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Re: Star Wars: Episode IX - December 20, 2019

Kennedy gave Johnson too much free reign. It’s like as long as the movie had a few strong female leads he could do whatever he wanted.
Re: Star Wars: Episode IX - December 20, 2019

Plinkett's review is here....

Looks like classic Plinkett is back, very entertaining review! Comparing TLJ to an Olympic runner winning a medal as he trips across the finish line and craps his pants was both hilarious and actually kind of accurate, lol. But I can say that about ROTJ too so my love for TLJ is intact despite Plinkett's roasting. :) Some of his points were off base like complaining that the FO just magically knew where the Resistance base was (the entire third act of TFA was about the FO trying to blow up the Ilinium System with Starkiller Base so obviously they knew where they were, duh!) but a lot of his issues overlap with my own and he has at least fair enough to give kudos to the filmmaking where it was due.
Re: Star Wars: Episode IX - December 20, 2019

Some of his points were off base like complaining that the FO just magically knew where the Resistance base was (the entire third act of TFA was about the FO trying to blow up the Ilinium System with Starkiller Base so obviously they knew where they were, duh!)

And he complains about why the FO is even bothering to chase down Leia and her tiny Resistance (because they supposedly don't present a threat). Yeah, the same tiny Resistance that blew up Starkiller Base . . . a costly, time-consuming, and pivotal battle station for the FO. Brilliant analysis there, bud.

Then he complains about why the Dreadnought fired at the base instead of at the ship that was prepping to go to light-speed. Well, maybe because the mission was to take out the base . . . because for every second that they didn't fire at the base, more ships would take off from it and need to be chased down. The f'ing FO had just shown up there seconds earlier; why would they immediately deviate from their intended target (the base) and let other ships (and communications) continue to leave from it in order to fire on one single ship (that can read the charging canons pointing at them and just, ya know . . . move)?

Then he complains that the Resistance must be comically stupid because they were dumb enough to get decimated and only end up with a dozen or so members at the end of the movie. This comes while simultaneously complaining that the FO should have been able to wipe out the whole Resistance if they weren't so comically stupid. WTF!? How can you simultaneously complain about two opposing concepts? Now that's comically stupid.

Then the complaints start being about why the Resistance would even bother going to Crait. Answer: to reach out to sympathizers and hope that they'd come help after the First Order blew up a bunch of planets in the previous film (which this film starts off from in terms of how much time passed).

Then asking why Holdo didn't ask for advice from the crew. Answer: why would she? She had a plan that could've worked well enough if DJ hadn't ratted them out. And how was DJ able to rat them out? Oh yeah, because Poe communicated the plan . . . which goes to a previous complaint about why Holdo didn't tell anyone (like Poe) about her plan. Maybe out of fear that someone like Poe knowing about the plan would compromise it (which happened). Maybe because she knew that some might think the plan would end up being a deathtrap (as Poe did). Or just didn't want to risk mutiny (which happened), or communication of the plan to be intercepted (which happened). Had Poe never learned of her plan, it would've actually worked better. Sometimes that's how leadership executes strategy; it's not a new (or dumb) concept.

Then suggesting the Resistance should have gone in and out of lightspeed to divide their forces/targets. And this complaint comes while the whole underlying premise is that there isn't enough fuel for anything remotely resembling that strategy. :slap Is it really that hard to follow what's being explained on screen!? And the inane complaints just keep going and going. I really hope this dude never watches the OT (or any movie he actually likes) with the same mindset. His desire for both the protagonists and the antagonists to simultaneously be using flawless logic will end up leaving him hating just about every movie ever made in this genre. FFS!

But I can't disagree with him about how cool it would've been to end the movie at Kylo asking Rey to join him. Oh well.
Re: Star Wars: Episode IX - December 20, 2019

But I can't disagree with him about how cool it would've been to end the movie at Kylo asking Rey to join him. Oh well.

Yeah his idea to just cut out Canto Bight entirely and then end the movie with Rey tempting Kylo would have made for an awesome flick that I doubt would have been divisive at all. DJ could have just been a shady character already with the Resistance who traveled directly from Leia's ship to Snoke's and then turned on them. Maybe take out Rose completely and just have Finn and Poe go to Snoke's ship with DJ. Threading the needle with the FO shuttle under the Crait doors felt more like a Poe maneuver anyway.

Then you end on the awesome high note of Snoke's fleet being obliterated and Snoke himself dying, Rey and Kylo seemingly a team after the throne room battle and Luke's fate on the island left uncertain. People would be chomping at the bit to see how the trilogy ended.

I do think that even though some of his complaints are easily debunked Plinkett definitely made a fair number of good points. I'm fine with TLJ being a mixed bag because for me at least the parts that are half-baked or even lame are at least counterbalanced by being beautifully shot and edited so that the weaker parts really do seem harmless when you're actually watching it. Then of course there's all the genuinely good to great aspects still making for an overall very entertaining experience. IMO obviously.

It's just that significant portions of the plot, strategies, and tactics don't hold up when looking back on the film *after* the fact. Because yeah many prominent members of the FO and Resistance are pretty simultaneously stupid throughout, lol. But it's still fun to watch it play out so no harm no foul. I think even Plinkett recognized that.
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Re: Star Wars: Episode IX - December 20, 2019

Yeah. In hindsight, that would have been a wise editing choice. But if I could only helm one episodic SW film myself, I'd be tempted to tell as much story as I could too, and end with some sort of resolution that carries weight and significance. I think it's a natural impulse.

When I watch the movie now, I usually edit Canto Bight out myself by using the "skip" button. :lol
Re: Star Wars: Episode IX - December 20, 2019

Looks like classic Plinkett is back, very entertaining review! Comparing TLJ to an Olympic runner winning a medal as he trips across the finish line and craps his pants was both hilarious and actually kind of accurate, lol. But I can say that about ROTJ too so my love for TLJ is intact despite Plinkett's roasting. :) Some of his points were off base like complaining that the FO just magically knew where the Resistance base was (the entire third act of TFA was about the FO trying to blow up the Ilinium System with Starkiller Base so obviously they knew where they were, duh!) but a lot of his issues overlap with my own and he has at least fair enough to give kudos to the filmmaking where it was due.

Yeah his idea to just cut out Canto Bight entirely and then end the movie with Rey tempting Kylo would have made for an awesome flick that I doubt would have been divisive at all. DJ could have just been a shady character already with the Resistance who traveled directly from Leia's ship to Snoke's and then turned on them. Maybe take out Rose completely and just have Finn and Poe go to Snoke's ship with DJ. Threading the needle with the FO shuttle under the Crait doors felt more like a Poe maneuver anyway.

Then you end on the awesome high note of Snoke's fleet being obliterated and Snoke himself dying, Rey and Kylo seemingly a team after the throne room battle and Luke's fate on the island left uncertain. People would be chomping at the bit to see how the trilogy ended.

I do think that even though some of his complaints are easily debunked Plinkett definitely made a fair number of good points. I'm fine with TLJ being a mixed bag because for me at least the parts that are half-baked or even lame are at least counterbalanced by being beautifully shot and edited so that the weaker parts really do seem harmless when you're actually watching it. Then of course there's all the genuinely good to great aspects still making for an overall very entertaining experience. IMO obviously.

It's just that significant portions of the plot, strategies, and tactics don't hold up when looking back on the film *after* the fact. Because yeah many prominent members of the FO and Resistance are pretty simultaneously stupid throughout, lol. But it's still fun to watch it play out so no harm no foul. I think even Plinkett recognized that.

He even said TLJ is not PT bad. :lol
Re: Star Wars: Episode IX - December 20, 2019

He even said TLJ is not PT bad. :lol

If TLJ was an Olympic runner falling down and crapping his pants as he crossed the finish line for a medal then the PT was an Olympic runner falling down and crapping his pants while running the wrong way and getting disqualified (non-canon) lol.
Re: Star Wars: Episode IX - December 20, 2019

Disqualified non canon :lol

It’s like he recognized that while TLJ ultimately failed he respected it in the sense that it’s an actual real movie with real acting lol
Re: Star Wars: Episode IX - December 20, 2019

It was not all bad. Just some of the story elements made no sense, and there could have been more action and character development.
Re: Star Wars: Episode IX - December 20, 2019

I 100% agreed with Plinkett about the prequels, but I thought he was being very nit-picky with this one. For the prequels he brought up legitimate, intelligent criticisms. But here was a lot of "why didn't they just..." which to me is just being overly fussy. I did like how he brought up Picard and crew--one of the things I really loved about TNG is that it felt much more like an ensemble movie, and all the supporting players and really the full crew were important to the success of the captain and the mission. I always felt the old series had Kirk, Spock and McCoy too central and certainly Kirk as way too singularly heroic. The movies shifted that a little bit though. And I hated how TNG movies tried to make Picard be more of the single hero too.

Still like TLJ. Still love Star Wars! :banana
Re: Star Wars: Episode IX - December 20, 2019

It seems to me that had the movie ended his way (Kylo askng Rey to join him) he was ready to give the movie a pass. :lol
Re: Star Wars: Episode IX - December 20, 2019

It seems to me that had the movie ended his way (Kylo askng Rey to join him) he was ready to give the movie a pass. :lol

Yep but he wanted to follow up on his promise to deliver a comedy review so he filled it with every nitpick he could muster. Wanting Rey to join the Crait fight in Snoke's escape shuttle instead of the *FALCON??* What the hell kind of criticism is that, lol.

Just say that Canto Bight and Rose are stupid and call it a day, lol.

I still liked his review though, a lot of it really did make me laugh out loud but mostly it was because he was modifying the clips to make them more comedic like adding a laugh track to Holdo's distress about the exploding transports. :lol And if the movie did end with Snoke dying, Kylo tempting Rey and Princess freaking Leia doing the lightspeed kamikaze then yeah that would have been pretty badass. Ah well, at least Rose and Canto Bight provide lots of lolz.
Re: Star Wars: Episode IX - December 20, 2019

Yep but he wanted to follow up on his promise to deliver a comedy review so he filled it with every nitpick he could muster. Wanting Rey to join the Crait fight in Snoke's escape shuttle instead of the *FALCON??* What the hell kind of criticism is that, lol.

Just say that Canto Bight and Rose are stupid and call it a day, lol.

I still liked his review though, a lot of it really did make me laugh out loud but mostly it was because he was modifying the clips to make them more comedic like adding a laugh track to Holdo's distress about the exploding transports. :lol And if the movie did end with Snoke dying, Kylo tempting Rey and Princess freaking Leia doing the lightspeed kamikaze then yeah that would have been pretty badass. Ah well, at least Rose and Canto Bight provide lots of lolz.

Part of the issue was Rey left on Snoke's ship and the very next scene she's in the gunner's seat of the Falcon.... It would of made more sense if she attacked in Snoke's ship then mysteriously appearing on the Falcon.. Given it's a minor issue..

For most fans the let down is you had the original cast and this is what Abrams and Johnson did with them... Episodes 7, 8 and 9 should of been about the original cast with Rey's story being secondary and setting up a new trilogy about her later. Instead the original cast got pushed aside and it was all about the new characters which are mostly unlikeable...

It didn't help Johnson's whole direction of the movie was "what will the audience and fans want and then I'll do the exact opposite"
Re: Star Wars: Episode IX - December 20, 2019

Breaking. Mark Hamill still throwing shade at Rian Johnson.

Mark Hamill Still Doesn’t Understand Luke Skywalker’s Characterization in The Last Jedi!

Hamill was questioned by an inquiring fan who wanted to know why Luke gave up after his failure with Kylo Ren.

Hamill would reply stating, “When I understand, I’ll let you know.”

JJ is apparently unwilling to do what's necessary.

Along with RJ and Jar Jar's careers.
Re: Star Wars: Episode IX - December 20, 2019

Part of the issue was Rey left on Snoke's ship and the very next scene she's in the gunner's seat of the Falcon.... It would of made more sense if she attacked in Snoke's ship then mysteriously appearing on the Falcon.. Given it's a minor issue..

For most fans the let down is you had the original cast and this is what Abrams and Johnson did with them... Episodes 7, 8 and 9 should of been about the original cast with Rey's story being secondary and setting up a new trilogy about her later. Instead the original cast got pushed aside and it was all about the new characters which are mostly unlikeable...

It didn't help Johnson's whole direction of the movie was "what will the audience and fans want and then I'll do the exact opposite"
I think you nailed it. If this was to be the end of the skywalker OT story, then Ep 7-9 should have focused mainly on those main characters while introducing us to their replacements. I think also, at least from how I see it, these new characters are not at all likable, which hurt them the most. If you're expanding on a franchise like this you have to make us care about the new characters and what happens to them. I truly don't care about any of them or the overall arch/story this new trilogy is based on. The prequels had a better story than this.
Re: Star Wars: Episode IX - December 20, 2019

Not matter how perfect the PT story might’ve been on paper the execution had audiences literally pointing at the screen and laughing it even sounded just like that laugh track in Plincket’s video. :lol
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Re: Star Wars: Episode IX - December 20, 2019

Yep, movies live and die by how they are executed. The PT, live-action Ghost in the Shell, Total Recall remake, RoboCop remake, Narnia flicks, Justice League, KOTCS, etc., all had good to great plots but so what. Execution is what counts. There's not a single horribly executed film with an awesome plot that is considered a classic (true classic not silly cult stuff like "The Room" lol) but lots of classic films have dumb plots.
Re: Star Wars: Episode IX - December 20, 2019

Yup lol

All adults had to make that horrendously difficult choice from 99-05.

Do we sink in our seats to hide from the embarrassment of being a SW fan that worshipped Lucas’s 2nd coming then watching the horror of it all unfolding before our eyes OR do we join the laughing and pointing.

TPM I chose the former but by AOTC I had fully embraced the latter lol
Re: Star Wars: Episode IX - December 20, 2019

PT had me fully a SW fan....didnt realize the idiocy of it until watching it on DVD....

Then AOTC was just awful, although my brain tried to only focus on the lack of Jar Jar and some cool saber wasnt enough.

To me most of ROTS was fun, still mostly stupid but at least fun and mostly watchable.

Sent from the inside of a giant slug in outer space.....

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