We tie everything back to that movie, lol.
I guess I can see why Khev thought that
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You didn’t miss much lol
With a very forward thinking message of "cross dressing = murder," lol.
Nope not even the LOTR trilogy had the same impact 77 did.
Wor-Gar is 100% right.
77 is the equivalent of the big bang it gave birth to a new way of thinking about a multitude of new ideas and created a pop culture movement like no other.
LOTR was just a great trilogy nothing more.
Batman 89 culture impact only happened because of the groundwork from 77 the road was paved by 77 for every other geek property to have their own impact.
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George ignored that advice as well, lol.
And to a degree Psycho I suppose. Later there was Silence of the Lambs, wow kind of a lot actually, lol.
If you have Disney plus you got all the movies already lol.