Super Freak
Audiences eat it up, tear up, and clap...
When you don’t have any ideas, just borrow from the MCU format.
Audiences eat it up, tear up, and clap...
It?ll hit a billion. It?s not a bad film just flawed
Stand back everyone... I'm going to make Khev tear up again... ready...
The scene that was missing from TROS:
Force ghosts of Han Solo and son Ben Solo walking away toward the horizon, having a long overdue chat before they evaporate into infinity... as the John Williams music swells then recedes into quietness...
Here comes those tears, Khev. Go ahead, its OK...
Maybe Kylo can turn to Dad and ask: wanna have a catch?
I did like a thousand pages ago... lol.
No, thank you! It's refreshing to see someone who wants to engage in discourse instead of immediately jumping to accusations like you are just a racist/sexist/mysogynist/moron/hater/salty whenever anyone criticizes these movies. When I say these movies are trash I am not insulting anyone other than the creators of these movies, but a lot of people on this board take it personally as if they own a stake in Star Wars. You can't have constructive discussions with fanboys and apologists who are easily distracted by lightsabers and spaceships, so I don't bother.
Contrary to popular belief (and I do realize most of my posts come off like this), but I don't hate these movies per se, rather, I experience pure disappointment at what should have been; especially after watching TROS. I never said these movies were not well made, my objections with the ST (and PT for that matter) have to do with lore-breaking plot points and the overarching 40-year-old narrative and character arcs and how they have been discarded/wasted/ruined along the way (which makes sense given my professional background in a creative industry) and not little details or minor plot-holes.
I have two primary problems with TROS:
1. This movie seems like a rushed jumbled mess because it's actually two movies in one. It's JJ's Episode 8 & 9 mushed together because of Ruin's folly. TLJ was the lore-breaking end of a series and closed most of the narrative threads leaving no where for the story to go. Ruin is an incompetent writer even though his direction is beautiful. JJ had to setup an entire previous movie in TROS in order to continue a story and it shows. For example, all the stuff about getting a transmission from Palpatine and Kylo eventually finding him should have been the plot of 8. The end of 8 should have been Palpatine telling Kylo to find Rey. Skipping over massive plot points like that is dissatisfying. This trilogy would have been so much better had JJ made all 3 movies.
2. TROS wiped away everything Lucas wrote wholesale. The Skywalkers don't matter. Their lineage lasted a blink of an eye and are now all dead and had absolutely no impact on the overall narrative. It took a Palpatine to destroy a Palpatine. The Skywalkers are just a footnote in their own saga. Vader/Luke/Leia/Ben were not the chosen ones or brought balance to the Force - that was all Rey Palpatine who was born completely independently of the Skywalker brood. I think Obi-Wan's voice during the final battle even tells Rey to "rise and bring balance to the force". Talk about pissing all over Lucas' creation. This entire saga turned out to be the "Rise of Rey" and is the natural outcome of Kathleen Kennedy's misandrist agenda and not 40+ years of science-fantasy storytelling.
This entire debacle lies at the feet of Kathleen Kennedy. She had one job - grow the brand to include young girls and women, visible minorities, and the Chinese market because the more people that love Star Wars, the more money Disney stockholders will make on merchandise sales. But through her gross incompetence she has actually shrunk the original consumer base, shooed away a large number of OG fans, failed to attract a new, young generation of fans (Marvel has taken over the hearts and imaginations of younglings today) and women, young girls and minorities still don't care about Star Wars. The brand is DOA in China and has only appealed to virtue-signaling twitter mobs who want to be perceived as SJWs without actually doing anything concrete to help marginalized populations that need it. I don't see these loud-mouthed a***oles volunteering at women's shelters or coaching at-risk youth, but I do see them vomiting insults and stupidity all over social media. These are also people who have no interest in buying expensive Star Wars dolls like us or any other merchandise - no more sweet sweet SW money for you Disney; that honeypot has dried up. Lagging merchandise earnings and flopping movies prove this point.
And of course, Lucas has no love for these movies, so I will join the creator of Star Wars on that side of the fence.
Sorry for writing all this crap no one wants to read and I also wish you a happy and safe holiday!
Actually, there were a bunch of conveniences in that sequence. First, they all landed on the quicksand, then they just happened to stumble onto the buried artifact in a cave, followed by a snake thing conveniently creating a hole on a wall for them to escape, so that they can take a ship that just happened to be abandoned for a decade, but ready to be used, yet no one saw it or stole it.
May DiFabio have mercy on my soul for what i?m about to say.
The most powerful moving moment in Star Wars obviously remains I Am Your Father.
But the second most powerful moving moment in Star Wars for me now is the Leia-Han-Kylo moment.
Rey is on her knees defeated.
When it goes silent around Kylo and you hear Leia then you see her silhouette I had goosebumps and tears but then Han talks and I was floored by that one two punch.
Between the very unfocused underwhelming space battle and Palpatine losing too easily it all came crashing down for me at the end.
The Kylo Rey stuff was great both actors shined brilliantly but that 3rd act while not entirely void of epic moments just fell short for me.
Palpatine lost too easy.
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May DiFabio have mercy on my soul for what i?m about to say.
The most powerful moving moment in Star Wars obviously remains I Am Your Father.
But the second most powerful moving moment in Star Wars for me now is the Leia-Han-Kylo moment.
Rey is on her knees defeated.
When it goes silent around Kylo and you hear Leia then you see her silhouette I had goosebumps and tears but then Han talks and I was floored by that one two punch.
Between the very unfocused underwhelming space battle and Palpatine losing too easily it all came crashing down for me at the end.
The Kylo Rey stuff was great both actors shined brilliantly but that 3rd act while not entirely void of epic moments just fell short for me.
Palpatine lost too easy.
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If I had to choose, mine is probably still this moment:
But without the added “No.....NOOOOO!”
I always liked the original version where he was silent. Ironically, I thought the added “NOOOOO!” took away from the drama of the moment, while I’m sure Lucas probably felt it added to it. I always liked the fact that he was silently deciding in his head what to do, and simply made his choice without needing to scream. His actions alone did the talking.
I'm wondering, can this just be a Duology with TFA and then TROS without needing to see TLJ to make sense of it all?
Haven't seen TROS and probably won't until it ends up on TNT, but from all the leaks I read/heard it seems to me that you can erase the memory of TLJ and still have a decent "coherent" story from just the Abrams SW films. Forget TLJ.
Did he lose to easily though?? I mean Rey had the power of all the Jedi behind her / in her didn't she?
IDK.. I thought it was all fine.
I agree about the Kylo / Han / Rey stuff. Very moving and powerful... However I agree with Silverstar below.
I hate the addition of Nooo more than Greedo shooting first.
But what a great moment. Williams Music and use of the Force theme is perfect there.
Luke's "Never: and beating Vader is a great moment also... Great music
Of course "No, I am your father" is still number 1 but the above mentioned and the Kylo and his parents parts are all very emotional and amazing.
One thing is certain D O is hands down the worst droid in SW.
While I think Babu humor fell flat at times during the memory wipe scene I did lol at him popping up in the Ywing that was good lol
That saber battle over the ocean was insanely thrilling and gorgeous I could watch that all day.
It?s so hard be critical of Ian McDiarmid isn?t it nearly impossible really lol
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Two main things are preventing my enjoyment/acceptance of this film:
- Rey being a Palpatine. This is supposed to be the Skywalker Saga, and her story overshadows Ben's.
- The Palpatine/Final Order revelation. What was the real point of Snoke and the First Order?
I didn't mind Palpatine's return per se, but would have preferred he possessed Snoke's body. Why have a succession of Snoke clones?
Two main things are preventing my enjoyment/acceptance of this film:
- Rey being a Palpatine. This is supposed to be the Skywalker Saga, and her story overshadows Ben's.
- The Palpatine/Final Order revelation. What was the real point of Snoke and the First Order?
I haven?t seen the film yet (probably won?t until this week after Christmas), and while I may very well enjoy it as a SW film, I may have a difficult time accepting it because I can?t get over them bringing back Palpatine in the first place. To me, the move was lazy, and signified that they simply didn?t know what else to do.
TLJ is not just a bad movie, it destroyed this trilogy.
Who / what was Snoke? A clone?
I didn't mind TLJ, but I don't think JJ should have reacted to its subversion with more subversion of his own. He should have just taken what was there and run with it - focus on Kylo as the new Supreme Leader.