Damn ajp hitting you guys hard
There you go trying to stir the pot again and get them riled up. That's cold, man.
I was referring to the initial contact between Palpatine and/or Snoke and Ben Solo that led to him turning to the Dark Side. That all happened long before TFA so we can't say what it actually entailed. Yes of course I know that Palpatine was in his head after that silly, lol.
You asked why didn't he do the same thing to Rey when we don't even have any context for what "the same thing" would entail because we didn't see what he originally did to Ben. All we have to go on is what *has* been shown on screen which were Force users (OT Ben, Luke, Vader, PT Palps, TLJ Rey and Kylo) speaking telepathically to people that they had an intense (positive or negative) emotional connection with. Palpatine would have had no such connection with Rey nor would she be a willing recipient to his communication which would have also been in contrast with all those other examples I just mentioned.
Now had Palpatine survived TROS then I think that Rey might have been vulnerable the same way that Luke could hear Vader after their emotional connection on Cloud City but that's obviously moot.
Ah! Now I think I see where our wires are getting crossed. You view it as Palpatine's "I am every voice..." line only refers to post-dark-side-turn Kylo. But I think it also refers to pre-turn Ben, hence the "ever" qualifier (meaning voices that were *always* there).
I have it so lodged in my head that Ben Solo was turning to the dark side while in Luke's academy. TLJ establishes that Luke had sensed the darkness but had no clue just how strong it was, and that was after the TFA novel had an exchange where Leia explains that Snoke had been manipulating her son since early childhood, right from under the noses of his family.
This is why I brought up Rey. Because if Snoke or Palps could find and corrupt Ben from a distance, Palps could certainly do the same with Rey. But I took for granted that we both assumed Ben was being corrupted since childhood, when you probably don't see it that way. Sorry about that.
If I had to guess, you caught wind that they were going to be walking back certain elements of TLJ (which they obviously did) and so you just threw your hands up in the air feeling like they were bailing on people like you who were fans of the direction that movie took the story? And what's weird is that because of TROS my misgivings about TLJ have all mostly gone away.
Yes and no. I wanted the 3 movies to seem like one story, so of course I wanted a more cohesive flow, but I never expected JJ (and Disney) not to make an effort to pivot as much as possible. It'd be the right/smart thing to do.
Maybe I'm just underestimating how much I'm let down by it. I honestly don't know. But if smooth follow-up to TLJ was all it took, I'd be maligning the dismissal of Trevorrow's script. While I do prefer it, his movie still would've sucked. It just would've sucked *less* for me.
To make it more concrete as to what I mean: I give TROS about a 5 out of 10, and Trevorrow's story a 6 at best. Still crap.
Oh not agitated by your point of view or anything, I just had a moment of hnnng he's gonna make me retype my entire last post, lol.
But I believe I see what caused the disconnect now. I should have deleted that line asking what you meant by manipulating Rey because I answered one way, then figured out what you meant and went back and edited it but I didn't delete my stupid lead off question. My bad.
Okay, thanks for clarifying. I think the confusion about when Ben Solo started getting influenced (and how) is the reason for the misunderstanding.
ajp is indeed a great adversary higher quality than most.
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Thanks, jye. Not adversaries, though; just bored fans shootin' the ****.
Perhaps his force lighting was like me playing a video game when I think if I just go full force into a boss battle because I think I got him beat.. I take massive damage.. Sometimes I win... and sometimes I die.
Perhaps he thought he could win if He just kept pushing the attack X button instead of using the R1 Dodge button.
... In a way he did.. She did die. He just used up all of his life also... I been there
Maybe his Force lightning is like peeing and once you start you can't really shut it off and just need to let it ride, lol.