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All I know is that after the MCU gives me a few more phases I am officially done going to the cinema for anything and that includes any new SW not set in the OT era which will be far and few between if at all maybe a Mando movie will be made who knows.

I will retire to my movie collection and D+.

No more new action movies.

No more new sci-fi or horror movies.

I don?t ever go to comedies my life is a comedy.

I have every movie I will ever need.

I will only go to the cinema if one of the movies I own at home is rereleased in the theaters and i?m in the mood to see it again with an audience.

I am so looking forward to geek retirement lol

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Yes it's nice to already be in semi-retirement just with the fact that I'll never have to concern myself with preordering opening weekend tickets for any new release ever again, stressing about spoilers, having huge expectations that could lead to crushing disappointment, etc. I've pretty much had every cinematic experience I could ever hope for with regard to my favorite IP's, experiencing them with my kids, you name it.

Time to kick back and enjoy the good life with ever increasing TV screens at home, lol.


I hear the TN1 guys are working on RAIDERS as well. They're going for an overall orange tint.

Nice, lol.
So many good movies in the future to come.... come on you guys... have a little hope...

To be honest, I miss the days of buying those cheap little theater tickets and having to stand in a line that wound around the block while you discussed the possibilities of what you were about to see for an hour or more... and then the line tightened up -- anticipation as the line moved slowly toward the entrance.... and the sudden breakneck rush into the theater to try and grab a good seat for yourself and your friends... only to have some tall guy sit right in front of you. Damn -- those were the days.
I'll definitely continue to see movies on the big screen until the day I die, I just won't have that "need" to make sure I'm there opening day to avoid spoilers or anything and I know I will cut down on the amount of trips I take to the theater each year, I already have in fact. The last time I stood in a legit line for a movie was for TFA because the big auditorium we went to didn't have assigned seats. Now all the big venues do so yeah that experience will forever be a thing of the past.

I am looking forward to the new Dune though on account of how much I loved BR2049.
I'd like to see one good Dune made.

I can't really remember the last time I stood in a long line waiting for a highly anticipated movie. Might have been Matrix 2 (which wasn't a great movie but I remember the line and anticipation)... or maybe it was Dead Man's Chest (according to my wife, though I don't recall the line being that long)...

The last time I really remember having a blast in line (playing cards on the sidewalk with 8 friends) was for Independence Day of all things. The two-hour line was as much fun as the movie itself.
I remember waiting in line for the first Avengers movie. Everybody was excited & the movie played like gangbusters. That was a great all-around cinema experience.

As for going to the movies now - I mostly try to hunt down good horror movies and I’m usually one of 10 people in attendance. I’ll probably still cherry pick Marvel movies (skipping Black Widow for sure). Star Wars is not even a thing for me anymore. I think I’ve seen enough Batmans. I don’t even have a favorite director that’s a “must-see.” Might go see the new Ghostbusters. Definite nope on Indy 5. Quietly hoping they never make another Terminator. :dunno

I turn 45 this month and I think me and pop culture had a good run. :lol
My retirement from cinema certainly doesn?t mean i?m retiring from movies.

Hell No!

I?m planning on watching every movie in my collection and there are plenty that I haven?t seen in years and plenty more that I will rewatch in 3D instead of 2D.

Even collectibles I have finally ran out of room so that will also see a drastic slow down.

When it comes to collectibles no matter how much money you have you simply just can?t own it all it is literally impossible I have seen the biggest, boldest and wealthiest collectors in the world raise the white flag and cry uncle lol

Eventually you arrive at a point in life where you just don?t need to buy a new blu-ray or collectible and just enjoy what you already own.

Edit: This will definitely be my last Batman movie so I hope its a good one lol

Not even the Amazon LOTR is even really needed.

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What is needed is NEW. Something creative and vibrant and crazy and just blows you away. What Star Wars did in 1977 still hasn't been matched... but I still hope to see something that impresses me the way it did. Nothing Marvel has put out blew me away. That's not to say they didn't make some great movies, they did. That's not to say that Raiders and T2 and Alien and Die Hard and Jurassic Park and Batman and so many more weren't amazing, thrilling, outstanding movies... but none of them transported you to an entirely different world with new sfx and styles and creatures and sounds like Star Wars did in 1977.
I think that for me, the only films that held as high as expectations and excitement as the original Star Wars trilogy were The Lord of the Rings trilogy.

The films not only lived up to the hype but exceeded all expectations. Throw in the fact that they would be subsequently released just one year after the previous one and it made for a wonderful excitement to see them on opening day, every December.

Then with the extended releases, I had a chance to enjoy them almost as if for the first time, again.

It may be some time before I feel that anticipation for a film again. I just don't see it anytime soon, with Hollywood currently being run by accountants and activists. I hope I'm wrong, though.
What is needed is NEW. Something creative and vibrant and crazy and just blows you away. What Star Wars did in 1977 still hasn't been matched... but I still hope to see something that impresses me the way it did. Nothing Marvel has put out blew me away. That's not to say they didn't make some great movies, they did. That's not to say that Raiders and T2 and Alien and Die Hard and Jurassic Park and Batman and so many more weren't amazing, thrilling, outstanding movies... but none of them transported you to an entirely different world with new sfx and styles and creatures and sounds like Star Wars did in 1977.

Could be age too? It's easier to impress a young movie-goer. The MCU stuff probably had the same effect to some young viewers as the OG Star Wars did back in '77 for young viewers.
Could be age too? It's easier to impress a young movie-goer. The MCU stuff probably had the same effect to some young viewers as the OG Star Wars did back in '77 for young viewers.

I obvious thought about that before posting... but there's just no way that any Marvel movie completely transports you the way SW77 did. Even GOTG's otherworldly adventure is Star Wars-esque. I mean, that's why we're all still talking about Star Wars today... not sure it will be the same for any specific MCU film in 40+ years from now. Very few movies have the impact like Star Wars did at its time. It was so inventive in so many ways both in front of and behind the camera. And not just the flashy effects and costumes, but the pace and editorial style, the music, everything about it. It was a seminal film. I don't think any MCU film is considered a seminal film. I don't think any MCU film is considered to be protected by Congress.
I think that for me, the only films that held as high as expectations and excitement as the original Star Wars trilogy were The Lord of the Rings trilogy.

The films not only lived up to the hype but exceeded all expectations. Throw in the fact that they would be subsequently released just one year after the previous one and it made for a wonderful excitement to see them on opening day, every December.

Then with the extended releases, I had a chance to enjoy them almost as if for the first time, again.

It may be some time before I feel that anticipation for a film again. I just don't see it anytime soon, with Hollywood currently being run by accountants and activists. I hope I'm wrong, though.

Yup LOTR is thst franchise that became as iconic as Star Wars because it was so well done. I remember loving it as a kid
Nope not even the LOTR trilogy had the same impact 77 did.

Wor-Gar is 100% right.

77 is the equivalent of the big bang it gave birth to a new way of thinking about a multitude of new ideas and created a pop culture movement like no other.

LOTR was just a great trilogy nothing more.

Batman 89 culture impact only happened because of the groundwork from 77 the road was paved by 77 for every other geek property to have their own impact.

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As for going to the movies now - I mostly try to hunt down good horror movies and I’m usually one of 10 people in attendance.

Yeah that's pretty much me now, though it isn't limited to just horror. I just caught Underwater (deep sea monster movie) at a second run theater this past weekend and it was a fun "one and done" movie.

But I've been skipping even superhero movies left and right as of late. Dark Phoenix? Nope. Same with Birds of Prey. Still haven't seen Shazam either. Skipped all the live-action Disney remakes last year, no Fantastic Beasts, etc.

Nope not even the LOTR trilogy had the same impact 77 did.

Wor-Gar is 100% right.

77 is the equivalent of the big bang it gave birth to a new way of thinking about a multitude of new ideas and created a pop culture movement like no other.

LOTR was just a great trilogy nothing more.

Batman 89 culture impact only happened because of the groundwork from 77 the road was paved by 77 for every other geek property to have their own impact.

Yep LOTR are great films not a great phenomenon.

I think that the time has even come for me to cherry pick SW theatrical releases. I'm looking forward to watching Mando bridge the OT and ST and that's it.

Now it's all about catching a Dune here, A24 flick there, and so on.

R. Patz Batman? Meh. The trailers better wow me or that might be a second run theater watch as well.
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So how much did JJ really consult George on TROS? He obviously ignored George's advice that Palps was dead.

George ignored that advice as well, lol.


And how come George wasn't at the premiere?

He was a consultant for the VFX of Cats so he went to that instead.
Yeah that's pretty much me now, though it isn't limited to just horror. I just caught Underwater (deep sea monster movie) at a second run theater this past weekend and it was a fun "one and done" movie.

But I've been skipping even superhero movies left and right as of late. Dark Phoenix? Nope. Same with Birds of Prey. Still haven't seen Shazam either. Skipped all the live-action Disney remakes last year, no Fantastic Beasts, etc.

Yep LOTR are great films not a great phenomenon.

I think that the time has even come for me to cherry pick SW theatrical releases. I'm looking forward to watching Mando bridge the OT and ST and that's it.

Now it's all about catching a Dune here, A24 flick there, and so on.

R. Patz Batman? Meh. The trailers better wow me or that might be a second run theater watch as well.


My arms are wide open for the PT OT ST era bridges.

Dune is a big deal so I do expect LOTR greatness from it or at least one can hope.

MCU X-Men, F4, Doom, Surfer, Kraven and the Sinister 6, Brotherhood, Warlock, Nova, Blade sure i?m game lets do it.

They got one more chance with Batman v Rogues gallery lol

Otherwise leave me alone lol

So how much did JJ really consult George on TROS? He obviously ignored George's advice that Palps was dead.

And how come George wasn't at the premiere?

Lucas involved or not Kylo being the main bad guy in TROS would have not worked.

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