Yes. KK and RJ murdered Luke but only after thoroughly desecrating him to make sure nobody threatened Rey as the final word in Disney Star Wars.
Keep in mind that sidelining Luke in favor of the new female Jedi (originally called "Kira") was done by Michael Arndt under George's watch. He was the one who famously said "anytime I tried to find a spot to introduce Luke into the story he just seemed to take over the movie." It was George's idea to have him in self-imposed exile on the island.
Now that doesn't mean that you have to agree with how Abrams, Kasdan, RJ, etc., fleshed out those concepts but the concepts still originated from George.
Here's an excellent breakdown of what we could have gotten had he not sold the company to Disney.
The only thing I like from George's original treatments were having a Darth Talon-esque villain. *Everything* else would have been decidedly worse, with the biggest irritation (for me) being him continuing to stray further and further away from his original OT-era ST plans.
Now obviously you can say that it doesn't matter because if you hate this ST and dismiss them what's the difference whether or not LFL produced George's new ST exactly as he wanted since worst case scenario you'd just dismiss that one too. Which would be fair enough but it does go to show just how difficult Disney's task was in bringing the best version of the ST to the big screen, when with SW you want to give the creatives just enough control to create something exciting and inspired but not so much control that they destroy their own creation in the process. And that applies to RJ, JJ, and even George himself.
Look at the films that George has most famously been "happy" with: ROTJ and the PT. Look at the ones that he is openly dismissive about or always wants to "fix": ANH, ESB, and the ST. I know which ones I prefer.
*Everything* else would have been decidedly worse
I don't know how George would have done it in the end, nobody does...maybe not even George. If George's version happened on screen and sucked I would criticize that too. I care most about what I see on the screen, the rest is just interesting theory.
I typed in a much longer winded version initially but the above paragraph more concisely delivers how I feel about the "well George would have" defense of the ST.
Yeah George was obviously just going to double down on his post-PT narrative with microscopic Whills and Darth Talon. Talon would have been cool but I'm guessing that it'd just be another TPM situation where you have this sweet villain in a movie that people hate. I think George had even indicated that he was going to direct them again. Yikes.
There's very little information about George's *original* Episode VII plans beyond what Gary Kurtz divulged about the entire original ST and Mark Hamill's brief comments in televised interviews way back when. From what we can infer from Kurtz' statements Episode VII would have involved young post-ROTJ Luke going off in search of his sister and maybe finding her by the end of that film.
Training with her (or maybe he trains her directly) in Episode VIII before they take on Palpatine in a final showdown in IX. That'd be my best guess.
I have to disagree. Using the Lucas treatment would have resulted in a far more cohesive story-line
I would also bet the farm Talon was dropped as the main villain due to Kennedy's toxic white feminist agenda.
Luke looking for another sister? So he had two?
You seemed to have missed my point. I literally stated that in your mind it might not matter if George's version was just as bad or worse. The point was the astronomical difficulty LFL had in negotiating the minefield of trying to extract the best ideas, presenting them in the best possible manner, and discarding the rest (no matter who came up with them.) I just think that that's worth noting. Obviously you can hate these films (or any imagined alternate films) but it's not like LFL had guaranteed successes on a silver platter that they pissed away, at least with regard to the story.
What they *did* have on a silver platter was fan goodwill which they *did* piss away with their sweeping public comments about fans being toxic, misogynist, and what have you. That 100% is on them and even though they seemingly recognized the damage to their own brand that they caused by this and tried to course correct it does seem to be too little too late for a lot of people with regard to TROS' release.
So KK and company get a pass because their job was too difficult?
One thing I loved was Driver impersonation of Ford as Solo and even some Indy with his finger pointing, short statements and body language.
What are you talking about?
You mean like "Syfo-Dias," the unexplained conception of Anakin, Padme inexplicably dying for no reason, completed abandoned character motivations like Anakin wanting to see all the stars and come back to free Tatooine slaves, Qui Gon learning how to become one with the Force *after* his death, and a ton of other half-baked story elements? I seriously doubt that so on that yes we disagree.
Your previous post about how difficult a task the ST was for LFL.
Your previous post about how difficult a task the ST was for LFL.
You are just listing plot holes (which TROS has every 30 seconds), but you cannot deny the PT had an overall plotline; something the ST did not. The fact I am using the Prequels as an example of better film making just goes to show how garbage these Disney SW movies are.
The only thing it shows is your opinion. Which is fine but I can just as easily use the ST to show how poorly made the PT was.