i would have agreed with you but tros saved the st for me.. Simple as that.. I felt like a kid again.. First time i felt that way since rotj
Yeah... still can't comprehend it
i guess seeing a planet blow up is not as drastic feeling as seeing a little child moments before he is sliced in half by a saber (face to face) feels more serial killer like.
Vader is a serial killer though in the EU. If anything, he was weak as hell in the OT. Vader in the PT did far more. OT Vader was a joke. Vader was nothing but a lap dog in the OT. He did nothing but walk through a hall way, couldn't even take out Luke in the X-Wing, didn't even try to kill Luke, just roughed him up in ESB, and then did nothing again in ROTJ.
You know when i was a kid my best friend and i use to draw pics of yoda with light sabers and flying xwing fighters to make each other laugh. It just seemed so silly. First time viewing it was kinda cool i will admit.. But rots ruined what should have been at most one fleeting moment. Repeat viewings and knowing how they did even more of it in the rots made me hate yoda aotc saber duel.
Yoda uses the Force to fight though. That's why he moves like that and why not other Jedi can fight like that.
Younglings and jedi in training... All the jedi were out fighting the wars... He is shown killing some young teens on the hologram tapes. And he has a bunch of troopers with him.. He then kills a bunch of unarmed aliens.. The moments could have been cool in a longer movie.. But lucas screwed up the timeline and started back too far and had to hurry up to fast to get anakin to the dark side..
This is wrong. On the tapes he kills the Temple's top lightsaber instructor in Cin Dralling. He also kills multiple masters and knights, along with Jocastu Nu.
I agree that they should have shown Anakin killing more. ROTS should have been 4 hours.
As for vader in the suit beating obi wan.. I dont think the suit makes vader a better sith lord..
Meant that at the time he was in the suit, he was better able to control and harness the dark side. Suit doesn't make him more powerful.
it didn't ruin luke for me.. And he didn't kill his nephew. He was tempted because of being manipulated by the emperor (i think) or just a force vision... But he didn't.. Was not the first time luke was tempted by the dark side.. He was ready to strike is father down.. He had to look at his hand to see the path he was going down to snap out of it.. He was not a kid at that moment. Like i said.. Flawed and its the reason i like luke.
He wasn't tempted by the Emperor. He had a force vision and freaked out like his father did then thought about killing him. Luke was tempted to kill his father because he was a galactic mass murderer that ended the Jedi, blew up a planet, and held a galaxy hostage. What the hell did Kylo do? Be present in a bad dream? Come on.
again i just don't see it that way.. Obviously she was not a failure. She loved her son and he knew it.. Its what brought him back.. Believe me i worked with troubled inner city youth.. I have seen real failures at motherhood.
Her son literally was a mass murdering angered riddled mind ****ing *******. That is a failure.
This is assumptions that you are making (just like my explanation is) i choose to believe that it is han.. Leia uses her powers to bring him back... Not a manipulation of the mind.. If your assumption is proven to be then that is unfortunate. First time viewing i figured it was just in kylos mind... I was still fine with that. Leia manipulating him... Nah... I dont like that.. Besides how would she know how that conversation went down in tfa since much of that is repeated.
Pretty sure it was Leia who did it.
A failed rebellion leader?? I guess if you think being a major playing in stopping the empire more then once a failure.. Well ok then.. What happened with his son.. Which actually was not his fault took a toll and he could not handle it.. When real people loose their kids it can often break up the family... He was not a perfect father (if we are to believe kylo) but i dont think han would be. But loosing your kid to the bad guys... Well... That's a hard thing to get over.
He never stopped the Empire more than once.... it was still around. Han's next path to growth as a character was being a father. He changes for the better in every movie. Then they robbed us of that character growth for something terrible.
again i am not complaining that he lost a light-saber duel... I hate pretty much everything they did with anakin as a character (especially in aotc) and then when he finally becomes vader... Well he back fights a jedi and cuts off his arm.. Kills kids... And unarmed aliens..
My comment about loosing to obi wan is more about what little he did before that.. It was a lost opportunity.. Imagine him dueling with mace and striking him down to save the emperor.. How about a duel with some real jedi on some other planets.. Nope.. Little kids and unarmed aliens.. Again lucas messed up the timeline.. And rushed anakin's fall to the dark side.. Btw game of thrones learned nothing from this
I agree with the part about wanting more pre-suit Vader.
anyone who believes that rey is the son of a clone because a book said so is a fool. Movie states she is palpatine's granddaughter and a direct descendant of the most powerful force user who ever lived.
Palpatine's son was his clone. Like Jango and Boba. She is the son of a clone. Do you pick and choose what to believe from outside sources or just rely on the movies?
lol why do st fans bring up the pt all the time?
Nobody else brings it up.
Yea st ruins the franchise but anakin was whiney soooo yea!
They are realizing just how great the PT really is and now have to double down to drag it down to the ST level.
every single ot character that appeared in the pt was made lamer. Every single one. Tpm palps was awesome but he went full retard in rots.
Every single character that appeared in the OT was made lamer and that is 100% fact.
wow you're right even space leia was more badass than pt anakin. Damn dude what a savage but true statement, lol.
The scene that was bashed by everyone...
don't forget choking a crying defenseless pregnant woman, lol.
That was to show just how far he fell.