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I found TROS to be very entertaining. Looking forward to watching it again for the second time when the blu ray is released. My only issue is the “sour note” it leaves at the end with the death of KYLO. I don’t like when movies do that (ie. WAR FOR THE PLANET OF THE APES, END GAME) it ruins the “repeat viewing” experience for me. I get it for Endgame but still I have no revisited the movie since bc I am on team Iron Man. I don’t get it for WOTPOTA and TROS. Caesar and Kylo could still go on for future stories. Why invest 2.5 hours into what is supposed to be a “fun movie” when a character I love dies? Side note: TROS is also one of my least favorite SW titles down there with Phantom Menace and A new Hope!!
Really? I actually cheered and in fact his death is part of the reason I *enjoy* repeat viewings so much. Oh wait you meant Ben Solo I thought you were talking about Greg Grunberg's character, lol.
So pivotal that the name on his action figure card simply reads "Max Von Sydow's Character in TFA," lol.

Oh man lol

Really? I actually cheered and in fact his death is part of the reason I *enjoy* repeat viewings so much. Oh wait you meant Ben Solo I thought you were talking about Greg Grunberg's character, lol.

Sorry but no amount of "ZOMG REYZ A MARY SUU SHE SUX CHOZEN WUN ROOLZ PREQUELS 4EVAH" vitriol will make me see it any differently. ;)


I found TROS to be very entertaining. Looking forward to watching it again for the second time when the blu ray is released. My only issue is the ?sour note? it leaves at the end with the death of KYLO. I don?t like when movies do that (ie. WAR FOR THE PLANET OF THE APES, END GAME) it ruins the ?repeat viewing? experience for me. I get it for Endgame but still I have no revisited the movie since bc I am on team Iron Man. I don?t get it for WOTPOTA and TROS. Caesar and Kylo could still go on for future stories. Why invest 2.5 hours into what is supposed to be a ?fun movie? when a character I love dies? Side note: TROS is also one of my least favorite SW titles down there with Phantom Menace and A new Hope!!

Yeah, looking forward to checking out the TROS Blu.


"It was I who allowed Disney to know the location of the franchise generator."
Holy crap lol

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Thank you. :hi5:
I 100% agree - I only love between 1/2 and 2/3 of ROTJ. Acting-wise and to some degree dramatically, the rest is anywhere from kinda weak to flat-out awful. But ROTJ also has a LOT of stellar costume/set design (everything from spacecraft like TIE interceptors/B-Wings to costumes like Biker Scouts/Royal Guards to all things Jabba's Palace), some of the best JW music of the OT, and intros several iconic SW giants that are 100% cool - Palps and Jabba.

It has a lot of 2nd tier characters that became SW classics - eg Ackbar, Nien Numb and Bib Fortuna. Hell, even ROTJ's 3rd tier are cool and borderline classic - Gamorreans, Ree Yees, Rancor, Amanaman etc., even if that's as much about Kenner as it is the film.

It has the heroes in some of their coolest outfits of the OT - Luke Jedi (Jabba Palace and duel looks,) Leia Boussh, Leia Slave, Lando Skiff - and has battle visuals that often easily match anything in SW and ESB: ATSTs in the forest battle, speeder bike chase and final space battle. And the face-off between Luke and Palps - dramatically, not necessarily as a saber battle - to me is often up there with anything OT.

While I loved seeing Palps back for TROS and enjoyed a few sequences (a first for me in the ST) I really can't see how anyone could say "eh, TROS and ROTJ both have strengths and weaknesses and so are kinda equal.":dunno

I think people overlook what was intro'ed in ROTJ and just generically assign them to "the OT." It's beyond me how anyone could equate that meh TROS desert chase with the speeder bike chase, or that dull/silly Exogol "space" battle with the ROTJ space battle, or the face-off between Rey and Papls with the Luke/Palps face off.

Yes, all three ROTJ leads were in poor form (both acting and physically) and often had pure cheese to work with, and some sequences or ideas show simultaneous cockiness and laziness (Ewoks) or utter silliness ("point of view" scene) in "loose ends" moments, but ROTJ still has a LOT to love, even though it's become a favorite target as the lowest hanging fruit of the OT.

I don?t know if ROTJ and TROS are equal.... I would have to watch TROS many more times.. ROTJ was great the first time I saw it as a 12 year old but it really struggled with repeat viewings on VHS... I actually went through a period of boarder line disliking it. When I got older I appreciated the film again. It still has my fav space battle of any Star Wars film and yep that includes RO. Luke attacking Vader with Williams score.. Vader turning on the Emperor with again that amazing Williams score.... and Some of the Jabba?s palace stuff... but it kind of ends there for me though I do agree with you about iconic set and costume designs.. I?m not as big a fan of the 2nd and 3rd tier characters as you though and like I said before... Everything on Endor is a bore for me. That includes Speeder bike chases and AT-STs. I just find that the film comes to a grinding halt on that planet... Maybe it?s because I lived in the country and that planet was the least interesting to me.. IDK... Speederbikes were the best part to take place on that planet but still far from one of the best moments in the OT.

It?s just very flawed and not the ending that the OT deserved.

Perhaps that is why I like TROS so much, because it was a better ending then the ST deserved. Lol.
This is still my favorite theme in any Star Wars movie, especially at the 1:13 mark.
