As for Hoth, yeah, definitely best to give the rebels 20 extra minutes to escape rather than losing some bombers to the Rebels' three turrets. That totally sounds like Vader in ESB, looking out for the lives of his own men as he zero'd in on Skywalker, lol.
"It's a trick JAWS, quick tell him that you whenever you need to blow off steam you pop open a Tab, listen to Rush, and watch B-O-D-H-I R-O-O-K broadcast the message at the end of Rogue One!"
Sometimes it is.. Being in the class room can be a bit tedious but I get to go out on the floor a lot of the time and be the hero to the Providers when they need help. We have a pretty big Hospital with lots of off site areas also.. So I get to travel and listen to music
Sometimes I am even posting on SSF
For 12 years I use to work in Group Homes for Troubled Youth... That was not boring and I don't miss it![]()
Other than Jyn and Krennic, I don't remember a single character's name.
Not one.
Bor I only remember because jye brought him up.
Hey Jye!! Whenever I need to blow off stream I pop open a Tab, listen to Rush, and watch B-O-D-H-I R-O-O-K broadcast the message at the end of Rogue One!
The reason for the “chase” is explained in dialogue as it starts.
The map is less cut and dry but it’s in pieces, in undisclosed locations, with no instruction from Luke how to find them. The simplest read on that IMO is that they are not intended to be found.
Settled for Friday! Drinks on me, guys!![]()
If you liked Luke, Snoke throne room scene, and Holdo's kamikaze then you should be able to enjoy the opening battle and Crait attack well enough to give the overall movie a pass. Come on now JAWS, you're just being stubborn.![]()
Despite some wooden acting, some bad dialogue and some below par CGI, the universe building, the stories, the imagination and the design in the prequels are miles better than just about anything in the ST.
Clones > Ducktroopers
Maul > Kylo
Battle over Coruscant > Slow-Mo chase
Just to name a few.
Of course, feel free to bring up Jar Jar...
However, Jar Jar was a monumental achievement (animation-wise) for the time.
Didn’t Poe put the “hot head” female Holdo in her place?
Sure seemed like he did when he shoved a gun into her face!
Where was the “tradition” of “finding your own way” sacrificed?!
Poe didn’t find his own way?
Didn’t Leia put him back in charge at the end?
Rey found her own way when she decided to leave Luke!
Kylo found his own way he killed Snoke!
Hell Rian found his own way as a director HE UPHELD YOUR SW TRADITION that you are so embracing yet here you are hating Rian for doing so!
People clumsily pick and choose what to complain about while ignoring the movie that’s right under their noses.
The answers are all in the movie to all these questions.
I mean holy crap you are complaining that they “sacrificed” the SW “tradition” of questioning authority YET Rian had Poe question authority it was all part of his arc lol
Luke even questioned authority!!!
Where was questioning authority sacrificed please show me lol
Oh my head lol
1. Blow up Yavin
2. See if it took the rebel moon with it
3. If the moon is still there destroy it with one final unobstructed shot
vs. orbiting the planet for 30 minutes while the Rebels attack you and/or the entire Alliance simply gets on ships and evacuates the solar system.
You literally just described the mindset as to why Hux didn't send bombers after Leia. Well done.
As for Hoth, yeah, definitely best to give the rebels 20 extra minutes to escape rather than losing some bombers to the Rebels' three turrets. That totally sounds like Vader in ESB, looking out for the lives of his own men as he zero'd in on Skywalker, lol.
I was going to say "if you're a 5-year-old", but then my 5-year-old second cousin once removed would take issue with that.
If you liked Luke, Snoke throne room scene, and Holdo's kamikaze then you should be able to enjoy the opening battle and Crait attack well enough to give the overall movie a pass. Come on now JAWS, you're just being stubborn.![]()
Despite some wooden acting, some bad dialogue and some below par CGI, the universe building, the stories, the imagination and the design in the prequels are miles better than just about anything in the ST.
Clones > Ducktroopers
Maul > Kylo
Battle over Coruscant > Slow-Mo chase
Just to name a few.
Of course, feel free to bring up Jar Jar...
However, Jar Jar was a monumental achievement (animation-wise) for the time.
Here's one for you JAWS:
'33 King Kong > Jar Jar
Kong is still impressive even today. Jar Jar wasn't very impressive even in 1999. Not after the 1993 T-rex. Nothing's been that staggering, except maybe Davy Jones in terms of realism. Now Jones was impressive.
I think you're completely missing the point Jye...
Question authority and find your own way to do good, to do right by your friends, to find and uphold your own principles... and triumph in the end.
Shoving a gun in Holdo's face wasn't that. That was just more debunking the "hero".
C'mon Jye, that's just silly.
And bringing the director's approach into the discussion, that has nothinyg to do with anything... we're talking about the stories here, what the movies stand for.
The fact that Leia put him back in charge... what does that have to do with anything? Being put back in charge by the authority figure has nothing to do with finding your own destiny! For chirssakes, just read what you wrote...
Anyway, we're just going to argue around each other, so I'll leave it at that.![]()
If you liked Luke, Snoke throne room scene, and Holdo's kamikaze then you should be able to enjoy the opening battle and Crait attack well enough to give the overall movie a pass. Come on now JAWS, you're just being stubborn.![]()
Everything there I just highlighted happened in TLJ.
Ok now you’re scaring me![]()
If you like Maul, Duel of the Fates, and Qui Gon you should be able to enjoy the pod race well enough to give The Phantom Menace a pass.
Despite some wooden acting, some bad dialogue and some below par CGI, the universe building, the stories, the imagination and the design in the prequels are miles better than just about anything in the ST.
I would give it a pass if it didn't ruin any OT characters.
Revelation that Rey's parents are nobodies >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> revelation that Darth Vader built C-3PO. Dafuq??? lol
But only if certain people do it.. Questioning authority and finding his own way to do good did not work out for Poe. Doing right by your friends and upholding your own principles was great for Rose because Luke showed up.. But lets face facts that whole Rose saving Fin thing was stupid
And all I hear from the supporters if how the resistance is decimated at the end.. So I guess there is no triumphWhich I would be fine with but they did it in such a "meh" way..
I would say everything you mentioned lines up more with Qui Gon.. Except for that hole triumph at the end![]()
Since i’m a Leo i’m the most stubborn one of all lol