I?m coming around on it thanks to Khev and now JAWS lol
BTW Jye... I love that Hot Toys Deluxe R2
I?m coming around on it thanks to Khev and now JAWS lol
You should see ASM2 in 3D on my 80 inch tv Spiderman swinging in that costume is glorious to behold a thing of beauty especially in 3D and yeah ASM1 and ASM2 are not good especially that dumb lizard lol
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Hmmmmm What does that say about me... All of that nostalgia and rinse and repeat stuff was in TFA and I really didn?t like it... Jye didn?t either with his first viewing... He convinced himself to like it... Same with TLJ I believe ( that was Khevs fault lol)
I only liked TROS and it may redeem the other two films a little more for me.... will have to wait until I watch them again... But now that I know where the story goes and think I will be more accepting.
I am not a PT hater but they are poorly made films. There is lots of cool world building with some decent action moments ( mostly in TPM) But man the dialogue, acting, and poor direction.... yikes
I can look past most of that but IMO the PT did far more damage to the OT then the PT as it gave answers we never wanted ( midiclorians, 3po origins) turned all powerful force users ( who we all figured were beyond sabers) into a cgi saber wielding goof fest and worst of all... it turned Vader in a wussy crybaby who?s only able, as Vader, to kills kids ( I?m supposed to find him redeemable after that? )
And unarmed aliens... when he comes across the first fair fight and gets his ass kickedThank god for RO that reminded us how bad ass Vader could be...
And yet I can still find some enjoyment out of them...
That?s the thing about the Star Wars saga films, You have to pick and choose what you like in these movies because other then ANH and ESB there is plenty of garbage to dig through.
Lol I don?t understand the hate for ROTJ besides the Ewoks lol
I use to convince myself the lizard was a good design at the time. It was the stupidest looking thing ever
I really wish Irvin Kershner would've directed it.
Jedi feels more like a PT film.... I wonder how much Lucas was on the set.
Ford and Fisher are awful in it... that?s probably my biggest issue. . Everything on Endor is a bore... Uninteresting saber duel until the very end.
It?s not bad... it has some of my fav moments in the series.... but it falls flat in a lot of places.
Far from a perfect film but it was fun and a bit mythic just like the OT.
SUCH a perfect way to put it. Yep TROS absolutely was equal parts fun, equal parts mythic, and always with each element highlighted at the proper place.
And I've never been one to put ROTJ on the level of SW/ESB so I have no problem stating that I absolutely prefer the showdown in Palpatine's Exegol throne room to the one in ROTJ's DS II. Obviously there was the brief bit of perfection when Luke made his attack on Vader amidst JW's rousing score and of course Vader hurling Palpatine over the railing but as a whole I prefer Exegol.
There's no question that ROTJ has awesome characters even down to the second and third tier levels but Rey, Ben Solo, Palpatine, Han, Luke, Leia, Lando and 3PO make for a dynamite top tier showing in TROS as well. Sure Finn, Poe, Zori, Hux, and the rest are "okay" but fortunately the film wisely keeps them compartmentalized within the "fun" sections and preserves the "mythic" moments for those who truly deserve it. TROS ain't a 10/10 movie, not by a long shot (nor is any SW movie past ESB), but I love it as if it was 10/10, lol.
Everyone else I know really enjoyed or loved it... I only hear the hate on YouTube and here .
Well said I agree!
*runs to wake up ajp.....
*runs to wake up ajp.....
...I absolutely prefer the showdown in Palpatine's Exegol throne room to the one in ROTJ's DS II. ...
[wonders if Minnesota got a vastly different cut of TROS than California, or if they just grow some vastly underrated weed there]
Sorry but no amount of "ZOMG REYZ A MARY SUU SHE SUX CHOZEN WUN ROOLZ PREQUELS 4EVAH" vitriol will make me see it any differently.
Yeah, he seemingly lived a good life to the ripe age of 90 but still, a sad loss nonetheless.
His role in TFA was so pivotal he really was the glue that held that movie together.