Broke and happy
Re: Star Wars: Episode IX - December 20, 2019

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The same women? The one in the center top is a dude.
Another reason why I will be watchin' Solo.
Also, Luke abandoned his family and friends, gave up on the Jedi and himself, and went away to die alone. The original films never portrayed Obi-Wan and Yoda that way. I was always under the impression that they were waiting for the right time to train Luke to bring the Jedi back by defeating Darth Vader, not that they gave up on everything and lost all hope.
The criticism is about what Luke himself would do, not ''real jedi''. Yeah, Obi-wan and Yoda both went into hiding, but Luke Skywalker had a habit of not doing what they thought he should do.
They wanted him to stay on Dagobah rather than save his friends, they wanted him to kill Darth Vader rather than try to bring him back to the light. He ignored them, did his own thing and was loyal to friends and family.
So that meme misses the point I feel, its a bit of a strawman.
When alder-ran blew up would have been a good time...
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Obiwan and yoda had an entire army after them with no one to fight with them. The Jedi were seen as traitors. They were being hunted across the galaxy. Darth Vader was stronger than both.
Luke had an army with him and defeated the the empire . I’m pretty sure some shriveled ball sack and one angry emo couldn’t stop him.
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