan due to evolving circumstances does not equal "not having a plan."
I just did but I'm not surprised at all that you want to run away from that as fast as possible since Trevorrow was very familiar with her very early into the production of TLJ. So much for "writing in silos."
Wow, you really do have no idea how often a script can evolve and change right up until a film's release do you? "Baked into the shared story?" There's literally no such thing.Listen, I know it's "current year" so I get how trendy it is to state a narrative as fact no matter how big a pile of bull**** it is. So if you're one of those types who just can't let go of their preferred narratives then I'm going to let you do just that.
But the fact remains that the ST was planned more than the both the OT and PT. There's just no disputing that without an absolute detachment from reality.
Yea your his Igor to his Frankenstein
Holy **** khev lost his freaking mind! You honestly think this was planned more that OT and PT? GL had a solid plan for PT. Only thing that probably was changed was jar jar bring a sith. Someone check this man into a mental hospital
Well if khev honestly believes that the ST was planned then they did a terrible job of developing the characters, explaining things, horrible world building and awful story telling. If all that was planned then it sure seemed rushed. But I honestly believe it wasn?t. Khev just doesn?t want to admit how bad it is or else his doomcock self will win and jye will go into a severe depression.
The ST was planned UNTIL the backlash of the TLJ and the producers choose to fear the fans instead of continue with the planning and the Trevorrow script.
That is patently false. It was not planned. Not a knock on the ST...just a well documented fact.
Because they did.
You clearly have not researched any of this at all which is ok...but the reasons that Abrams came back have been well documented...just do the research. It will literally take you 2 seconds to get the factual answers to those questions.
Yes...the fact there would be 3 movies was planned...that was where the planning ended.
So show me those facts, JJ abrams was disney trying to abrupt change the backlash from TLJ this is where the planning ended
So show me those facts, JJ abrams was disney trying to abrupt change the backlash from TLJ this is where the planning ended