Broke and happy
I mounted a saber on my sons wall to use as his night light lol
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I obvious thought about that before posting... but there's just no way that any Marvel movie completely transports you the way SW77 did. Even GOTG's otherworldly adventure is Star Wars-esque. I mean, that's why we're all still talking about Star Wars today... not sure it will be the same for any specific MCU film in 40+ years from now. Very few movies have the impact like Star Wars did at its time. It was so inventive in so many ways both in front of and behind the camera. And not just the flashy effects and costumes, but the pace and editorial style, the music, everything about it. It was a seminal film. I don't think any MCU film is considered a seminal film. I don't think any MCU film is considered to be protected by Congress.
Cool night light Jye
Palpatine son was really not his son but a clone which means Rey is really Palps....gulp....daughter
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Palpatine son was really not his son but a clone which means Rey is really Palps....gulp....daughter
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Is that from the novel? I saw another leak saying that he had his wizards preparing a vessel to allow him to cheat death since before the OT but that it wasn't fully ready yet when he used the Force to transfer his consciousness into it while falling down the DS reactor shaft.
This movie just gets worse and worse.
Meh. TBH, it makes sense why she was so strong in the Force. It doesn?t make sense why she was abandoned. Or why Palps didn?t raise her to be a sith. Or why he tried to kill her.
Don?t feel like reading a novel, an art book, a visual dictionary, and 8 comics to figure out the elaborate mental gymnastics.
Argh. How long till they retcon this mess-of-a-trilogy?
If not for Rogue One and The Mandalorian, I'd have said the Disney era has been a disaster for SW.
Palpatine should have just died and we get a better writer to end all of this. The book keeps making it worse!
Y'know, I would've been on board with Rey being a creation of Palpatine. It would have made the Skywalker connection stronger.
This could be the next best thing. So his clone son didn't have his consciousness?
So are does this mean that both Anakin and Rey were made by the force? He through midichlorians and she through Sith clone sperm?
TROS novelization > Trevorrow script
Well I think midichlorian is sperm hence the literal giant sperms in egg sac at the opera in ROTS while Palpatine was talking about being able to stop death.