The Buffinator said:[*]The end scenes where "people all over the galaxy are rising up" against the First Order is a blatant rip-off of the "people all over the world are rising up" scenes at the end of Independence Day. It finally clicked where I'd seen/heard that before. Not exactly stealing from the best there, JJ.I could forgive him for this if it wasn't for those damn Ewoks.
I'm glad that they cut the scene where Ice Cream Maker Guy jumps in a Twin-Pod Cloud Car and says "In the immortal words of our forefathers, up yourrrrs!"
I'm glad that they cut the scene where Ice Cream Maker Guy jumps in a Twin-Pod Cloud Car and says "In the immortal words of our forefathers, up yourrrrs!"
Nope. You're going to have to get your fun elsewhere.
Holy crap lol
Then raspy voice Harvey Feinstein as an XWing pilot from Pink Squadron gets taken out by star destroyer debris
So JJ supposedly wanted to break TROS into two movies, Disney said no, then he wanted it to be three hours like EG (a terrible idea for a SW movie), Disney said no. JJ wanted way more Rose, Disney said reduce her screen time, JJ wanted Finn and Poe to be an item, Disney said no. JJ wanted it to be clear that Leia's dying act was to project an image of Han Solo in front of her son, Disney said no you can have Han appear but make it ambiguous. JJ said no Reylo kiss, Disney said put it in.
Wow if all of that is true then I'm glad that Disney overruled him apparently even more than Gareth Edwards, lol.
EDIT: Also supposedly all this leaked out about him needing to be overruled to make a proper finale due to sour grapes about him taking the WB deal. I don't know what to believe, lol.
I'm glad that they cut the scene where Ice Cream Maker Guy jumps in a Twin-Pod Cloud Car and says "In the immortal words of our forefathers, up yourrrrs!"
Holy crap lol
Then raspy voice Harvey Feinstein as an XWing pilot from Pink Squadron gets taken out by star destroyer debris
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Finally an American hottie in SW again, lol.
I wish they had taken the time to flesh out her character more (no pun intended) as well as establish her back story with Poe earlier. If only she'd been introduced in TLJ - she could have been this trilogy's version of Lando. Things wouldn't have felt so rushed, and it would have lent more weight to her showing up with the rest of the galaxy for the final battle.
Hey, maybe Disney could do a limited run prequel series around Zorri & Poe's spice-running days? KR & OI probably have better things to do, but I'd watch...
Yep you're right she totally should have been the Lando/Eowen/Eomer character that gets introduced in Part II and then kicks ass in Part III. Obviously that's what RJ thought he was setting up with Rose.![]()
I'd definitely be down for a Zori Bliss Disney+ show (with or without Poe, lol.)
The Snark level in here is way down. It?s almost like you guys are becoming civilized!
I?m not against anyone finding enjoyment in this movie. For me it was so much fan service it took me away from enjoying it. I?ve always believed that a movie was like a sleeping bag that you unrolled to it?s conclusion. TROS seems more like that old tent you had to assemble with instructions in a foreign language and all you had to go by were the pictures. ?Oh yeah I remember that! That looks familiar!? It just takes longer to get there hitting all the old mental memories from when you were a kid. When your doing it it doesn?t make sense but in the end it?s a tent. That?s TROS a lot doesn?t make sense story wise but in the end you have a movie.
Am happy if others are happy with movie. I just can't make myself go see it again e.g. the effort is too much. I'll wait until it pops up on Disney+. There's so many thoughtful comments from long-term SW fans, and comments on YT, that I just can't get past the IMO waste of potential and needlessly %$#@ writing/editing.
It's like watching unpaid fans do the work that Abrams and Terrio SHOULD have done.
Either that, or this movie deliberately targeted a younger demographic with deliberate, not-quite sue-able ripoffs of other movies, to capitalize on the toy market. Familiarity brings comfort. Don't hate it - it's just kinda there. The cast in interviews seems exhausted and IMO Abrams tried hard but just flat-out is too generic in style to make this work, or even self edit. Looking forward to the re-boot and the event mash-up in-theater of the Obi-wan/Mandalorian/SW series 5 years from now, when "an unprecedented event of a generation" crosses from TV to IMAX.![]()