Yes death in quotes since it's handled a little differently when it comes to Jedi.And yes I noticed Luke's Fabio hair in TROS too, lol.
It had a kind of a straight vermicelli pasta pad look.![]()
Looks like Luke's wig was made by the same team that made the HT Chewbacca...
In the dialogue right before this he specifically mentions training Jedi for 800 years and how he had a council.
this one, a long time have I watched, all his life, as he looked away, to the future, the horizon
Could mean any one of his students in those 800 years, from Obi-Wan to Anakin himself. Before TLJ, you would never interrupt that he was watching Luke grow up. It was always meant to be interrupted as a student Yoda had that Luke relates to. Yoda even looks up to Ben as he says this and Ben is constantly reminding Yoda that he was once like Luke as well as a green, impatient youth.
I'm not being a sequel apologist, but you have gotten that part of TESB wrong.
Yoda's line is precisely saying he has been watching luke from afar. There can be no other interpretation(And i hope this doesn't sound confrontational). It doesn't say he projected himself to Tattooine. In fact, i always interpreted it to be similar to when Luke has the premonition of Han being tortured, and asks Yoda: "Will they die?", and Yoda closes his eyes(Casting his mind into the future and to Bespin), and says: "Difficult to see. Always in motion, the future is". In that, i always assumed Yoda say EXACTLY how it would go. He saw that Luke was going to go and save them, but learn the truth about Vader, and get his hand chopped off.
But getting back to your original statement, Luke says he is ready to be trained and yoda replies:
Yoda said:Ready, are you? What know you of ready? For 800 years have I trained Jedi. My own counsel will I keep on who is to be trained! A Jedi must have the deepest commitment, the most serious mind. This one, a long time have I watched. All his life has he looked away to the future, the horizon. Never his mind on where he was [pokes Luke]. Hmm? What he was doing. [paces around] Adventure. Heh! Excitement. A Jedi craves not these things. [turns to Luke and points with his walking stick] You are reckless!
When he mentions "having a counsel", he is referring to "keeping his own counsel", and saying his opinion is the only one that matters on who he will take on for training. He's not referring to serving on the Jedi counsel.
Also, his comments about adventure and excitement are all about Luke and his "looking off to the sunset", wanting more than he had in ANH.