Broke and happy
Oh well at least we know Palpatine is fully operational.
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Oh well at least we know Palpatine is fully operational.
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With the amount of powers now available both through the force and otherwise, I'm thinking Luke was pretty damn lame for not taking on the whole FO himself.
Some hyperspace skipping, followed by a force-guided Holdo manuever ("hyperspace ramming") on the ATATs, force healing himself as he's injured, having Ben and Yoda assist in the fight as force ghosts, if he's killed summoning lightning to fry stuff then resurrecting himself (aided by Yoda and Ben?,) hell, maybe resurrecting Ben and Yoda as well (new power for Episode X?) along with dark side and light side versions of Anakin etc etc.
With the amount of powers now available both through the force and otherwise, I'm thinking Luke was pretty damn lame for not taking on the whole FO himself.![]()
And we also have folks bending over backwards trying to justify the nonsense.
Well, at least we now know that in TLJ Luke has the option of flying his x-wing to Crait instead of going with his holo-projector "humiliate Kylo virtually while committing suicide" plan.![]()
Well, not to open that can of worms (it ends up in the same "you wanted Luke to lift a finger and destroy all the ATATs while levitating and simultaneously twirling two lightsabers with his mind" territory) I'll just say that I would trust Luke to come up with something better than suicide, whether virtually triggered or physically present.
All I was saying is that many used the "Luke couldn't get to Crait because Rey had left and the x-wing was obviously a wreck - duh, it's underwater" excuse for Luke's decision to commit suicide via holo-projection - like he had no choice - but TROS changed all that.
It's also funny that many mocked the idea of Luke raising it ala Yoda in TLJ as oh-so obvious and hackneyed - yet that's exactly what we got in TROS.
I guess Luke didn't have room to park his fighter on land (he wasn't aware of the huge landing pad the Falcon lands on) so decided to put it in the ol' davy jones' locker storage unit option, knowing its systems would be 100% preserved. Makes no sense however you look at it.![]()
Wait now Yoda projected an image of himself so that his holographic eyeballs could watch Luke?
You mean fathering more kids/grandkids operational, or just crane-hovering operational?
Lando looks down at Exogol - "That blast came from Palps' undershorts... he must be fully operational!"
Lando later has the same conversation with Jannah - that using a mobility scooter in no way prohibits abilities that some consider to be unnatural.![]()
Watched the OT with family this week.
Guess what?
Force projection is mentioned specifically by Yoda in ESB....
Yoda: ?this one, a long time have I watched, all his life, as he looked away, to the future, the horizon.....?
Yoda obviously was physically watching him somehow............from VERY far away.
Must have been some sort of projection/force skype.
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Unless he was hiding it so he could not be found....
Which is exactly what he was doing.
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Are you suggesting the Lando, Finn, Jannah and Ice Cream Maker Guy are all related because they are black?
Are you suggesting the Lando, Finn, Jannah and Ice Cream Maker Guy are all related because they are black?
Those uppity stormtrooper mutineers.
I always pictured stormtroopers as toxic white males.