Broke and happy
If broom girl grows up to be this I want to see her story...
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All right back to this:
One thing that I like better in TROS than ROTJ is that Rey actually defeats Palpatine by acting out Yoda's teachings from ESB. Yoda never told Luke "a Jedi uses the Force for knowledge and pacifism, never for attack." He said to use the Force for knowledge and DEFENSE. In my mind the "proper" way that Luke was supposed to defeat the Emperor was by deflecting the lightning like Rey did. As soon as he tossed his saber I can imagine the ghosts of Ben and Yoda instantly doing a double facepalm, lol. "Kidding me, you've got to be," lol.
Now obviously Vader coming to his aid was epic and made *his* character a total badass at the end but Luke's go to defense always seems to end with suicide, lol. Suicide on the Cloud City gantry, suicide against the Emperor, suicide on Ahch-To.
And then the other way that TROS' finale trumps ROTJ IMO is that we really do see the galaxy respond to oppression in a definitive and sustainable way with the mobilization of the zillion ships. ROTJ ended with the tiny Rebellion getting all the credit while the defeated galaxy got "rescued" from the Empire. But with TROS we saw able bodied ships from every conceivable system joining together in a way that can be repeated forevermore should an evil force rise from within or outside the galaxy going forward. And that's another reason that I just don't think that there's really any story left to tell post-TROS.
I?ll forever just keep upgrading my OT stuff which means in 2023 I will be paying $300 for a 3.75 B-Wing![]()
If broom girl grows up to be this I want to see her story...
So you?re okay with Clone-a-tine saying ?kill me? and then she kills him The End? Is it okay because he didn?t know she was All The Rey?
I ****ing hate this ******** trilogy, sorry.![]()
The prophecy of the one who will bring balance for about 3 decades.![]()
The prophecy of the one who will bring balance for about 3 decades. [emoji38]
This Republic has gone 00001 days without Force unbalance.
If broom girl grows up to be this I want to see her story...
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Curious to know- If Snoke was a "build-a-clone", who was the original donor?
And you know that day is coming too, lol.
Holy crap is that Sleepaway chick, lol.
Is that the girl who sung about ****ing MAtt damon on jimmy kimmel?
The snake that Rey healed. In his current condition Palpatine has gotten bad at coming up with new names. "And now little snake you shall henceforth be known as Supreme Leader...uh, Sn-oke."
Throw ****s into a conversation and all hell breaks loose.
Team Negative 1 just announced that their TROS restoration is already coming along nicely.
View attachment 480278
Is that the girl who sung about ****ing MAtt damon on jimmy kimmel?
Damn I wanna play that lol
And no 3PO does not have dialogue over the tractor beam on this release.
Team Negative 1 just announced that their TROS restoration is already coming along nicely.
View attachment 480278