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Except it was explained on screen. Palps *never* said he was Snoke, only that he made him and that he impersonated Snoke and Vader's voices in Kylo's head.

The vat of clones on Exegol strongly implied Snoke was just one of a series, which by extension implied he wasn't his own man.
The vat of clones on Exegol strongly implied Snoke was just one of a series, which by extension implied he wasn't his own man.

Yeah i?m trying to figure out how much autonomy he possessed.

Was he inherently sith because of his creator, yeah probably.

Being born as an adult clearly put him on a single path of Skywalker destruction while still exhibiting psychological beliefs that he was Kylo boss and ruler of the galaxy I guess.

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Dude a great space ground battle along with the great stuff we did get would?ve made this as good if not better than RO and ROTJ and would?ve made TFA/TLJ very acceptable SW lol

Well to me TROS already is on par with ROTJ/RO but yes it definitely would have surpassed them if the space battle was up to par. I still lol at Rose not being allowed to drive a vehicle or even ride a horse. "You want to kamikaze you do it on foot *****," lol.

The vat of clones on Exegol strongly implied Snoke was just one of a series, which by extension implied he wasn't his own man.

The AOTC clones were also in a series grown in vats and they were their own men. The difference between them and Snoke being that he was grown to adulthood as jye mentioned above.
Snoke acted almost as if he was trying to please his boss by killing Rey and Luke and messing with Kylo because he was still pissed off at what Vader had done to the emperor lol

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I'm still confused as to why Snoke wanted to kill Rey but Palpatine wanted her alive. Surely if Snoke was under Palpatine's control he would have been instructed not to harm her.
One thing that I like better in TROS than ROTJ is that Rey actually defeats Palpatine by acting out Yoda's teachings from ESB. Yoda never told Luke "a Jedi uses the Force for knowledge and pacifism, never for attack." He said to use the Force for knowledge and DEFENSE. In my mind the "proper" way that Luke was supposed to defeat the Emperor was by deflecting the lightning like Rey did. As soon as he tossed his saber I can imagine the ghosts of Ben and Yoda instantly doing a double facepalm, lol. "Kidding me, you've got to be," lol.

Now obviously Vader coming to his aid was epic and made *his* character a total badass at the end but Luke's go to defense always seems to end with suicide, lol. Suicide on the Cloud City gantry, suicide against the Emperor, suicide on Ahch-To.

And then the other way that TROS' finale trumps ROTJ IMO is that we really do see the galaxy respond to oppression in a definitive and sustainable way with the mobilization of the zillion ships. ROTJ ended with the tiny Rebellion getting all the credit while the defeated galaxy got "rescued" from the Empire. But with TROS we saw able bodied ships from every conceivable system joining together in a way that can be repeated forevermore should an evil force rise from within or outside the galaxy going forward. And that's another reason that I just don't think that there's really any story left to tell post-TROS.
Got my 4K77 today... :yess:

Its got this grainy, gritty, dirty vibe that takes me right back to the theater in 1977. It feels like a homemade movie... a hodgepodge of film layers piled high with innovation... it makes the film feel like it was made a long time ago and somewhere far, far away...

Shout out to Khev for hooking me up!!! Also, to Jye, whose comment about 4K77 started me on this hunt.

That said, I do find the green tint somewhat distracting in several places and specific shots. Also, I was sad to hear the mono track cut out during the end credits. I actually like the mono track better because there's some sound work that was unique to the mono tracks back then (i.e. the Falcons engines winding down once Han switches to sub-light engines). I forgot to see if this version has Threepio speaking over the shot of the tractor beam location or if that sequence remains silent (in 1977, my local UA cinema had that dialogue, while there was none at the Chinese Theater in Hollywood).

So how do you guys feel about the green?
No. Its got a green tint. Artifact of the Technicolor print from back in the day of warm projector bulbs. There's apparently some chat about it online. The TN1 guys are doing another version with their own color timing. Also, the non-DNR version might be less green. I didn't get the 4K yet, just the 1080p... so you guys with the 4K version might not be seeing the green that I am.
Post #16632:

Here are a couple screenshots from that comparison video that show what Im talking about as far as color/brightness differences:

(Looks like a tribute to the Japanese green Kenner C-3PO).
These pictures make the green really pop but you get the idea...

green hue of 4K77 3-2-20 (2).jpg

green hue of 4K77 3-2-20 (3).jpg

green hue of 4K77 3-2-20 (4).jpg

green hue of 4K77 3-2-20 (5).jpg

These particular shots caught my eye. The green isn't present in every shot. And mostly its subtle. But every now and then, like in the shot with the Sandcrawler or the guys ready to shoot the escape pod, the green really presents itself.
I do have a 4k disc of Star Wars and Jedi and yes the tint is there in some shots. It doesn't bother me though. I am just happy to have the movies from a actual scan of the original movies in a higher quality. I liked the Harmy versions but these are better to me. Glad you were able to get it Wor-Gar. I can't wait for Empire.
No. Its got a green tint. Artifact of the Technicolor print from back in the day of warm projector bulbs. There's apparently some chat about it online. The TN1 guys are doing another version with their own color timing. Also, the non-DNR version might be less green. I didn't get the 4K yet, just the 1080p... so you guys with the 4K version might not be seeing the green that I am.

I do have a 4k disc of Star Wars and Jedi and yes the tint is there in some shots. It doesn't bother me though. I am just happy to have the movies from a actual scan of the original movies in a higher quality. I liked the Harmy versions but these are better to me. Glad you were able to get it Wor-Gar. I can't wait for Empire.

All right back to this:

One thing that I like better in TROS than ROTJ is that Rey actually defeats Palpatine by acting out Yoda's teachings from ESB. Yoda never told Luke "a Jedi uses the Force for knowledge and pacifism, never for attack." He said to use the Force for knowledge and DEFENSE. In my mind the "proper" way that Luke was supposed to defeat the Emperor was by deflecting the lightning like Rey did. As soon as he tossed his saber I can imagine the ghosts of Ben and Yoda instantly doing a double facepalm, lol. "Kidding me, you've got to be," lol.

Now obviously Vader coming to his aid was epic and made *his* character a total badass at the end but Luke's go to defense always seems to end with suicide, lol. Suicide on the Cloud City gantry, suicide against the Emperor, suicide on Ahch-To.

And then the other way that TROS' finale trumps ROTJ IMO is that we really do see the galaxy respond to oppression in a definitive and sustainable way with the mobilization of the zillion ships. ROTJ ended with the tiny Rebellion getting all the credit while the defeated galaxy got "rescued" from the Empire. But with TROS we saw able bodied ships from every conceivable system joining together in a way that can be repeated forevermore should an evil force rise from within or outside the galaxy going forward. And that's another reason that I just don't think that there's really any story left to tell post-TROS.
All right back to this:

One thing that I like better in TROS than ROTJ is that Rey actually defeats Palpatine by acting out Yoda's teachings from ESB. Yoda never told Luke "a Jedi uses the Force for knowledge and pacifism, never for attack." He said to use the Force for knowledge and DEFENSE. In my mind the "proper" way that Luke was supposed to defeat the Emperor was by deflecting the lightning like Rey did. As soon as he tossed his saber I can imagine the ghosts of Ben and Yoda instantly doing a double facepalm, lol. "Kidding me, you've got to be," lol.

Now obviously Vader coming to his aid was epic and made *his* character a total badass at the end but Luke's go to defense always seems to end with suicide, lol. Suicide on the Cloud City gantry, suicide against the Emperor, suicide on Ahch-To.

And then the other way that TROS' finale trumps ROTJ IMO is that we really do see the galaxy respond to oppression in a definitive and sustainable way with the mobilization of the zillion ships. ROTJ ended with the tiny Rebellion getting all the credit while the defeated galaxy got "rescued" from the Empire. But with TROS we saw able bodied ships from every conceivable system joining together in a way that can be repeated forevermore should an evil force rise from within or outside the galaxy going forward. And that's another reason that I just don't think that there's really any story left to tell post-TROS.

Damn it I missed this post...epic post actually.

lol @ Yoda facepalm

I am curious how much of a cult following will grow for Rey and Kylo a decade after TROS.

Will it be as strong as it became for Hayden and McGregor will fans be begging to see Rey and Kylo again.

Honestly i?m good because SW not set in the OT era or with OT primary characters I wont bother investing my time and money into.

I?ll forever just keep upgrading my OT stuff which means in 2023 I will be paying $300 for a 3.75 B-Wing :slap

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