My son had friends over for his birthday and one of the kids saw all my framed SW posters, autographs, and figures and asked if I worked for LFL, lol.
ajp is lying he thought Snoke was the emperor or plaqueis in TFA just like everyone else did lol
Apparently the novel also explains that Rey salvaged components from her burnt-out TIE to get Luke?s X-wing going again. ?It flies now!?
No jigsaw piece shall remain unhammered, no plot hole unplugged.
But in all seriousness ajp always puts up an amazing counterpoint he/she knows what they are talking about he/she is no dummy BUT I don?t subscribe to his/her notion that Rey was always just meant to be a side character backstory inservice of more Anakin centric bloodline narrative which we got anyways Kylo was not neglected at all.
TROS path flowed naturally from the OT.
one of the kids ...asked if I worked for LFL
What a terrible insult.
He then went on to say: you look a little hairy to be part of the magical story group.
Imagine if all this was articulated in the movie?
“You two form a dyad - which is a special connection between dud-clone offspring and prophecy-grandchildren that can regenerate weak clones to accommodate dead spirits. It’s totally legit.”
Nope. I assumed Snoke was a just new version of the Emperor because *everything* in TFA was just a new version of what was in the OT.
Rey = new Luke (desert-planet orphan strong in the Force)
Kylo = new Vader (Jedi-turned-evil and wearing a mask)
Poe = new Han (hotshot pilot getting in and out of trouble by luck and smartass)
BB-8 = new R2 (droid carrying the MacGuffin, and always a step ahead of the humans)
Starkiller = new Death Star
Snoke = new Palps (robed evil master introduced only via hologram)
In my mind, Palpatine was dead because it'd be crazy to undo that ROTJ ending for Anakin/Vader. Everyone keeps bringing up Dark Empire (which sucked anyway, IMO), but that series came out *before* the PT. And the PT only made it that much more important to preserve the impact of Anakin killing Palpatine. Plus, George Lucas had emphasized in recent years how dead Palpatine was. Left no doubt about it.
Wow!And remember, the events of TROS happened within a 16-hour window, so everything that happens in the novel is *all* happening in that same time frame.
Thanks for the kind words, jye. And you can drop the "she" pronoun; I'm a dude. And I wasn't saying that Rey was intended to be a side character, but rather that even though Rey was portrayed as the main hero, I viewed her ultimate purpose as simply being the catalyst for taking the Ben/Kylo arc to its conclusion. The outcome of Kylo's story is what I thought the central focus would (and *should*) be. That's my point.
The third trilogy in the Skywalker Saga never seemed like the right place to have a complete outsider be the central focus of how the whole story ends. The first trilogy was the father's (Anakin's) journey from good to bad. The second trilogy was the son's (Luke's) journey to fix things. So, the third trilogy should've been about the grandson (Ben) closing the book on the Skywalker legacy.
Since Kathleen Kennedy made it a point to differentiate the "Skywalker Saga" from the rest of Star Wars, it makes no ****ing sense to me for her to finish it with the third-generation Skywalker being inconsequential to the ending. It became the Palpatine Saga because the ultimate villain and hero were *both* Palpatines. Skywalkers in the background only. I really, *really* hate that, and I don't know how/why it doesn't bother a greater number of fans.
Like diarrhea.
What a terrible insult.
He then went on to say: you look a little hairy to be part of the magical story group.
I would assume they don?t do much shaving though either.![]()
Star Wars is dead. Disney Star Wars is a gnarly fingered albino crane monster.
You talk as if Kylo Skywalker was completely inconsequential to TROS.
Vader was influenced by Luke and to atone for his sins he sacrificed himself and killed the emperor.
Well Kylo was also influenced by a Skywalker and to atone for his sins he also sacrificed himself but this time actually resurrecting and rising a Palpatine instead of throwing one down a shaft like his Grandfather did.
Look the ewoks celebrated Vaders victory what more do you want sheesh so greedy lol
I didn?t even like the movie that much and I don?t see any Vader victory bugging lol
Well, he was. The only thing he accomplished was revive Rey. But that was after the fact. Palps and the Sith had already been defeated.
Ben/Kylo contributed nothing to the actual conflict resolution. Oh wait, yeah he did: if Ben Solo wasn't there, Palps wouldn't have sucked their "life force" to rejuvenate himself.
Vader's redemption: Seeing his son suffer in front of him moved Vader to kill the man who had manipulated him all along and had taken everything from him, including his family. By sacrificing himself to return to the light, he ensured that his remaining family (and the galaxy) could now live free of the Palpatine/Sith evil grip.
Kylo's redemption: Upon hearing his mom call to him, Kylo ended up needing Rey to heal him and save his life. After being redeemed, he had one word of dialogue ("ow"), beat up the KOR (only because of Rey's help), got pushed into a pit, and came out to revive Rey (who died actually getting the job done).
Yep, Vader and Kylo both had worthy redemption arcs to end their trilogies.
Yeah, I did forget about the ewok celebration. To quote Rose: *now* it was worth it.
Remember that part I just wrote about Vader killing the man who broke his life and took his family from him? And remember that part about giving his family (and the galaxy) a clean slate to create their own future without Palpatine and the Sith? Yeah, turns out now he didn't really accomplish any of that. How's that for a Vader victory diss?![]()
ST Kylo > PT Anakin
I win lol
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Now you're just trying to rile up ironwez.![]()
I'm shocked at the amount of people who voluntarily kneel before the altar of the LFL Story Group. Of all the things to bow to, lol. Since when has ANY Star Wars novel, comic book, cartoon, etc., ever overruled a live-action movie? NEVER. Rey is Palpatine's granddaughter. Her father is Palpatine's son. Openly stated in the movie. TROS will always have the final word on TROS, not something written by an author no one has ever heard of. End of discussion.
Listening a bit to the video that was posted from the guy who can?t defend tros anymore.....
I don?t get the hang up people have about the emperor having a kid... like a man with that kind of power could never have sex... I said it many pages back... People in positions of power like the emperor are going to get some.... From both the willing and unwilling... I don?t care how ugly he is.... there are gold diggers who marry 98 year old men who look just as bad as the emperor.... not that hard to imagine Pelp?s getting some.
I do like that the novel explains that Pelp in ROSW was a clone body possessed by the emperors spirit....
I am good with that being canon as it fills in the holes nicely while still being mysterious.
3 words will settle that argument once and for all...
Anna Nicole Smith
Who is Pelp lol
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