Re: Star Wars: Episode IX - December 20, 2019
Excuse me.. I just threw up in my mouth a little
Guess anyone who did not like the PT were just geeks hating it because it was safer... Jye and Khev that is very shallow of you
I will post the same thing I posted a few pages back with regards to the "haters' Being at opening night pf Episode 9 and Solo a SW movie. I would make somewhat the same rebuttal to the above quote.

I complained about TLJ because I love SW
I gave TLJ a chance because I love SW
I found some things to like about TLJ because I love SW.
I am still very frustrated with TLJ because I love SW
Everyone needs to remember that We love this franchise and so the heat gets raised a bit more then it will for the average film. I think because people love it so much they become protective of it and they have a hard time understanding how anyone could not agree with them. After all chances are we all love SW for the same reason so how can we see this film so differently??
Again I will point to what I said above.... It's the love of all things SW that keeps many coming back.. Its why I have.. Go look at any of the Transformers threads on here and you will hardly find any posts form me there because they are trash films that I have no love for to begin with... Hell go look at any Harry Potter thread and you will find little to no post by me there also... And I like those films but would not say I love them...
But I love SW and TLJ has really split the fans down the middle.. So the argument is easy to continue because (I will say it again) both sides LOVE SW. Its why either side has spent so much time posting about this film.
Besides do you really want a circle jerk were everyone just agrees with each other and talk about how good they feel?
Personally I have not laughed as much as I have in these SW threads with comments from both camps. The key is to not take it personally and just understand its all being said because people love the subject.
But it’s because of one simple fact....everyone is ignoring...
It’s become fashionable for the geek set to repel geek culture that has become mainstream.... it happened to SW before after ROTJ....
With every major film release it’s a rush on social media to be the first person to hate a film....cause if you hate your cool and ahead of the curve....
It’s a risk to say you LOVE something because you open yourself up to criticism and ridicule .....
Hate is safer.....
It will happen with Infinity War....Deadpool and every major upcoming release.
Geeks will destroy their own golden age of films.....
Excuse me.. I just threw up in my mouth a little

Guess anyone who did not like the PT were just geeks hating it because it was safer... Jye and Khev that is very shallow of you

Now I am not saying that what you have said above is not 100% false... But it is yet another way to ignore the fact that there are plenty of people out there that have legitimate issues with the film. Its like saying "The only possible way anyone can not like this film is if they are just trying to be fashionable..
It's the same if I said "The only reason so called "fans" of this film like it is because they just love anything with the SW name stamped on it regardless of quality."
It's the same if I said "The only reason so called "fans" of this film like it is because they just love anything with the SW name stamped on it regardless of quality."
I will post the same thing I posted a few pages back with regards to the "haters' Being at opening night pf Episode 9 and Solo a SW movie. I would make somewhat the same rebuttal to the above quote.
Of course TLJ haters will be there.. They will be there because they love SW... Its why they go on and on.. It's why the fans have gone on and on... Its why I have gone on and on... We all love SW. If this was some generic franchise we would not all be ignoring our loved ones just to post opinions to a bunch of strangers :LOL But we do because we love SW
I complained about TLJ because I love SW
I gave TLJ a chance because I love SW
I found some things to like about TLJ because I love SW.
I am still very frustrated with TLJ because I love SW
Everyone needs to remember that We love this franchise and so the heat gets raised a bit more then it will for the average film. I think because people love it so much they become protective of it and they have a hard time understanding how anyone could not agree with them. After all chances are we all love SW for the same reason so how can we see this film so differently??
Yeah...but I cannot get my head around sinking time and energy into hating something...makes sense to spend time on something you love...why not just move on from something you hate...I loved Transformers as a child and seeing the animated Transformers: The Movie as a 10 year old was life changing. I hate what Michael Bay has done to Transformers but I don't really spend a lot of time thinking about it...can't imagine spending my day on the internet talking about how much I hate what Bay did to my childhood heroes...I just put that energy into enjoying things that I actually like...kinda makes sense...
Again I will point to what I said above.... It's the love of all things SW that keeps many coming back.. Its why I have.. Go look at any of the Transformers threads on here and you will hardly find any posts form me there because they are trash films that I have no love for to begin with... Hell go look at any Harry Potter thread and you will find little to no post by me there also... And I like those films but would not say I love them...
But I love SW and TLJ has really split the fans down the middle.. So the argument is easy to continue because (I will say it again) both sides LOVE SW. Its why either side has spent so much time posting about this film.
Besides do you really want a circle jerk were everyone just agrees with each other and talk about how good they feel?

Personally I have not laughed as much as I have in these SW threads with comments from both camps. The key is to not take it personally and just understand its all being said because people love the subject.