SUCH a perfect way to put it. Yep TROS absolutely was equal parts fun, equal parts mythic, and always with each element highlighted at the proper place.
And I've never been one to put ROTJ on the level of SW/ESB so I have no problem stating that I absolutely prefer the showdown in Palpatine's Exegol throne room to the one in ROTJ's DS II. Obviously there was the brief bit of perfection when Luke made his attack on Vader amidst JW's rousing score and of course Vader hurling Palpatine over the railing but as a whole I prefer Exegol.
There's no question that ROTJ has awesome characters even down to the second and third tier levels but Rey, Ben Solo, Palpatine, Han, Luke, Leia, Lando and 3PO make for a dynamite top tier showing in TROS as well. Sure Finn, Poe, Zori, Hux, and the rest are "okay" but fortunately the film wisely keeps them compartmentalized within the "fun" sections and preserves the "mythic" moments for those who truly deserve it. TROS ain't a 10/10 movie, not by a long shot (nor is any SW movie past ESB), but I love it as if it was 10/10, lol.
Hmmmmmm I don?t know if I am with you one the exegol ending being better then the DS 2 ending but they are not that far a part overall... Jedi has those two iconic moments (Luke attack, Vader?s turn) that tops TROS...
On the other hand I found Ben Solos turn back to the good side more emotionally fulfilling then Vader?s.... Curious to see if that stands the test of time for me...
I think I feel that way as Ben was consistently the best part of the ST and I was / am more invested in him because of who his parents are.
Ah who am I kidding... it was all because of Han?s ghost lol
Btw I watched some of TFA last night... I can?t get over how much that does not feel like a Star Wars movie but like people trying to make a Star Wars movie.... It?s harmless I guess but still not a fan.