Broke and happy

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Especially when you know it wasn't intended to be this way, but at this point they are just desperate for something that makes a bit of sense.
EW says it's real.
That means the film cut 15 minutes from the length originally given to theaters. Maybe they watched my video where I said when you finish a SW film then you need to immediately watch it and cut out the 10 stupidest minutes before actually showing it in theaters, lol.
Interesting that of the 10 released SW films the five shortest films (OT/RO/Solo) are also the best.
TLJ and AOTC are the longest...
JJ: hopefully audiences can still love it for the parts they got right.
What kind of salesman is that?
In one way or another I think Disney is trying to correct ship after TLJ.
KK being graciously removed
Favloni (less reliance on story group maybe)
RJ bye bye
Igers book admitting Lucas relationship
Baby Yoda lol
Is it perfect of course not.
If it was we wouldn?t have horses on star destroyers.
Oh well one thing I know for certain i?ll be there first show.
At any rate, everybody knew about the Empire and its oppressive system, even in backwater Tatooine.
Yeah, my understanding is that there was an Imperial garrison already on Tatooine.
Interesting that of the 10 released SW films the five shortest films (OT/RO/Solo) are also the best.
One who has been reading our reactions to the trailers and leaks, lol.
There are still aspects of TROS that can win me over. I will have no outrage over Rey being the "other" since that wouldn't be retconning ESB it'd be retconning ROTJ which itself was a stupid retcon of ESB. I also won't be mad if she's the real Chosen One since that was a story element introduced in the PT and who the hell cares about honoring Jake Lloyd/Hayden Christensen's legacy, lol.
So we'll see.
Plus if The Mandalorian can make Super Battle Droid's cool then I'm sure the seeds of the FO can also be cool if handled by Favreau as well.
Then KK and RJ can just fade into obscurity.
Yes it's clear that Favreau has been a lifelong fan very eager to explore the dark corners of this galaxy far, far away where Abrams has simply wanted to show his love by copying exactly what George did rather than tread new territory. He pretty much guaranteed that he'd never achieve true greatness that way but it can still end "respectably" when all is said and done if they don't go off the deep end and then they can let someone more capable take over from here.
Damnnnn daisy blames John for selling the leaked script oooffff hahahahaha
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Yeah Jannah's ride is now in slow-motion with Chariots of Fire music, lol.
And didn't her name used to be Hannah? Did that get changed?
Looks like she?s back to TFA flavor. I think she was just Qui-curious.