Well the going rumor was that he was given the Aliens sequel script for input but now it?s being reported that it will be a new story so who knows but if it was Aliens that would mean he would still be dealing with Disney.
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I would probably be disappointed if Ford knew what a Force ghost was, it would make him less "Han," lol.
Yes send offs for TROS Han, Leia, and even Luke were perfect IMO. Lando was awesome and I loved his upbeat attitude the whole movie and him zipping past Poe to save Finn and Jannah.
25-30% of TROS is silly af but none of it bothers me the way that the flaws of ROTJ, the PT, or TLJ bother me. My one main criticism as you know is not having more "oomph" to the space battle. I think I figured it out too and it's because JJ pretty much always shows his space battles as medium shots where you see tons of ships assumedly because he always wants to show the epic scale of the battles. But SW, ROTJ, and RO are so awesome because most of the battles feature tight shots on the fighters (making them look awesome as they fill up the screen) and tracking with specific fighters longer so that you feel like you're really "in" the battles. I wish TROS had more of that.
Not a big enough criticism to make me dislike the final battle though and I still put it far above TPM and ROTS space battles (not saying much obviously but still.) Also given the fact that we will always have the Yavin, Hoth, DSII and Scarif battles it makes having a somewhat lackluster battle above Exegol easier to stomach.
But yes I agree that Ben Solo's redemption was perfect as well, especially since after TFA I never really allowed for such a thing to be viably possible so it's pretty amazing that they pulled it off. Plus the male/female "Force dyad" (ST's version of Luke/Leia twins) facing off against the Emperor in Episode IX is something I've dreamed about for literal decades and seeing that finally play out on screen just knocks TROS out of the park for me.
I recognize that RO is definitely a better made film but TROS just has so much stuff that I love from beginning to end.
Yes if that's a deal breaker then there's definitely no saving TROS for you, lol.
"Welcome to Exegol!"
*squeak squeak zzzzzz," lol.
Hey I at least got to see B-Wings *actually flying, shooting, and getting blown up* this time.
I do agree that an off the charts space battle would have covered a multitude of sins but since those sins weren't present and I loved everything else I'm fine with watching the space horsies and Pryde's entire fleet completely disregard his instructions to use ion cannons, lol.
Female SD Captain: "Incoming ships sir!"
General Pryde: "Use ion cannons!"
Female SD Captain:
*to her crew* "Normal batteries, fire away."
I feel like you two are the only ones in the world still talking about this movie lol
holy crap lol
I can't deny that half of this movie can really be MST 3000'd to death but for whatever reason it doesn't hurt the entertainment value at all for me, lol. I mean now that it's out there would I want JJ to go back and edit out the sappy snake coiled lovely around Rey, no way!
I love how Finn lets Rose join the 200 yard horse charge...on foot.
Finn: "All right team, we're about to land, mount your horses. Out-of-shape lesbians and hobbits, um, you can run with us for the first 10 feet I guess, bye!"
Remind me what makes the Holdo maneuver a one in a million again......
Where did you order from? Is it a physical disk?
Rose and Holdo were so cast aside in TROS, lol.
SW: "Great shot kid that was one in a million!"
ROTJ: "Because of Luke's one in a million effort lets get even MORE bold and fly INTO the Death Star this time! Yeah, we'll be just like Luke!"
"Why don't we pull some Holdo maneuvers and do some real damage."
"That was one in a million blind luck, nothing heroic, that would be stupid to try please never speak of Holdo again."
Remind me what makes the Holdo maneuver a one in a million again......
What're the odds it was an old and grizzled Paploo on another runaway speeder bike?
Yes if that's a deal breaker then there's definitely no saving TROS for you, lol.
"Welcome to Exegol!"
*squeak squeak zzzzzz," lol.
Hey I at least got to see B-Wings *actually flying, shooting, and getting blown up* this time.
I do agree that an off the charts space battle would have covered a multitude of sins but since those sins weren't present and I loved everything else I'm fine with watching the space horsies and Pryde's entire fleet completely disregard his instructions to use ion cannons, lol.
Female SD Captain: "Incoming ships sir!"
General Pryde: "Use ion cannons!"
Female SD Captain:
*to her crew* "Normal batteries, fire away."
I feel like you two are the only ones in the world still talking about this movie lol