Rex Tremendae Majestatis
The duel was an extension of the story between those two characters. It had actual meaning and purpose. And it served the plot by being a transition point for Kenobi and Luke. The way fans perceive how lightsaber duels "should" play out now is just one more thing I blame the PT for ruining about SW.
It has become much more superficial.
Fans now want/expect twirling and flips, and Force-tossing opponents. They apparently even want straight-up punching now.I prefer the nobility of the traditional sword fight that LS duels were in the OT. The '77 duel was slow and lumbering, but that was always okay with me because those were supposed to be two veteran warriors, with a deep personal history, having one final confrontation. What they'd be *thinking and feeling* mattered. It wasn't supposed to be a rage fest to show off skills and superpowers.
Vader stalking Kenobi, and taking measure of his old master should make sense to people. Kenobi buying as much time as he can, knowing that he's outmatched, should make sense to people. There's no story-telling need for flips and ****.
Now fans seem to want these Jedi and Sith to act as much like cb superheroes/villains as possible. It makes me wonder why even have lightsabers at all then? Why not go full-on Force superpower duels? With JJ being the crowd-pleaser that he is, I can only hope he doesn't give in to that.
Completely agree with your assessment of the ANH duel, it is the way it should be. A no-nonsense contest between two grizzled, wary opponents. Whether it happened that way by plan or due to the limitations of the time is irrelevant.
However, I don't agree about the PT ruining lightsaber fights. Again, I think they play out exactly as they should, with a lot of energy and flourishes, if you will. Notice how quick and efficient the Jedi dispatch opponents who do not wield lightsabers; there are no flourishes, there's no messing around, usually just the quickest swipe or thrust to end everything quickly. However, when faced with a lightsaber wielding opponent, they really get into it, using every means at their disposal to gain an advantage.
That the "fans" want everything to look like that now is a problem of the fans, not of the PT.