Broke and happy
I don’t think the original duel in the context of 77 was ever meant to be a fun carnival ride but more of a slow somber tragic one.
I don’t think the original duel in the context of 77 was ever meant to be a fun carnival ride but more of a slow somber tragic one.
I don’t think the original duel in the context of 77 was ever meant to be a fun carnival ride but more of a slow somber tragic one.
The duel was an extension of the story between those two characters. It had actual meaning and purpose. And it served the plot by being a transition point for Kenobi and Luke. The way fans perceive how lightsaber duels "should" play out now is just one more thing I blame the PT for ruining about SW.
It has become much more superficial.
Fans now want/expect twirling and flips, and Force-tossing opponents. They apparently even want straight-up punching now.I prefer the nobility of the traditional sword fight that LS duels were in the OT. The '77 duel was slow and lumbering, but that was always okay with me because those were supposed to be two veteran warriors, with a deep personal history, having one final confrontation. What they'd be *thinking and feeling* mattered. It wasn't supposed to be a rage fest to show off skills and superpowers.
Vader stalking Kenobi, and taking measure of his old master should make sense to people. Kenobi buying as much time as he can, knowing that he's outmatched, should make sense to people. There's no story-telling need for flips and ****.
Now fans seem to want these Jedi and Sith to act as much like cb superheroes/villains as possible. It makes me wonder why even have lightsabers at all then? Why not go full-on Force superpower duels? With JJ being the crowd-pleaser that he is, I can only hope he doesn't give in to that.
Smooth calculating Samurais replaced by green frog twirling Ninjas lol
Interestingly the younger types are more likely to look for Star Wars related terms, which seems a bit off. I'd have thought the middle aged people would be more inclined to look for people dressed up like that woman they saw wearing very little in one of their favourite childhood films.
'Star Wars Rey' saw a jump up quite a few places as well, jumping over 'Star Wars Parody' and 'Star Wars XXX' - though they still seem to remain pretty popular. 'Ashsoka Tano' (from Clone Wars and Rebels) has jumped up a couple of spaces, while 'Star Whores' has fallen.
The acting's fine in TLJ... I just can't get passed the massive and uninteresting and ultimately pointless set they have for the equally uninteresting and pointless Supreme Leader.
It looks like a cheap stage play. Some Andrew Lloyd Webber thing.
The duel was an extension of the story between those two characters. It had actual meaning and purpose. And it served the plot by being a transition point for Kenobi and Luke. The way fans perceive how lightsaber duels "should" play out now is just one more thing I blame the PT for ruining about SW.
It has become much more superficial.
Fans now want/expect twirling and flips, and Force-tossing opponents. They apparently even want straight-up punching now.I prefer the nobility of the traditional sword fight that LS duels were in the OT. The '77 duel was slow and lumbering, but that was always okay with me because those were supposed to be two veteran warriors, with a deep personal history, having one final confrontation. What they'd be *thinking and feeling* mattered. It wasn't supposed to be a rage fest to show off skills and superpowers.
Vader stalking Kenobi, and taking measure of his old master should make sense to people. Kenobi buying as much time as he can, knowing that he's outmatched, should make sense to people. There's no story-telling need for flips and ****.
Now fans seem to want these Jedi and Sith to act as much like cb superheroes/villains as possible. It makes me wonder why even have lightsabers at all then? Why not go full-on Force superpower duels? With JJ being the crowd-pleaser that he is, I can only hope he doesn't give in to that.
I like it the way it is, can't stand the baton twirling, hit nothing, over choreography of ROTS.Ugh the Vader vs Kenobi duel from ANH really needs to be redone.
I loved the duels from the prequel trilogy. Thought it was great to see force powers in addition to faster sword play. Don't understand why anybody would be against that?
But at the end of the day there were other limiting factors at play rather than just artistic subtlety.
Ugh the Vader vs Kenobi duel from ANH really needs to be redone.
I loved the duels from the prequel trilogy. Thought it was great to see force powers in addition to faster sword play. Don't understand why anybody would be against that?
But Lucas also said that the OT duelling was about an old man vs a half-man half-machine and Luke learning by watching those two, which is why the OT duels were slow. He went on to say that PT era were Jedi in their prime which is why they are much faster.
I like it the way it is, can't stand the baton twirling, hit nothing, over choreography of ROTS.
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