How did it fix Luke, Leia, Han, and the entirety of the OT being replayed out and making the OT pretty much pointless?
When I refer to fix... I mean that TROS fixed my issues with TFA and TLJ
Han was given a good send off and was for me the best emotional scene in the whole trilogy. I actually thought that Luke was the best part of TLJ and really had no issue with him at all. Leia was fine overall also..
So, you didn't get what you want so you didn't like it?
So you didn't get what you wanted in the ST so you don't like it??
See how that works
So it was ok for Vader to slaughter millions of kids on Alderaan... but a few younglings just crossed the line?
Great point except that is was Tarkin.. Sure Vader stood by but it was Tarkin that gave the order.
Another case of didn't get what you wanted, so it's ruined?
A 2nd time you use this argument.. How about not liking something because its a dumb idea. Its not a matter of getting something I wanted.. In The Making of Return of the Jedi book.. Lucas himself even state that Jedi masters like Yoda and the Emperor are above and beyond lightsabers... You got that feeling in the OT.. But here comes AOTC and ROTS with hoping and jumping frogs and old men... Blah.. It looked dumb and was dumb... You have the Ultimate battle with Obi Wan and Luke going on and you keep cutting to a CGI battle of Yoda and the Emperor... Barf. It ruined the mystique of the OT most powerful Jedi's
Vader being a basically made a worthless wuss... Killer of Kids and Unarmed Aliens but gets ass kicked against first Jedi he fights.. The Mighty Vader everyone.

Rey is half a clone, but that's ok?
Yep... Because it does not effect the OT... That was the point of my argument.. How the PT effects the OT and craps on it.
Rey isn't cartoonish in her abilities? She literally believes in the force after realizing it's real and then can do it.
It drove me nuts in the first two films.. Making the her a decedent of the most powerful Jedi user in the Galaxy helps that issue...
Obi-Wan lived on Tatooine. How else do you think he would age?

I don't see how C-3PO being made by Anakin is so bad. Worse cases of small world than that. And it's Star Wars, the whole thing started with R2 and 3PO finding Luke.
R2 and 3PO finding Luke feels like Luck... 3PO being made by a young Anakin... Pointless and dumb..
So.... to quote myself...
The ST turned your hero Luke into a failed hermit who wanted to kill his own nephew. Then force projects himself to death.
Sure... Its called drama.. People rise and fall and rise again.. Happens all the time in movies and stories.. Plus he thought about taking out his nephew in a moment of weakness.. One thing we know about Luke after all the OT films... He is a hero who makes mistakes.
The ST turned your princess into a failed mother, jedi, senator, rebellion leader. Ultimate failure.
The mother who died to bring her child back.. The failed Jedi who stopped training as her visions made her feel that further training would lead to her sons death... Always in motion is the future.. Its a tricky thing... A leader that eventually was a major part in helping with the final defeat of the Emperor (through her sacrifice for her son) Plus her part I am sure would have been bigger had she not died in real life.
The ST turned your once scoundrel to hero rebel and great friend into a regressed sack of **** who sold his medal off because he is a drunk, a failed father, a failed husband, and a failed rebel leader.
Sold his medal off?? Drunk?? I missed those moments.. Was it not Hans Medal that Leia gave Han?
Having said that... TROS again fixed much of that for me... Giving Han and Ben the best emotional moment in the entire saga. We dont know if it was a memory or a ghost... I choose to think that he was spiritual in some way and it was a wonderful moment.. Keeping with Star Wars tradition... It was the father that again saved the son.
But, none of that... knowing all the OT gang did and all there growth was ultimately pointless and worthless... doesn't ruin the OT for you?
Nope... It kinda did at fists.. Because I hated the first two films but loved TROS...
The only way to not taint the OT is to not make a ST with the original characters.. I mean to go through all of what they did to just have to fight any other sort of a war would effect how one might feel about the OT...
But an aged man living on Tatooine and Boba being a clone does?![]()
I think I gave plenty of reasons why the PT crapped on the OT.. You can pick the two throw away arguments if you want.. But what the PT did ti Anakin / Vader.. Now that is the true failure.
What was one interesting action set piece in the entire ST? I rather watch 9 hours of Jango vs Kenobi space battle.[/QUOTE]