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Re: Star Wars: Episode IX - December 20, 2019

Yeah that was funny. Should have kept that stuff in and called it Star Wars: A funny thing happened on the way to the salt planet.
Star Wars: Episode IX - December 20, 2019

Every single TLJ basher will be here next month hating on Solo the first week it's out. Every. Single. One

I dare any of you to even attempt to prove me wrong. :lol

But it’s because of one simple fact....everyone is ignoring...

It’s become fashionable for the geek set to repel geek culture that has become mainstream.... it happened to SW before after ROTJ....

With every major film release it’s a rush on social media to be the first person to hate a film....cause if you hate your cool and ahead of the curve....

It’s a risk to say you LOVE something because you open yourself up to criticism and ridicule .....

Hate is safer.....

It will happen with Infinity War....Deadpool and every major upcoming release.

Geeks will destroy their own golden age of films.....

I just can't get over this movie.
But never anything like this. It's been months and I still just feel ****ING RAGE every time I think about it. I've never detested a movie with such vitriol in my life.

It's just a movie. Why can't I just let it go and forget about it? Why do I keep torturing myself? I'm like a dog that **** on the floor an my owner rubs my nose in the **** to teach me a lesson, but I'm rubbing my OWN nose in the ****! I'm doing it to myself!! Why??

Why do I hate this ******* movie so much?? Why do I come to this thread every day just to get my blood boiling?? This piece of **** movie is gonna end up being the death of me. I'm gonna give myself a stroke hating this movie so hard.
Sounds like some therapy might be I order.....

The problem is from the get go, people who were vocal about not liking this movie were attacked by the Media, Johnson & all that "loved" the movie. Yourself & Jye included. You guys literally joked and laughed at the expense of those who were vocal about not liking it putting others on the defensive. It was like you were the cool kids and the "haters" were the losers. I don't think you even realized it. You were just as offended as the other side was.

So, many "haters" went into attack mode. I don't agree with that, but it was a fight or flight response. It can be pretty infuriating when people laugh at you about how you feel towards certain things. Dismissing your feelings as nonsense. Lots of people who are thought to be wrong are later vindicated as to be right.

This can be said from the opposite camp as well....there were plenty of haters forcing though “argument” and “proof” that is was a bad film without any redeeming qualities and anyone who thought it was good had some bad taste in films.....


So much of the hate is rooted in people growing up, and wanting so much more than a simple film....they want an experience....and that will never happen again with any film in our lives....we cannot be 10 again and relive our SW obsessions....

Let me repeat this, no SW film will ever satisfy you all ever again.....ever....

Now go watch a movie and accept it’s meant to be 2 and 1/2 hours of entertainment ....not a life changing event.

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Re: Star Wars: Episode IX - December 20, 2019

Every single TLJ basher will be here next month hating on Solo the first week it's out. Every. Single. One.

And every single one of you will have some convenient story like "well the missus made me take her" or "I paid for DP2 then theater hopped..."

I dare any of you to even attempt to prove me wrong. :lol


Another way to try and justify the hate for TLJ.
Everyone that hates THAT movie is going g to hate THIS movie. The inherent suggestion there being that the fault is with the “haters” and not the substandard movie that they dislike. The same could be said about Rogue One - but wait no.. most fans loved it. Because it was a great SW movie.
The court is out on Solo. I think it looks great based on the trailers.
And will judge it based on its own merits and failings instead of The Last Jedi’s failings.

Re: Star Wars: Episode IX - December 20, 2019


I guess there are people out there that actually give a **** about what other people think of their taste in movies and music?

I've never been one of them. I love what I love and I LOATHE what I hate.

If I actually enjoyed anything about the trainwreck abortion of the Disney SW products I'd be singing their praises as obnoxiously as Khev and Jye. Even if I was the only one in the world that despised TLJ on a molecular level, I'd still give my unfiltered opinion on boards like this one.

Apparently I'm one of the few that didn't pee my pants over BR2049. And I said so in that thread and everyone called me some really unpleasant things. But I stand by my opinion. I don't care about being seen as "fashionable" by either strangers I'll never meet or my friends in real life.

It's just an opinion.
Re: Star Wars: Episode IX - December 20, 2019

Yeah...but I cannot get my head around sinking time and energy into hating something...makes sense to spend time on something you love...why not just move on from something you hate...I loved Transformers as a child and seeing the animated Transformers: The Movie as a 10 year old was life changing. I hate what Michael Bay has done to Transformers but I don't really spend a lot of time thinking about it...can't imagine spending my day on the internet talking about how much I hate what Bay did to my childhood heroes...I just put that energy into enjoying things that I actually like...kinda makes sense...
Re: Star Wars: Episode IX - December 20, 2019

Yeah...but I cannot get my head around sinking time and energy into hating something...makes sense to spend time on something you love...why not just move on from something you hate...I loved Transformers as a child and seeing the animated Transformers: The Movie as a 10 year old was life changing. I hate what Michael Bay has done to Transformers but I don't really spend a lot of time thinking about it...can't imagine spending my day on the internet talking about how much I hate what Bay did to my childhood heroes...I just put that energy into enjoying things that I actually like...kinda makes sense...

:goodpost: and well said. :duff

You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to jal76 again.
Re: Star Wars: Episode IX - December 20, 2019

Yeah...but I cannot get my head around sinking time and energy into hating something...makes sense to spend time on something you love...why not just move on from something you hate...I loved Transformers as a child and seeing the animated Transformers: The Movie as a 10 year old was life changing. I hate what Michael Bay has done to Transformers but I don't really spend a lot of time thinking about it...can't imagine spending my day on the internet talking about how much I hate what Bay did to my childhood heroes...I just put that energy into enjoying things that I actually like...kinda makes sense...
Where are we again? :lol
Re: Star Wars: Episode IX - December 20, 2019

Yeah...but I cannot get my head around sinking time and energy into hating something...makes sense to spend time on something you love...why not just move on from something you hate...I loved Transformers as a child and seeing the animated Transformers: The Movie as a 10 year old was life changing. I hate what Michael Bay has done to Transformers but I don't really spend a lot of time thinking about it...can't imagine spending my day on the internet talking about how much I hate what Bay did to my childhood heroes...I just put that energy into enjoying things that I actually like...kinda makes sense...

No, I agree. And for just about everything I'm the same way. A bad sequel, no matter how much I love the original, just slides off me like water off a duck's behind.

I hated TFA and I thought it was disgraceful what they did to Han and Luke and Leia, but I shrugged, and never watched it again.

I own the 1986 TF:TF on several VHS tapes, DVDs, and blurays but the Bay movies simply don't exist to me. No biggie.

Every year I watch Independence Day on the 4th of July and cry my eyes out at Whitmore's speech. The sequel stunk to high heaven and I rolled my eyes and never thought about it again.

But this movie. TLJ. There's just something so repellent, so offensive about just cuts me to the bone. 90% of my hate is for how Johnson dropped his drawers and took a steaming dook all over Luke Skywalker. I feel offended by that almost as much as if he pushed my own mother to the ground. I hate the rest of it too, Admiral Gender Studies and all that....but mostly it's Luke. It just feels so wrong on the deepest level imaginable.

I've ignored crap movies most of my life but this one has burrowed under my skin like a tick.

Maybe I do need therapy.
Re: Star Wars: Episode IX - December 20, 2019

The inherent suggestion there being that the fault is with the “haters”

I think that it's fair to say that that's been proven time and again by a certain group of people on this board. Not by everyone who disliked the movie obviously but enough for me to make the blanket statement and not have it be that far off.
Re: Star Wars: Episode IX - December 20, 2019

I think that it's fair to say that that's been proven time and again by a certain group of people on this board. Not by everyone who disliked the movie obviously but enough for me to make the blanket statement and not have it be that far off.

Every single TLJ basher will be here next month hating on Solo the first week it's out. Every. Single. One.

And every single one of you will have some convenient story like "well the missus made me take her" or "I paid for DP2 then theater hopped..."

I dare any of you to even attempt to prove me wrong. :lol

Ahem.... only a Sith speaks in absolutes..
Re: Star Wars: Episode IX - December 20, 2019

Disliking a movie does not necessarily equal "basher," troll, etc.

Plenty of reasonable people watch a movie, don't care for it, and then carry on with their lives without spamming every discussion about it with repetitive attention seeking garbage. Those who feel the need to conduct such behavior *will* be back each and every year with each and every release. Of that I have no doubt.
Re: Star Wars: Episode IX - December 20, 2019

Wow so much drama from people who will be there opening night for Solo and 9.


I just can't find the energy to argue about this movie anymore, I guess hatred is a powerful fuel.

Then again, I can't really keep up with he Posts anyway, I don't know how you guys do it, I just dont have that kind of time. Even though there have been so many posts I had some desire to comment on, by the time I get to it, they're 2 + days old.

Guess I'm relegated to spectator now.
Re: Star Wars: Episode IX - December 20, 2019

Disliking a movie does not necessarily equal "basher," troll, etc.

Plenty of reasonable people watch a movie, don't care for it, and then carry on with their lives without spamming every discussion about it with repetitive attention seeking garbage. Those who feel the need to conduct such behavior *will* be back each and every year with each and every release. Of that I have no doubt.

Every single TLJ hater that sees (and complains) about episode 9, has absolutely no credibility on any post they make complaining about that movie. If you truly hate TLJ as much as you say you do, then you'll stay far away from the next one.
Re: Star Wars: Episode IX - December 20, 2019

If you truly hate TLJ as much as you say you do, then you'll stay far away from the next one.

Why should hating one movie stop you from seeing another? You never know, it might improve the preceding chapter.

I liked TLJ but it left me with little interest in what happens next. But I’ll still see Ep IX out of curiosity.
Re: Star Wars: Episode IX - December 20, 2019

Every single TLJ hater that sees (and complains) about episode 9, has absolutely no credibility on any post they make complaining about that movie. .


I can't wait to throw this back at you. One day you too will hate a movie yet talk about the upcoming sequel. It is inevitable. Indiana Jones perhaps? Jaws 6? Skull Island 2? There will be something.