I disagree. Showing Vader personally leading the charge against the Jedi temple was a great way of showing his fall.
Change my mind:
Padme was more of a badass in the PT than Vader was in the OT.
Padme personally leads an invasion to take back her throne. Fights off some alien tiger and lives through the Battle of Geonosis. In ROTS gives birth.
Waaay more badass than Vader.
Yeah... still can't comprehend it![]()
Vader is a serial killer though in the EU. If anything, he was weak as hell in the OT. Vader in the PT did far more. OT Vader was a joke. Vader was nothing but a lap dog in the OT. He did nothing but walk through a hall way, couldn't even take out Luke in the X-Wing, didn't even try to kill Luke, just roughed him up in ESB, and then did nothing again in ROTJ.
Yoda uses the Force to fight though. That's why he moves like that and why not other Jedi can fight like that.
This is wrong. On the tapes he kills the Temple's top lightsaber instructor in Cin Dralling. He also kills multiple masters and knights, along with Jocastu Nu.
I agree that they should have shown Anakin killing more. ROTS should have been 4 hours.
Meant that at the time he was in the suit, he was better able to control and harness the dark side. Suit doesn't make him more powerful.
He wasn't tempted by the Emperor. He had a force vision and freaked out like his father did then thought about killing him. Luke was tempted to kill his father because he was a galactic mass murderer that ended the Jedi, blew up a planet, and held a galaxy hostage. What the hell did Kylo do? Be present in a bad dream? Come on.
Her son literally was a mass murdering angered riddled mind ****ing *******. That is a failure.
Pretty sure it was Leia who did it.
He never stopped the Empire more than once.... it was still around. Han's next path to growth as a character was being a father. He changes for the better in every movie. Then they robbed us of that character growth for something terrible.
I agree with the part about wanting more pre-suit Vader.
Palpatine's son was his clone. Like Jango and Boba. She is the son of a clone. Do you pick and choose what to believe from outside sources or just rely on the movies?
They are realizing just how great the PT really is and now have to double down to drag it down to the ST level.
Every single character that appeared in the OT was made lamer and that is 100% fact.
The scene that was bashed by everyone...
That was to show just how far he fell.
Not enough time to reply tonight... Maybe later... But two quick thoughts...
1. You rely a lot more on the EU then I do.... Really not a fan so arguments using that does not mean as much to me.
2. I am pretty sure you are just trolling me with some of those comments![]()
You know, Vader sucks in the OT. PT Vader was the best and did waaay more on screen than OT Vader ever did.
In ANH Vader walked down a hallway, had some droid torture Leia, and failed at preventing the destruction of the Death Star. Total failure.
In ESB he walks down a hallway in Hoth, did nothing, watches as the Falcon flies away when could have just force pulled the thing, then walks down a hallway in Bespin and threatens Lando, does a neat little trick for his daughter at the dinner table, then fails to kill Luke. Total failure.
In ROTJ he walks down another hallway, does nothing, gets his ass kicked by his kid, then picks up an old man and throws him down.
Where are the scenes of Vader being a badass? Where are the scenes of him actually fighting and ****ing **** up in the OT?
What a let down that was.
For better or worse, warts and all, the PT and OT are the Skywalker Saga according to 2005 George Lucas. I accept the gospel truth of mid-2000's Lucas.
Fixed and fair enough. My SW Gospel however is that of 1980 George Lucas, the George who made ESB within the context of a planned future ST that the Disney trilogy actually delivered on.
For better or worse, warts and all, the PT and OT are the Skywalker Saga according to George Lucas. I accept his gospel truth.
And while there's a lot to like in the ST, it's technically fan fic.
While I agree with that in principle, it ignores the massive contributions - in story, design and other extremely significant creative input - that other artists made to the OT.
While Lucas was in charge, he had strong artistic collaborators on the OT who together contributed as much to what we love, if not more, as Lucas alone did. They challenged him, they pushed him, they brought in bold ideas that Lucas himself would not have created as the sole creative force.
People like Kershner, Kasdan in his arrogant prime, Mollo, McQuarrie, Taylor, Dykstra, Tippett were not just hired guns, they were often temperamental artists or visionaries in their own right. Even Kurtz pushed, challenged and clashed with Lucas and the movie that Kurtz wasn't involved in (fired for that very act of standing up to Lucas,) ROTJ, shows clearly what SW quickly became with Lucas much more in charge.
Lucas didn't have that in the PT - he was pretty much the sole creative force surrounded by yes-men, totally unchallenged in every way - and that was the colossal, history-making mistake. That Lucas himself, and those he carefully chose to surround himself with (almost uniformly non-challenging led by Rick McCallum,) made the assumption that Lucas "created" the OT largely on his own.
While I agree with that in principle, it ignores the massive contributions - in story, design and other extremely significant creative input - that other artists made to the OT.
While Lucas was in charge, he had strong artistic collaborators on the OT who together contributed as much to what we love, if not more, as Lucas alone did. They challenged him, they pushed him, they brought in bold ideas that Lucas himself would not have created as the sole creative force.
People like Kershner, Kasdan in his arrogant prime, Mollo, McQuarrie, Taylor, Dykstra, Tippett were not just hired guns, they were often temperamental artists or visionaries in their own right. Even Kurtz pushed, challenged and clashed with Lucas and the movie that Kurtz wasn't involved in (fired for that very act of standing up to Lucas,) ROTJ, shows clearly what SW quickly became with Lucas much more in charge.
Lucas didn't have that in the PT - he was pretty much the sole creative force surrounded by yes-men, totally unchallenged in every way - and that was the colossal, history-making mistake. That Lucas himself, and those he carefully chose to surround himself with (almost uniformly non-challenging led by Rick McCallum,) made the assumption that Lucas "created" the OT largely on his own.
While I agree with that in principle, it ignores the massive contributions - in story, design and other extremely significant creative input - that other artists made to the OT.
While Lucas was in charge, he had strong artistic collaborators on the OT who together contributed as much to what we love, if not more, as Lucas alone did. They challenged him, they pushed him, they brought in bold ideas that Lucas himself would not have created as the sole creative force.
People like Kershner, Kasdan in his arrogant prime, Mollo, McQuarrie, Taylor, Dykstra, Tippett were not just hired guns, they were often temperamental artists or visionaries in their own right. Even Kurtz pushed, challenged and clashed with Lucas and the movie that Kurtz wasn't involved in (fired for that very act of standing up to Lucas,) ROTJ, shows clearly what SW quickly became with Lucas much more in charge.
Lucas didn't have that in the PT - he was pretty much the sole creative force surrounded by yes-men, totally unchallenged in every way - and that was the colossal, history-making mistake. That Lucas himself, and those he carefully chose to surround himself with (almost uniformly non-challenging led by Rick McCallum,) made the assumption that Lucas "created" the OT largely on his own.
He himself stated several times that the 2012 George would have made a ST even *further* removed from the great hero's journey that he started so long ago. Turning over the reigns to someone with more respect for the Saga (yeah you heard me) was for the best.
Uh oh, here we go again...