Watched TROS a second time. It played better as expected on repeat viewing... but still a lot of "now where we going?" moments and a lot of "where did that come from?" like when Poe says "I'm nothing like Leia" and Finn says "No, you are not"... where'd did that little spat come from?
I thought it held up pretty good the 2nd time... Not the film I saw the first but I still enjoyed it.
As for the "Im nothing like Leia" spat... I took that as Finn saying "No you are not like leia" but put on your big boy pants and be Poe, be the leader we need.
If I am remembering the scene correctly.
There's lots of trendy bickering that's funny but little real drama or resolutions between Finn and Poe and Rey. Still, it moves fast, juggles its light humor and light drama and light importance proportionally well. There's some odd cutbacks -- like Leia asking Greg Grunberg to be more positive, a scene that makes no sense and is simply needed as a very obvious time cut. There's a lot of unfinished business, like Finn never telling Rey or Poe what he wanted to say. Threepio is funny again though, which is quite an accomplishment because he hasn't been since 1980. So you see my point: this movie bounces back and forth between amusements and irritations like an erratic pinball machine.
It was weird that Finn never told anyone what it is he wanted to tell Rey.. I cant help bit think that Disney wants a TV series or even some more movies with these characters involved as I cant see just leaving it hanging out there..
As is I don't mind it.. In fact I kind of like it.. It could mean that he want to tell her he feels the force or perhaps he wants to say that he loves her... The 2nd makes more sense since when he said it was when they were about to die.. Its more something one keeps secret.
I am fine with either but I prefer to think that Finn and Rey have a relationship down the road.. There was genuine chemistry between those two... That Hug at the end of TLJ was really felt like there was love involved.
And of course, there's that crazy and ridiculous ending with Palpatine. Man, does that go all over the place. One minute, kill me, then next minute Force lightning destroying all ships, the next minute Ben Solo climbs down a thousand foot chain in mere seconds, the next minute Palps is super-charged and even has a new fancy red inner robe, then a quick beat about all is lost, until Lando says "on your left" and we're supposed to cry because a thousand ships show up... that somehow all have guns to take out the thousand Star Destroyers... all while hundreds of thousand cloaked Sith People chant and get wiped out by flying ash... oh god, I have to stop, there's just no end to it. And I didn't even get to the charge of the light brigade on the Destroyer. It is the most convoluted and strange climax in a Star Wars movie ever. Its like some sugar-high child ranting about what they'd like to see come to life.
So weird as I like the ending.. The space battle could have been more epic but I did not mind a single thing with the emperor.. It worked for me.. Will it continue to work for me down the road? I don't know... I have a feeling this will be very much like ROTJ for me. A flawed film whos flaws I ignore because I like the world of SW. That IMO is what makes it different then TFA (which does not feel like a real SW movie to me) TLJ and the PT (which are just bad movies).. Its another ROTJ. A film with both good and goofy moments. Both films feel a bit rushed to get to the ending but for very different reasons.. ROTJ because there was a lot to tie up and answer.. TROS because it had to start from scratch thanks to TLJ.
As for the Lando "On your left moment" You are not supposed to cry in that moment.. You are supposed to get goosebumps... Granted mostly because of the John Williams score but lets face it.. What is any Star Wars film without John WIlliam' Score?
Where some people see a triumphant ending to the Skywalker Saga, I just see a hot mess
Hmmmm? A Triumphant ending to the Skywalker Saga... No I don't think that.. A miracle that, for me personally, managed to make the ST something I will be happy to watch now IMO it stuck the landing.
Did it make the OT better?? Not one bit. Not at all. The OT is a few less goody moments in ROTJ from being perfect.
It did make me like the ST a lot more and appreciate some things in the PT a little more.
Seriously I cant stress how much TFA and TLJ just killed my love of SW... After the PT and then those two films, I had trouble even finding enjoyment out of the OT because my mind was bombarded with images of a whiney Anakin / Child Murdering Vader from the PT and the Awful father Han from the TFA and the hot mess that was TLJ.
Somehow this film fixed that for me. It was fun, it was funny, it was exciting... It was STAR WARS.
Sorry to those who think that I and the others who liked this film, "Have bad taste in Star Wars films" To that I say... It must be that You just don't understand Star Wars.

Wor-Gar... Glad you can find some enjoyment out if it...
The best thing about this ST for people that hated it.. You can easily ignore it.. Much more easily then the PT since GL has found it fit too screw around with the OT and force you remember the damn PT