Me neither, I think it's similar to the RO phenomenon, people latch onto the "feel" that reminds them of the OT.
The Child probably has a lot to do with it too.
For me, something like that. Tho it's a combination of things from opening with a spare, let's-get-down-to-it style; costumes/aesthetics, scenes that are given a chance to breath; a sense that the Outer Rim really is the back of beyond, where life is gritty and harsh a lot of time, and stuff like the Force and royalty has about as much meaning there, as a mega-rich person's yacht does to me in real life.
Plus IMO hero is refreshing change - neither pompously good; nor over-the-top crusty, or cocky-and-just-great-with-the-ladies. He's got a code but not an *ss about it. Badass without being ridiculously invincible. He's fast thinking and intelligent and has dry sense of humor. E.g. not a repeat hero.
Plus, the show IMO carefully works from point A to point B without banging me in the head. IMO great music. And, yeah, the Child in the sense - for me - the simple compassion of a hard-boiled type for this kid. Show has good sense of humor, too. Cast has chemistry. Some great lines and delivery as well (gonna miss the presence of a few of 'em already

Haven't had the sense of Star Wars actually taking me someplace since ANH and RO. Even with the PT 'coz it just felt like over-generated CGI.
IMO Jakku was pretty good, but not that much time spent there.