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Anyone remember the PS1 video game "Bushido Blade?" It was a samurai fighting game. What was great about it was that the duels were usually decided with one blow. One guy's sword would miss, and the other guy's would land, and that's it. Game over.

And that's how these lightsaber duels SHOULD play out. Cause that thing would cut right through anything, and anyone who isn't a complete idiot wouldn't be aiming at his opponent's blade, he'd be trying to cleave him in half from neck to crotch.

"Complexity." Right.

Tell me another one.
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So, in your opinion, the PT duels are a better representation of how combat would play out if "laser swords" and Jedi were real? A better representation of how a Jedi/Sith duel-to-the-death would play out?

Is that "superior choreography" the kind that was on display in that hilarious video posted about The (Phantom) Menace?

Yes the PT duels are a far better representation than what we saw in ANH. I thought it was great seeing how the Force could turn Yoda from being an old & small little creature into a whirling dervish of destruction.
I don't know what sort of theater you're referring to in martial arts. I certainly see plenty of theatricality and showmanship in *demonstrations* (such as those for bojutsu), but wouldn't expect it in any actual combat.

I *will* confess most of my knowledge of martial arts comes from Batman movies!

Anyone remember the PS1 video game "Bushido Blade?" It was a samurai fighting game. What was great about it was that the duels were usually decided with one blow. One guy's sword would miss, and the other guy's would land, and that's it. Game over.

Reminds me of how Kurosawa portrayed something similar at the end of this SS scene.

Yes the PT duels are a far better representation than what we saw in ANH. I thought it was great seeing how the Force could turn Yoda from being an old & small little creature into a whirling dervish of destruction.

Okay. I'm glad the PT duels work for you. I would just note the implications of how far Force powers can take Yoda during lightsaber duels. You might find yourself wondering how he'd ever fail to win . . . or why he'd even bother to engage in a duel in the first place.


Using Force powers in other contexts is great, but injecting them into lightsaber duels can introduce a whole host of unnecessary logic problems. I think the more grounded and traditional LS dueling of the OT and ST (so far, at least) has its benefits. :wink1:
You really think the lightsaber battles in the ST are more grounded and traditional?
If the word being thrown around is grounded then yes absolutely ST is more so than the PT.

The flashiest in the ST was Snoke’s throne room.

But that’s super grounded when compared to the ridiculousness of Sidious flipping around like a fish out of water or crack cocaine Yoda lol

So yeah if you don’t see that then alrighty then.
If the word being thrown around is grounded then yes absolutely ST is more so than the PT.

The flashiest in the ST was Snoke’s throne room.

But that’s super grounded when compared to the ridiculousness of Sidious flipping around like a fish out of water or crack cocaine Yoda lol

So yeah if you don’t see that then alrighty then.

Some of the PT plays and even looks like a Pixar animated movie. You have to be careful what you set as your benchmark for "grounded.":lol
Wow, someone just pointed out that last year Bob Iger announced a three year contract extension for Kathleen Kennedy as head of Lucasfilm until 2021...before then announcing that they were going to put SW on hiatus until 2022.

Possibly an interesting way for Iger to basically fire her from all future SW projects without it having to come to fruition during the height of #MeToo.
Yeah I think it’s time.

If IX is not capable of action I suggest new leadership is needed. I move for a vote of no confidence in producer Kennedy’s leadership.
Wow, someone just pointed out that last year Bob Iger announced a three year contract extension for Kathleen Kennedy as head of Lucasfilm until 2021...before then announcing that they were going to put SW on hiatus until 2022.

Possibly an interesting way for Iger to basically fire her from all future SW projects without it having to come to fruition during the height of #MeToo.

It's a good point Khev. I think she is effectively already gone, a figurehead without power now just so they get past the embarrassment of having to admit that TLJ did not help the brand and let her leave on her 'own' terms. Iger now appears to be far more hands on at LFL in terms of deciding future projects and Rian's trilogy appears to have been canned as well. Only one new trilogy announced after KK's current stint as boss and Iger publically championing Weiss and Benihoffs trilogy and not mentioning RJ's at all.

I'm looking forward to the Mandalorian and hoping the Emperor isn't too tainted by Rise of Skywalker!
Dunno why we are blaming Kennedy for everything. Seems like there are plenty of players involved in this....(assuming you feel the need to blame?)

Besides we got RO and Solo which most people agree were does she get credit for those?

Just wondering....cause that would seem to be a 50/50 record, which is better than alot of franchises manage.

We also have the Mandalorian and a third act yet to play out?

Sent from the inside of a giant slug in outer space.....
Dunno why we are blaming Kennedy for everything. Seems like there are plenty of players involved in this....(assuming you feel the need to blame?)

Besides we got RO and Solo which most people agree were does she get credit for those?

Just wondering....cause that would seem to be a 50/50 record, which is better than alot of franchises manage.

We also have the Mandalorian and a third act yet to play out?

Sent from the inside of a giant slug in outer space.....

RO had extensive reworking (that cost many millions) and a new ending while Solo was basically filmed twice (doubling the original budget.)

Not sure those are honor badges for the exec in charge.:dunno
RO had extensive reworking (that cost many millions) and a new ending while Solo was basically filmed twice (doubling the original budget.)

Not sure those are honor badges for the exec in charge.:dunno

Wouldn't that be good for the person who made the executive decision to make these changes that resulted in two good movies? I feel like had Last Jedi been a much better movie, than this whole trilogy would have been perfectly acceptable. I actually enjoyed TFA and then TLJ did a 180 and fundamentally changed everything about the story and possibly the franchise.
Imagine if after IW the fanbase was divided, the Russos were routinely mocking and attacking fans on Twitter, CM bombed, and then Feige said that audiences are suffering from Marvel fatigue and that after AEG they'll wait three years before starting Phase 4.

How excited would anyone be for AEG?

But that's where SW is under Kennedy. TLJ of all films should have been the great uniter, not divider, so that the entire fanbase was at a fever pitch heading into TROS to see how the Saga will finally end. There's no excuse for TROS not being Star Wars Endgame.

I'll be there opening weekend of course hoping for the best and that I'll feel like I'm seeing the conclusion that George might have given us in an alternate timeline way back when. But looking at where SW is pre-TROS compared to the MCU pre-AEG is an absolute embarrassment.
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