Here are the films that made more than a billion this year:
1 Avengers: Endgame $2,797,800,564
2 The Lion King $1,656,713,458
3 Frozen II $1,217,590,889
4 Spider-Man: Far from Home $1,131,927,996
5 Captain Marvel $1,128,274,794
6 Toy Story 4 $1,073,394,593
7 Joker $1,062,994,002
8 Aladdin $1,050,693,953
Nope it was a 59% drop. Day to day box office has been quite strong and continues to be higher than TLJ.
Good read, thanks.
Okay, a-dev, now that you've answered the Palpatine lightning self-assassination conundrum, take a crack at these:
1.) If the Sith Fleet of death star destroyers can't navigate out of Exogol without a navigation tower signal, how did the Resistance ships navigate out?
2.) If there are only two wayfinders to Exogol, and one nav tower to get out, how were all of the supplies and manpower getting to and from there?
3.) How did Leia know that Rey was a Palpatine? Jedi have the ability to sense someone's lineage now? That would've come in handy when Vader was interrogating Leia in ANH.
4.) If Palpatine created Snoke, and possessed that body with his spirit, what happened to Palpatine's spirit when Snoke was killed? Shouldn't it inhabit the one who "strikes him down?"
5.) When Palpatine was Snoke, his powers were overwhelming Rey. Snoke outmatched her, read her mind, and made her look foolish. So, what does Palpatine need Rey for?
6.) How do the FO TIE Fighters follow Poe's "lightspeed skipping" in real time? How could they possibly know his jump coordinates that quickly?
7.) Is Force lightning something that gets inherited now? It's not something you need to learn how to manifest? Does that mean that Rey is a Sith by birth?
8.) How did all of the planet-hopping adventures happen in the 16-hour timeframe that was given in the movie?
9.) How could Lando possibly recruit and gather that many ships from around the galaxy in much less than 16 hours?
10.) If the Resistance ships were following Rey's signal to R2-D2, how did Lando's Fleet get there afterwards?
11.) Why didn't the Resistance ships fall to the ground (while in Exogol's atmosphere) after Palpatine disabled them?
12.) How did Rey and Kylo know about Force healing and resurrection, but Anakin - under 10-year tutelage of the Jedi council, and with the Jedi library at his disposal - was never aware of it?
13.) How could Palpatine not know about Rey and Kylo's "Force dyad" connection? Wasn't he Snoke? Wasn't he aware of bridging their minds?
14.) How did Rey sense Chewbacca on the star destroyer, but Kylo couldn't sense Rey (his "Force dyad" partner) there when the two of them simply swapped locations?
15.) When Palpatine drained Rey and Ben, and no longer needed either one of them, why flick Ben into a pit and do nothing to Rey? Why not Force choke both?
16.) How did the KOR know that he was Ben not Kylo, and just started attacking him? And why didn't Ben use the Force to subdue them?
17.) If Palpatine could get in Kylo's head to manipulate him from anywhere, couldn't he have done the same with Rey (his own grandaughter) all along?
18.) Did Palpatine know that Leia was going to keep Kylo from killing Rey? It seems that risking it otherwise would've been pretty dumb.
19.) If Luke was looking for a wayfinder with Lando, why didn't Anakin's ghost tell his son about Vader's wayfinder on Mustafar (the one that Kylo took)?
20.) What was Palpatine hoping for when he was Snoke and put Rey was her knees at Kylo's mercy? Did Palps want Rey dead, or want Kylo to kill Snoke? Either way, how does that line up or make any sense?
21.) How did any aspect of Palpatine survive the DS2 explosion? Was the real him on Exogol the whole time?
22.) Where did Kylo find a functioning OT TIE Fighter to get off the Endor moon? And how did it have a hyperdrive?
I got carried away (sorry). I have to stop there since it's kickoff time. But, a-dev, if you want more, I could probably come up with another twenty. TROS is the nonsense gift that keeps on giving.
I admit that some of these are very minor and trivial (and perfectly forgivable); they're no different than the same type of nonsense in every SW movie. But some are true head-scratchers that become plot holes. In totality, TROS is in a league of its own when it comes to curious logic.
Wor-Gar was wondering if TROS will beat Frozen 2. Definitely not a guarantee since it would have to hold strong for several more weeks but it does have little in the way of new release competition.
Here are the films that made more than a billion this year:
1 Avengers: Endgame$2,797,800,564
2The Lion King$1,656,713,458
3Frozen II$1,217,590,889
4Spider-Man: Far from Home$1,131,927,996
5Captain Marvel$1,128,274,794
6Toy Story 4$1,073,394,593
TLJ made 1.3 billion so passing Frozen 2 is definitely a possibility. I hope it can at least pass Captain Marvel, lol.
***** Walrus and Luke fisherman two pack, with milking action! Move over kung fu G.I. Joe...
So the news was wrong?
It was on our (LA's) local news this morning which is generally very safe and middle of the road; never takes a side.
Just heard that TROS dropped 71% in its 2nd weekend. Not promising.
Well, like the movie, that answer is a mixed bag. I was enjoying the first half, then everything went wonky for me. I don't think the 2nd half is necessarily worse than the first half, its likely I had a certain amount of tolerance and that it just got chipped away and finally I ran out halfway through.
As I said though, despite its problems, I do believe it is the BEST (and most re-watchable) of the ST.
Yes … it was wrong.
It made $177.4 million its opening weekend and $72.4 million this past weekend. That's a 59% drop.
Friday vs. Friday drops is just clickbait. All that matters are the weekend to weekend tallies.
One thing I need to point out again after reading nearly 60 pages in this thread is the "Force dyad" between Rey and Kylo, especially when it comes to Force healing. I think the reason they're both able to do that may have to do with the dyad, because again, that's the specific power that revives Palpatine's physical form, and it's an action that he wasn't even aware was possible. I know that Baby Yoda shows us the ability to heal through the Force, and that takes place years before Rey and Kylo, but we have no evidence of it working before that. It can look like a plot hole that none of the other Jedi beforehand used this technique in situations where it definitely would've benefitted them (in previous films), but maybe they just weren't capable of it? Of course, I really don't know, but I think the dyad explains some of the amped up powers of the two.
Friday vs. Friday drops is just clickbait. All that matters are the weekend to weekend tallies.
Well, like the movie, that answer is a mixed bag. I was enjoying the first half, then everything went wonky for me. I don't think the 2nd half is necessarily worse than the first half, its likely I had a certain amount of tolerance and that it just got chipped away and finally I ran out halfway through.
As I said though, despite its problems, I do believe it is the BEST (and most re-watchable) of the ST.
I can attribute her instinctual Force abilities to her inborn Sith heritage while the Jedi-specific powers weren't learned until after studying the ancient texts.
Yeah I agree - it's my favorite of the ST too. It was okay. I watched TFA on a plane recently and it was a little better than I remember, but the pacing is so fast. I really want to watch TLJ sometime this weekend to see if it's somehow enhanced by TROS.