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Yes but that's no different than any sequel that follows a seemingly resolved story and doesn't counter my point that the way Palps was presented really just turns the entire ST into a live-action "Dark Empire" and not something totally out of the blue or unprecedented.

That's certainly fair. And I hated Dark Empire too, so there ya go. :lol But the problem remains that Dark Empire set up Palpatine from the start of that story while TROS tried to cram it in as if it was planned and cohesive. It wasn't even coherent to a large degree, much less synchronized.

Having a secret Star Destroyer fleet is still no different than having a secret second Death Star. You can say it's silly, or lazy, or whatever, but it's still par for the course and totally consistent with the Palps that we knew from the previous six films. He's always unleashing secret armies and tricks that come as a complete surprise to even those within his own ranks and he has a decades long history of compartmentalizing his troops, officers, apprentices, even entire armies (Separatists vs. Republic) in case he wants to play one against the other.

Again anyone can hate TROS for a hundred different reasons but the fact remains that they did find a way to validly reconcile it with the continuity of all that came before, quite impressively in fact.

I respectfully disagree. It *is* different. The secrecy of the Death Stars only meant that they were intentionally kept secret *from the Alliance* so as to avoid disruption or destruction before becoming fully operational. They weren't kept secret from the Empire (the overarching antagonist), nor were they used as some sort of new/separate antagonist. As the audience, we clearly understood them to be weapons of the Imperial war machine.

The use of DS2 in ROTJ is nothing more than the main adversary re-employing a familiar weapon in the existing war against the protagonists. Still very much the same bad guy, and same story structure. In contrast, the Final Order was kept secret from even the top chain of command of the First Order. When Kylo presented their existence, it was suggested to him that Palpatine's offer should be refused. In my mind, that makes them an entirely new antagonist in the ST, not merely a new weapon/fleet of the existing one.

To go even further, the Resistance didn't even do battle with the First Order in TROS. They took down the Final Order on Exogol, but didn't even engage the occupying forces of the First Order at the end of the movie. Not only was the main antagonistic force of the first two movies replaced in the third one, they weren't even engaged in the end battle at all! :lol

And I don't see the Final Order as analogous to the Separists vs. Republic in the PT. Palpatine was very much front and center for the audience; he was creating the antagonistic tension the whole time. In the ST, the burgeoning of the First Order - and the ascendancy of Kylo to Supreme Leader - were set up under a different context and then rendered virtually meaningless in TROS. New main bad guy, new conflict, new motives, and new story (with new family/lineage backdrop).

I don't see how any of this makes for a cohesive trilogy. What did Palpatine have to do with the Ben/Luke situation, and Starkiller, and Snoke's throne room? Who was seducing Ben to the dark side? Who conceived of the plan to wipe out the Hosnian system? What role did Kylo's killing of Snoke play in the end? To just answer "Palpatine" to all these questions without any prior setup just seems really lame to me. The story didn't progress organically, and it just plays as disjointed.

I don?t know if it?s valid or impressive but they banged on the last piece until it fit. The puzzle is finished, even if one piece is a smashed Cheez It.

But they smashed a Cheez-It into a puzzle of Keebler crackers. To slap it down and force it into place, then turn to the audience and say, "See? A complete picture!" is nothing more than hoping the audience isn't too keen on doing any actual thinking.
TROS will always have the final word on TROS, not something written by an author no one has ever heard of.

Only it?s such a major plot point it HAD to come from somewhere, probably the script - which tells you the filmmakers? intent. And if they release a ?JJ cut? we?ll have to face that reality.
It’s like a comedy skit. “Under the noses of the new republic rose a new evil, The First Order! This group manage to amass starships and a whole army that no one knew about! But under the nose of the First Order there was another group even more evil called the Final Order! This group amassed an even bigger army and even more ships within a planet. When the time was right this evil group bursts through the ground to take their place as ruler of the galaxy! But wait here comes a ragtag group of resistance fighters on horses who while galloping allowing the hull of the main ship destroys the army of evil forever.”

Movie would have been better with the song the final countdown by Europe when the final order was revealed.:rotfl
Movie would have been better with the song the final countdown by Europe when the final order was revealed.:rotfl

And when Rey was electrocuting Palpatine the lightning could have branched off and fried all of his followers as well until he turned to the camera and said "Oh ****!" like in Little Shop of Horrors, lol.
I respectfully disagree.

You would wouldn't you you sick son of a *****! :cuss:

It *is* different.

No. No different (stomps cane), only different in your....ah forget it. It's all good. :duff

Just remember that now that Palps and Snoke are two different people you already conceded that you now realize TROS is indeed better than TLJ or something like that, lol. :chase
You would wouldn't you you sick son of a *****! :cuss:

No. No different (stomps cane), only different in your....ah forget it. It's all good. :duff

Just remember that now that Palps and Snoke are two different people you already conceded that you now realize TROS is indeed better than TLJ or something like that, lol. :chase

:lol :lol :lol

Yeeaaahhhh . . . something like that. ;)

Because novelizations mean nothing and they'd never actually met before.

They mean something when they need to explain a movie riddled with questions and unresolved threads.

Structurally it pretty much plays just like the OT for me.

Look what I can do with your quote above:

"They played out how Luke Skywalker had this Hero's Journey to fulfill in order to become a Jedi. And, of course, with the fate of the galaxy hanging in the balance.

But ROTJ then pivoted the entire thing to Palpatine and a "Second Death Star" . . . out of nowhere! The first Death Star became almost inconsequential, and Luke was used just to push Vader's story to the finish line (as opposed to the other way around). And we end the saga with Anakin Skywalker/Vader. I don't get it."

That doesn't make any sense at all. We knew there was an Emperor. We knew there was an ever looming threat... in the Emperor. ROTJ never pivoted to some dead character out of the blue with a waiting army who was magically alive. ROTJ would have been that if Plagueis was magically alive and Luke killed Palpatine in ESB and now assuming Vader was the big bad for the ROTJ. But wait! Vader isn't. It's Plagueis! This guy who has been dead for 30 years magically comes back with an army hiding out!

When did that happen in ROTJ?

And why are you assuming Vader was the main character of the OT? It was always Luke. The quote is "Kylo was used just to push Rey's story to the finish line." Luke was the main character, Kylo never was. It was Vader who was used to push Luke's story to the finish... becoming a Jedi and saving his father....

Why are you twisting this?

See? :) I'm not even being funny that's really how the OT plays as well, lol. And truth be told it has always been something that kind of annoyed me about ROTJ. After SW/ESB I remember as a kid being shocked that Luke didn't kill Jabba (Leia did), didn't kill Boba Fett (Han did), didn't blow up the Death Star (Lando did), and didn't kill the Emperor (Vader did.) He was the main hero for two straight movies and then in the finale everybody else got to do all the coolest stuff.

You wanted Gary Stu? The slug that enslaved Leia... and Leia gets her revenge of killing him. The guy that froze and kidnapped Han... and Han gets his revenge of killing him. Lando... the guy who sold out our heroes... has atoned for his sins and gets to be a bad ass by blowing up the Death Star while everyone else was on Endor. And Vader killing the Emperor was Luke's doing. It was Luke who saved Leia and allowed her to kill Jabba. It was Luke who saved Han and allowed him to kill Boba. It was Luke that led to his father killing the Emperor.

That's the good thing about the OT... it actually develops it's side characters and gives them meaning. It's not all Mary Sue Rey.

The ST doesn't exist in a vacuum though. It's a continuation of the OT (or PT/OT if you prefer) so there was more than enough setup for not only the Emperor to return but also to turn out to be the phantom puppet master of a proxy threat. And the Final Order wasn't a "new villain" it was just his pet name for his elite legions that he kept in reserve.

How was there more than enough set up for his return when there was no mention of him actually being able to cheat death, no mention of his survival in TFA and TLJ or even possible survival, and ROTJ ended with him falling down a endless hole then that hole blew up.

There was no setup whatsoever for his return. He was brought back because TLJ was garbage, they lose the dedicated fan base, and tried nostalgia to redeem the saga but it only backfired.

Yes but that's no different than any sequel that follows a seemingly resolved story and doesn't counter my point that the way Palps was presented really just turns the entire ST into a live-action "Dark Empire" and not something totally out of the blue or unprecedented.

Are you using de-canonized material to defend that his return wasn't out of the blue?

Having a secret Star Destroyer fleet is still no different than having a secret second Death Star. You can say it's silly, or lazy, or whatever, but it's still par for the course and totally consistent with the Palps that we knew from the previous six films. He's always unleashing secret armies and tricks that come as a complete surprise to even those within his own ranks and he has a decades long history of compartmentalizing his troops, officers, apprentices, even entire armies (Separatists vs. Republic) in case he wants to play one against the other.

That secret Star Destroyer fleet was just sitting there doing nothing all this time. It was out of the blue. It made no sense. At least the second Death Star made sense... he was rebuilding the first one.

Again anyone can hate TROS for a hundred different reasons but the fact remains that they did find a way to validly reconcile it with the continuity of all that came before, quite impressively in fact.

:rotfl :rotfl :rotfl

"fact" "validly" "reconcile"

:lol :lol :lol

"all that came before"



I can't breathe. Please, stop.

It doesn't do that whatsoever. Not even close.

If you wanted that to actually be the case, you'd need an entire new story.
He's always unleashing secret armies and tricks that come as a complete surprise to even those within his own ranks and he has a decades long history of compartmentalizing his troops, officers, apprentices, even entire armies (Separatists vs. Republic) in case he wants to play one against the other.

It gladdens the heart to see Khev using the PT to validate the ST :D

Again anyone can hate TROS for a hundred different reasons

And we do. Maybe not 100, but at least dozens.

But seriously, it's great we can all find something to like in different bits of SW. And debate it civilly, unlike in some sections of the cyberspace.
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Apparently the novel also explains that Rey salvaged components from her burnt-out TIE to get Luke?s X-wing going again. ?It flies now!?

No jigsaw piece shall remain unhammered, no plot hole unplugged.
:lol :lol

And what they don't get is that you don't even like this movie but you can't resist pushing people's buttons and humoring my takes for your own amusement, lol.


But in all seriousness ajp always puts up an amazing counterpoint he/she knows what they are talking about he/she is no dummy BUT I don?t subscribe to his/her notion that Rey was always just meant to be a side character backstory inservice of more Anakin centric bloodline narrative which we got anyways Kylo was not neglected at all.

For me it felt very natural to bring back Palp I mean it when I say that when I first saw Snoke in TFA I immediately thought that he was either Palpatine or Plaqueis or a puppet for them and I was right.

TROS path flowed naturally from the OT.

So yes i?m being serious when I say that your reasoning just resonates with me much more than ajp super analytical mindset that TROS had to be about Vader and not the emperor.

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:lol :lol :lol

Yeeaaahhhh . . . something like that. ;)


:lol :duff

ajp is lying he thought Snoke was the emperor or plaqueis in TFA just like everyone else did lol

Yeah I went back and googled the most popular Snoke theories prior to TLJ and of course Plageuis and Palpatine were at the top, the two guys who dedicated their lives to learning how to cheat death. Well here we are and suddenly it's out of the blue for some people, lol.

It gladdens the heart to see Khev using the PT to validate the ST :D


I'd be lying if I said that TROS doesn't sync really nicely with the PT, lol. It really does. Whatever your preference, OT only or PT/OT, either way TROS closes the Saga very nicely.

But seriously, it's great we can all find something to like in different bits of SW. And debate it civilly, unlike in some sections of the cyberspace.

So true and believe me I laugh just as hard as the rest of you when Junkion rips on this movie. "The bad guys learn which way is up," lol! It doesn't change my enjoyment nor my enjoyment in having the back and forths here. :duff


But in all seriousness ajp always puts up an amazing counterpoint he/she knows what they are talking about he/she is no dummy BUT I don?t subscribe to his/her notion that Rey was always just meant to be a side character backstory inservice of more Anakin centric bloodline narrative which we got anyways Kylo was not neglected at all.

For me it felt very natural to bring back Palp I mean it when I say that when I first saw Snoke in TFA I immediately thought that he was either Palpatine or Plaqueis or a puppet for them and I was right.

TROS path flowed naturally from the OT.

So yes i?m being serious when I say that your reasoning just resonates with me much more than ajp super analytical mindset that TROS had to be about Vader and not the emperor.

:exactly: :hi5:
In regards to the Palpatine was Snoke theories, those were laughed at. It was always Plageuis. Plageuis made the most sense. Plagueis would have tied together the saga better than what we got.

“Other than this, the evidence for Palpatine being Snoke is rather flimsy. Palpatine actor Ian McDiarmid said in 2014 that his evil Emperor really was dead, and that he had been for the past 30 years. “I can confirm that,” he told the crowd at the Anaheim Star Wars Celebration. “George [Lucas] was quite categorical.”

“Emperor Sheev Palpatine met his end when he was thrown down a seemingly bottomless pit and exploded, but you can't keep a good Sheev down. Palpatine returns from the dead in the now non-canon expanded universe novels, so a resurrection isn't entirely unheard of. This theory claims that Snoke is an even more scarred Palpatine trying to rebuild his empire with some new branding due to how similar the First Order is to the Galactic Empire. The likelihood of this happening? Not very. There's not really much to gain from bringing Palpatine back, whose story pretty much concluded. These new Star Wars movies already have a bad enough rap for retreading the original movies without adding Palpatine.“

“It's understandable. Palpatine is one of the best villains in pop culture. Ian McDiarmid brought the perfect level of camp and menace to the Emperor. It’s just about time that someone else become the Big Bad of the Star Wars universe. Palpatine has five movies and one (and a half) animated series under his belt. It’s time to retire the character. The memory of him can live on but he should stay dead.”

Nobody wanted this.

Also, how does TROS synch with the PT?
But Khev explanation makes perfect sense, to me anyways, so much so that he took ajp near perfect analysis on why TROS doesn?t work as a finale and utterly obliterated his argument by using the saga history as his weapon.

Think of it as ajp is the first death star and Khev is Lukes torpedo lol

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Of course it does . You and him can?t let this movie go lol
:lol :lol :lol


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