How would Leia know who Yoda was? Can you imagine how creepy it'd be for her to hear that voice out of nowhere?
But this is a great example of something that bugs me about recent SW story writing. This idea of "communing with voices of past Jedi" is something that they're using now because Yoda did it in the PT era. Their logic seems to be: "okay, so that's a thing Jedi do; let's use it!" But they don't bother to understand the context of why it was used.
When Yoda communed with Qui-Gon, it was specifically because Lucas established that Force ghosts didn't exist yet. Communing by meditation and concentration would be the *only* way in the PT era. But once Obi-Wan's ghost showed up to Luke on Hoth, there's no more need to reach out to past Jedi voices. The past Jedi will just reach out on their own, and literally come have a chat, whenever you need to be steered in the right direction. Luke wasn't trying to "commune" with past Jedi when Obi-Wan showed up on Hoth, then on Dagobah, then Yoda and Anakin showing up on Endor, and Yoda on Ahch-To.
And Rey wasn't "reaching out" to Luke when he caught her lightsaber and gave her a pep talk. Yet here we are in the same movie pretending that Rey needs to concentrate really hard and "reach out" to past Jedi. Bull****!

Luke, Kenobi, Yoda, and Anakin have proven that they'll show up when you need it, and when you're not even expecting them.
I know that logic in fantasy stories isn't as important as it is for reality-based dramatizations, but damn, doesn't story logic matter *at all* anymore?