You just know KK be nervous now around super boss Iger
The Spirit of Gary Kurtz: "Long have I waited...the power of two [KK and Iger] restores the one."
Is he still calling the creative shots over the new guy until his contract is up?
holy crap lol
Thank goodness khev and crew are in the minority.
Fixed and fair enough. My SW Gospel however is that of 1980 George Lucas, the George who made ESB within the context of a planned future ST that the Disney trilogy actually delivered on.
While I agree with that in principle, it ignores the massive contributions - in story, design and other extremely significant creative input - that other artists made to the OT.
While Lucas was in charge, he had strong artistic collaborators on the OT who together contributed as much to what we love, if not more, as Lucas alone did. They challenged him, they pushed him, they brought in bold ideas that Lucas himself would not have created as the sole creative force.
People like Kershner, Kasdan in his arrogant prime, Mollo, McQuarrie, Taylor, Dykstra, Tippett were not just hired guns, they were often temperamental artists or visionaries in their own right. Even Kurtz pushed, challenged and clashed with Lucas and the movie that Kurtz wasn't involved in (fired for that very act of standing up to Lucas,) ROTJ, shows clearly what SW quickly became with Lucas much more in charge.
Lucas didn't have that in the PT - he was pretty much the sole creative force surrounded by yes-men, totally unchallenged in every way - and that was the colossal, history-making mistake. That Lucas himself, and those he carefully chose to surround himself with (almost uniformly non-challenging led by Rick McCallum,) made the assumption that Lucas "created" the OT largely on his own.
You've made this reference several times now, and the more I think about it, the more confused I am about what you mean. I'm wondering if you're referring to some story ideas that I'm just not familiar with. If so, I'd love to know about it.
The 1980 George Lucas sequel plans that I'm familiar with would've focused on Luke. One of his main quests at the outset was to find the "other" who would turn out to be his sister (not Leia). He was eventually supposed to become the ultimate Jedi Knight. And the Emperor was supposed to make his *first* appearance in the saga in Episode 9, with Luke being the one who would confront him at the end.
Isn't that what we know about the early 80's version of GL's sequel intentions? And isn't that what he modified and condensed into ROTJ?
This is why I'm lost here, Khev: you seem to be suggesting that the ST fulfills that 1980 vision when in reality, ROTJ already gave you the closest thing you'll ever get to it. After ROTJ, that Lucas/Kurtz sequel trilogy would never have been able to materialize. Am I wrong?
The ST as a whole, on the other hand, turned out to be a story he would *not* have told.
So, Prime Clone's point about it being fan fiction is 100% true, IMO.
Yes you're correct on all of the above.
Well after ROTJ and the many years he waited to make more SW films having that an ST that played out exactly as he and Kurtz initially envisioned became a literal impossibility. Obviously he would have needed to not have Luke confront the Emperor in ROTJ and then made three more films in 86, 89, and 92 with Luke and another actress playing his sister to do that ST "properly."
But that ship sailed pretty much from the get go when he got burned out and decided to close the whole thing with ROTJ. But even he seemed to quickly live to regret it and started trying to salvage certain aspects of those sequels when he signed off on Dark Empire. So given that "life happens" and things evolve I'm totally fine with Disney making a ST that honors the spirit of those original ideas even if they were forced to have other characters standing in for Luke and Leia. Thankfully Luke and Leia were still involved in assisting the "twins in the Force," even to the point of passing down their respective lightsabers (another aspect that George told Mark he planned as far back as 1983) so to me I'm more than satisfied with the end result.
"Okay Khev then why don't you apply your 'life happens' and 'things evolve' perspective to the PT and acknowledge those as canon?"
Simple: They suck, lol.
I disagree, see my post above. The current ST is only a story that he wouldn't have told *today* (since he is now way off in Magic School Bus Microbiotic La La Land.) But it's definitely a story that is very close to what he was planning (however briefly) back in 80-82.
Also disagree (100%.)![]()
While Lucas was in charge, he had strong artistic collaborators on the OT who together contributed as much to what we love, if not more, as Lucas alone did.
Minority with regards to what?
Into liking the ST and thinking it wrapped up the story. You guys are in a minority. It?s all good tho. Maybe when this gets retconned people will miss it
You mean of the 10-15 people that post in this thread? Perhaps.
Again, though, he *already told* a condensed and reformatted version of that story in ROTJ. Having a new "twins of the Force" and a takedown of the evil Emperor does nothing but undermine (or at least regurgitate) the story that Lucas had already told.
The reason GL would've resorted to "Magic School Bus Microbiotic La La Land" (lol) is because there'd be no point to revisiting the ideas he had already re-formatted and presented on screen more than 3 decades ago. At this point, it's redundant (if not dismissive) of the previous saga ending.
I know that this is just a simple and harmless disagreement, but I'm having a hard time trying to figure out how you're not perceiving either redundancy or downright insult in what TROS decided to do with this trilogy. Yours is the enviable perspective, but I can't seem to navigate a path to adopting it.
Alternate versions of what a creator would've done with his IP is literally what fan fiction is.![]()
I don?t see what is so offensive and dismissive of ROTJ because the Emperor returned.
Vader was never originally the chosen one to bring balance to the force anyways but ok Lucas decided on implementing that in the PT, fine.
But oh well evil turned out to be more resilient.
The burden was now placed on the actual Force itself including Anakin and his children again but also his children children AND a Palpatine to confront and defeat this evil.
Balance once again achieved with a Palpatine taking on the Skywalker mantle.
I?ll tell you what is offensive to me.
That Lucas went and put that one on one child murdering creepy eye Anakin ghost in the SE his stare and grin even as a ghost looks like he wants to freaking murder the ewoks lol
I'm left with two points of glaring confusion:
1.) Don't you have to de-canonize ROTJ in order to have any reason for those early sequel themes and plot threads to have a purpose for being told on screen?
After ROTJ recontextualized "there is another" and the Emperor showdown, that story was already told by the original creator himself (just not in a trilogy format).
2.) If you acknowledge that original story ideas were repurposed for ROTJ, but you still wanted a Lucas-inspired sequel, wouldn't the ideas in his ST treatment/outline be what you'd prefer (if anything) after ROTJ? He actually wrote it out in some form or another, so it's not like we'd have to guess what he'd come up with for a post-ROTJ and post-PT sequel trilogy.
Well yes, they do suck.But that's usually what happens when filmmakers keep extending stories beyond the era that captured the cultural zeitgiest. It usually leads to disappointing results. Even happens in music.
As I stated before, liking the end result shouldn't be a prerequisite for respecting artistic creator intent and authority. No one needs to accept the PT if they don't want to, but we're not gonna be able to pretend that George didn't have most of those story beats mapped out years (even decades) in advance. It was his true vision, for better or worse.