Broke and happy
Plagueis would have been better.
He really did master the force and could save himself from dying... and did. Weakened by Palpatine?s attack, he went to the unknown regions to plan his assaults against Palpatine and build up his army... of Yuuzhan Vong. Using his massive fortune, he helps funds the rebellion to weaken the Empire, but, surprisingly, they won. He finds out it was Luke Skywalker who robbed him of his revenge, who corrected the galaxy back to peace. Plagueis wants to rule. We see Ben Skywalker and Rey Solo as Jedi Knights, along with a rebuilt Jedi Order with Grand Master Skywalker. Plagueis manipulates Ben and we see him turn to the Dark Side. Ben leads the V8ng assaults against the new Republic. We see Leia, Han, Chewbacca, Lando all fighting in tis galactic war. Luke and Rey battles Plagueis and his apprentice, Darth Ren. And we get the reveal... ?I am your Grandfather.? Plagueis manipulated the force to create life... it was he who created Anakin Skywalker. Luke, Rey, and Darth Ren (Ben) end up cutoff from Plagueis. Force Ghost Anakin appears to Kylo and tells him don?t make the same mistakes as I have. Anakin talks to his son and grabdson. Along with help from Luke, Ben, is finally redeemed. The three Skywalkers fight against the very being that sparked there existence. Luke becomes badly wounded, but Rey and Ben finish Plagueis off. But, Plagueis can save himself from dying and takes over Luke?s body, transferring his consciousness into Luke?s and healing Luke. Rey and Ben are fighting Luke (now Plagueis), as all the force ghosts appear to help the Skywalkers in their final fight and they manage to give Luke back control for a moment... to finally end Plagueis. Luke and Ben have a heart to heart moment as he tells his son the only way to end Plagueis once and for all is to ?kill me.? Ben strikes the killing blow and we see Luke?s ghost appear telling his son and niece the Force will always be there with them.
10x better than the ST.
Didn?t you just finish saying that it had nothing to do with Plaqueis but then you start your very next post with Plaqueis would have been better!

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