The Clown Prince of Crime
Super Freak
Wow, Talibane is hot.
From a certain point of view.
Wow, Talibane is hot.
Where some people see a triumphant ending to the Skywalker Saga, I just see a hot mess.
Watched TROS a second time. It played better as expected on repeat viewing... but still a lot of "now where we going?" moments and a lot of "where did that come from?" like when Poe says "I'm nothing like Leia" and Finn says "No, you are not"... where'd did that little spat come from?
There's lots of trendy bickering that's funny but little real drama or resolutions between Finn and Poe and Rey. Still, it moves fast, juggles its light humor and light drama and light importance proportionally well. There's some odd cutbacks -- like Leia asking Greg Grunberg to be more positive, a scene that makes no sense and is simply needed as a very obvious time cut. There's a lot of unfinished business, like Finn never telling Rey or Poe what he wanted to say. Threepio is funny again though, which is quite an accomplishment because he hasn't been since 1980. So you see my point: this movie bounces back and forth between amusements and irritations like an erratic pinball machine.
And of course, there's that crazy and ridiculous ending with Palpatine. Man, does that go all over the place. One minute, kill me, then next minute Force lightning destroying all ships, the next minute Ben Solo climbs down a thousand foot chain in mere seconds, the next minute Palps is super-charged and even has a new fancy red inner robe, then a quick beat about all is lost, until Lando says "on your left" and we're supposed to cry because a thousand ships show up... that somehow all have guns to take out the thousand Star Destroyers... all while hundreds of thousand cloaked Sith People chant and get wiped out by flying ash... oh god, I have to stop, there's just no end to it. And I didn't even get to the charge of the light brigade on the Destroyer. It is the most convoluted and strange climax in a Star Wars movie ever. Its like some sugar-high child ranting about what they'd like to see come to life.
Where some people see a triumphant ending to the Skywalker Saga, I just see a hot mess.
Lets make a deal.
I?ll fully get behind erasing the ST from history but the entire PT has to go along with it Darth Maul battle and all.
Suck it PT lovers lol
Hell even Mando is tainted by the PT that might has to go as well literally throwing the baby out with the bath water.
But he is soooooo cute isn?t he.
Nonetheless he must go as well as that ObiWan Cassian series.
SW must end once and for all!
RO will be the final word in SW!
Now who are the top 20 ST haters on here.
You 20 have to combine your power rings together like Power Rangers and make this happen lol
But no whining about losing your precious sith scenes and clone troopers in the PT DiFabio.
Be strong like Prime and take it like a man.
Should we just get rid of RO too make Wor-Gar and Khev sad
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Deal. The ST and PT never happened. Erase them.
Yep that's correct Buffinator. It looked like the Blockade Runner ship didn't survive but the majority of Rebel ships regained control of their systems and were able to fly back up to engage the Destroyers once the lightning stopped.
An interesting line that I didn't pick up the first time was when General Pryde said that Palpatine "conjured" his massive new fleet. If you take him literally then that means that Palpatine had grown so powerful that not only could he destroy an entire space fleet with his bare hands but he could also create one as well, similar to Saruman birthing the Uruk Hai out of the ground in FOTR.
Wor-Gar;1024005[... said:There's some odd cutbacks -- like Leia asking Greg Grunberg to be more positive, a scene that makes no sense [...]
What I find funny and symbolic was his getting subsequently shot out of the sky.
There's a bunch of stuff leaking out via Reddit right now regarding the final cut of the movie being Disney's, not JJ's … which helps explain why the runtime suddenly dropped by 15 minutes. Due to the nature of all rumors, it could be full of ****. At the same time, I wouldn't be surprised if it were all true.
Great, now people will be asking for the JJ cut.![]()
Oh, it's already trending.
This comment has been made by others previously. Now maybe I didn't pay close enough attention but I thought it was an exaggeration. I recall his destroying a few that were hit point blank by the initial blast, but it seemed to me most (like Poe's) simply had their control systems disrupted by the electrical charge as it branched out. Once Palps stopped going all Thor Ragnarok I thought most of them regained control. Do I have that wrong?
Why can't it be both?![]()
I will never erase the PT. It at least tells a cohesive story about Anakin, the fall of the Jedi and the rise of the empire. I'll take the good stuff, such as Maul, Dooku, Palpatine, Obi Wan, and a few of the lightsaber fights. The ST on the other hand, can go to hell where they belong. I can't think of anything good I'd want to consider "canon."