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"You aren?t getting it. Interest... any interest... is indicative of a reaction, positive or negative. There is some passion to want to like it or hate it. The ST doesn?t have that. People saw the movie so they could talk to there buddies at work for a week and then it?s done. There is no interest, no rewatch value, nothing from the ST."

I don't know.. I think there is a generational gap here. There was no talking around the water cooler for weeks on end about the PT. We all looked kind of shell shocked after TPM.. Nobody seemed to know what to say. AOTC came out and we all praised one aspect.. No Jar Jar and in all honestly... Nobody talked about ROTS.

After the PT had time to settle it really took a dark path and really started to be hated. Now it seems to have a resurgence. I still say its because the kids are now adults posting here and there. Nothing wrong with that but these films were never thought of in a positive light by anyone over the age of 13 at the time of their release.

So, where is the lasting interest in the ST? I can't seem to find it.
You need to hang out with me and my friends :)

Why did Star Wars movies and TV shows get put on hold AFTER the ST?

After TLJ... ****ing movie :lol

Why didn't Hot Toys make Poe? Why didn't they make "um 500 HT Poes" to sell out like Anakin then? Not even Poe! A main character in the ST, can not get made! Meanwhile, Hot Toys will be selling a green tentacled jedi that has 1 minute of screen time in three movies because there is INTEREST in the PT.

What is your argument for the clear decline in interest in Star Wars after the ST? You should be thanking the PT for keeping the franchise still going.

I really believe this is a generational thing again... When the PT came out the biggest competition they had was LOTR... Talk about a toy line that did not sell well. Also a lot of older "kids" were buying up toys because they thought there would be some sort of resell value because of what the OT original toys did. Me.. I bought because Star Wars.. :lol

The ST has one piece of competition for the imagination of children that the PT and OT never had... MARVEL. That could affect the interest of these kids also.

What acting was bad? Qui-Gon? Kenobi? Mace? Yoda? Padme? Palpatine? Everything from Anakin? Who was bad?

Yes (Minus Qui Gon)

What scenes were so awful?

If you have to ask then there is no point of discussing this... Love has blinded you ;)
****ing Brutal.....

I'll tell you JAWS that Exegol throne room showdown gets better every time I watch it. They go full Lord of the Rings epic with that entire sequence. From tiny Rey being dwarfed by the massive statues and chamber to the surprise reveal of the thousands of chanting cultists. Very reminiscent of Saruman surprising Wormtongue with the 10,000 Uruk-hai standing below the balcony. They set it up to be yet another intimate showdown like Luke and Vader on the second Death Star or Anakin and Dooku fighting in ROTS and then whammo she realizes that it isn't just her and Palps but tens of thousands of his loyal followers. :thud:

When the PT came out the biggest competition they had was LOTR... Talk about a toy line that did not sell well.

Oh wow what a perfect example.
I don't know.. I think there is a generational gap here. There was no talking around the water cooler for weeks on end about the PT. We all looked kind of shell shocked after TPM.. Nobody seemed to know what to say. AOTC came out and we all praised one aspect.. No Jar Jar and in all honestly... Nobody talked about ROTS.

After the PT had time to settle it really took a dark path and really started to be hated. Now it seems to have a resurgence. I still say its because the kids are now adults posting here and there. Nothing wrong with that but these films were never thought of in a positive light by anyone over the age of 13 at the time of their release.

You need to hang out with me and my friends :)

After TLJ... ****ing movie :lol

I really believe this is a generational thing again... When the PT came out the biggest competition they had was LOTR... Talk about a toy line that did not sell well. Also a lot of older "kids" were buying up toys because they thought there would be some sort of resell value because of what the OT original toys did. Me.. I bought because Star Wars.. :lol

The ST has one piece of competition for the imagination of children that the PT and OT never had... MARVEL. That could affect the interest of these kids also.

Yes (Minus Qui Gon)

If you have to ask then there is no point of discussing this... Love has blinded you ;)

Well I am 39 so I wasn't a kid when the PT came out and I remember positive talk about TPM and AOTC in the workplace. I went to the midnight screening of ROTS and the cinema was packed. Likewise I went opening day for TROS and there was no midnight screening. The cinema wasn't even half full. AND THIS WAS OPENING DAY!!! It shows just how little interest people have in the ST.
I watched ROTS a few weeks ago. I've lost count of the number of times I have watched the PT from start to finish.So they are all fairly fresh in my mind.
What's to love? Great music, cool characters, great fight scenes, seeing the universe pre-empire.
Nothing but nothing from the ST stands out for me. The characters are boring, there was nothing exciting with the music. The story was disjointed, the main villain Kylo Ren) was lame, the supporting villain (Snoke) showed potential but was under utilised, the fight scenes were boring. That's why the ST willl be forgotten fairly quickly.

Other then the Pod race and the Duel of the Fates I find nothing interesting about the action in the PT.. Having said that. I will agree that the action in the ST is not much to right home about but I did like all the stuff on the Star Destroyer and the final Light saber duel in TROS.

Everything else you claim is exactly how I feel about the PT. The characters should have been interesting but Lucas' awful dialogue and boring direction of the actors ruined that.

I will agree with you about the Music.. The PT had some great moments.. Most of the best music is from TPM.. AOTC is overall bad and bland.. I am not a huge fan of ROTS but its decent.

I actually like Rey and Kylo's individual themes. Some pretty good stuff there but nothing as epic as Duel of the Fates.

But lets face it.. None of the PT or ST touch the score of the OT.

It's funny how people need documentaries and novelisations to connect the dots and are picking and choosing did bits to fit in with their head canon because the ST did such a poor job of that as a trilogy.

I don't agree.. I would say that some of the parts of the novelization made things better.. I am strictly talking TROS here. I was fine with not knowing how the Emperor came back.. that's the Mythos part of Star Wars that I liked about the OT.. Not everything was spelled out.. The Force itself being a prime example. One the ST did was make the Force seem mysterious again after George sucked the mystery out of it in the PT.

Not knowing who Fett was or where he came from really let you make up your own back story..

I had to use my imagination for two films about who this Emperor guy was that Vader would bow to.

The PT on the other hand told a story and told it well

It told a story.. It depends on you definition of Well is... I still don't know what the hell was going on the PT with the trade federation and senate :lol

But we got the excellent Clone Wars and Rebels series because the PT fuelled a massive interest in that time period in the fandom.

IMO the cartoon shows helped give some credibility to the movies.. They are far better then the films character wise and my fav character from the PT era comes from this... Ahsoka

Rebels has a bit of OT going for it.. There are some PT characters but I would say its more OT then PT so I don't know if that should be included.
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I'll tell you JAWS that Exegol throne room showdown gets better every time I watch it. They go full Lord of the Rings epic with that entire sequence. From tiny Rey being dwarfed by the massive statues and chamber to the surprise reveal of the thousands of chanting cultists. Very reminiscent of Saruman surprising Wormtongue with the 10,000 Uruk-hai standing below the balcony. They set it up to be yet another intimate showdown like Luke and Vader on the second Death Star or Anakin and Dooku fighting in ROTS and then whammo she realizes that it isn't just her and Palps but tens of thousands of his loyal followers. :thud:

I love the evil chanting that is going on in that room... Very reminiscent of chanting that happens when Darth Maul is on screen in TPM.. In fact I am not so sure its not the same thing. Love it.. Its a great scene.. I don't get why so many hate but it is what it is.

For me the ST because of TROS is better then the PT.. BUT the ST makes me like the PT a little better.

Oh wow what a perfect example

Yeah... Talk about toy sales not matching the quality of movie.
Well I am 39 so I wasn't a kid when the PT came out and I remember positive talk about TPM and AOTC in the workplace. I went to the midnight screening of ROTS and the cinema was packed. Likewise I went opening day for TROS and there was no midnight screening. The cinema wasn't even half full. AND THIS WAS OPENING DAY!!! It shows just how little interest people have in the ST.

TROS was sold out where I was and it got applause at the ending..

Having said that.. TLJ was a killer.... I cant argue with that.

Also.. IMO there was much more anticipation for the PT.. I mean it was the fall of Anakin.. We were all waiting for that.. Its the only reason the films have managed to stay relevant IMO.

I don't know what to say about positive talk.. I mean I was probably the biggest advocate of the PT of all my friends.. But I knew the films were poorly made.. I really had trouble admitting it after TPM.. But I really started to turn after AOTC and then I liked TROS but it just does not hold up well at all IMO.
I love the evil chanting that is going on in that room... Very reminiscent of chanting that happens when Darth Maul is on screen in TPM.. In fact I am not so sure its not the same thing. Love it.. Its a great scene.. I don't get why so many hate but it is what it is.

For me the ST because of TROS is better then the PT.. BUT the ST makes me like the PT a little better.

Yeah it's funny how the diehard prequel fans are ripping on this movie when it really does elevate that trilogy. The broadcast that the Resistance hears at the end telling them that the Final Order has begun and for all free planets to surrender or die sounds very similar to Palpatine in TPM when the transmission got slow and garbled when he said "he fill find your lost ship" which I thought was cool.

Again the PT is far from something I accept as canon but for whatever reason I have no problem with all the clever ways that TROS circles back to it. Brilliant "take it or leave it" approach that allows you to fit the ST with just the OT or both the PT/OT if you prefer.
ST diehards just love clutching at straws. TROS elevates nothing, lol.
What it does do is take a big old dump on the OT and PT. The trio of heroes you saw grow together and overcome hurdles are now all a bunch of losers who have failed miserably. The Prophecy of the Chosen One? - undermined.

It's definitely "leave it" for me.
We have an emergency here, people - and I'm not talking Coronavirus.

Not sure Khev and JAWS will be able to cover the shortfall, and theaters are closing as we speak.:gah:

This is the situation as of yesterday...

Batman is so powerful, even his supporting characters manage to outperform long established franchises. You know, I'm sure that eventually the vast, vast majority of capes will be forgotten. Pulp's already been mostly erased and it hasn't even been that long. Hell, the same could be said for all multimedia franchises. But if one thing, one character, survives and manages to enter the Pantheon of actual Culture and the Collective Consciousness, it'll be Batman. Not Superman or Spider-Man, but Batman. 100 years from now he will exist, even if I doubt he'll still be getting published as is. The same way Conan rose above the others of his kind, Batman will do so, too.


I find all the "doooooood supaheroz be like da modern day Myths annnn sheiiiii" stupid at best, but I legitimately think Batman has a shot at transcending the medium.

Nothing is "sad" about personally enjoying one movie or the other.

I don't need validation or Jye responding to me to get validation, for my opinions.

And, I don't know what you are going on about.

"You aren?t getting it. Interest... any interest... is indicative of a reaction, positive or negative. There is some passion to want to like it or hate it. The ST doesn?t have that. People saw the movie so they could talk to there buddies at work for a week and then it?s done. There is no interest, no rewatch value, nothing from the ST."

I said the above. You are twisting my words, coming to false conclusions, then hammering home a small portion of a point while feeling bad for me??? When... you addressed literally one word, "negative" in that reply? :lol

It's not all that I've got, but when some of replies are ignored and others are brushed off with jokes, then I'll move on to the next thing.

So, where is the lasting interest in the ST? I can't seem to find it.

Why did Star Wars movies and TV shows get put on hold AFTER the ST? PT comes out and we still get a Clone Wars movie and two Clone Wars shows, one that spanned 7 seasons... because there is INTEREST in the PT.

Why did the 3.75" line, that has existed since the 80s, basically die AFTER the ST? Funny how the peak of the 3.75' line came AFTER the PT and how it's death came AFTER the ST>

Why are there no novels set after TROS? There big multi media event is about events set thousands of years BEFORE the ST. The PT had multiple novels and books post PT.

Why didn't Hot Toys make Poe? Why didn't they make "um 500 HT Poes" to sell out like Anakin then? Not even Poe! A main character in the ST, can not get made! Meanwhile, Hot Toys will be selling a green tentacled jedi that has 1 minute of screen time in three movies because there is INTEREST in the PT.

What is your argument for the clear decline in interest in Star Wars after the ST? You should be thanking the PT for keeping the franchise still going.

Can't have much of a discussion when you say literally everything is bad.

I've already admitted parts of the writing were bad.

What acting was bad? Qui-Gon? Kenobi? Mace? Yoda? Padme? Palpatine? Everything from Anakin? Who was bad? What scenes were so awful?

Are you really knocking the visual effects from a 99/02/05 movie compared to 15/17/19 movies? Most of them are still good. What visual effects are so bad? You should be thanking the PT for advancing the state of film making.


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PT easily passes. Far better than the 2019 video game graphics of TROS Rey vs Palpatine that is pulled right from The Force Unleashed :lol


"Fear is the path to the dark side. Fear leads to anger. Anger leads to hate. Hate leads to suffering."

View attachment 481161

I forgot, OT elitists hate lightsaber duels. Instead, they should just hurl rocks at each other? :lol

That doesn't make a movie bad, it just means you didn't get what you wanted. This goes partly for me too in the ST.

Serious question here, when was the last time you watched the movie?

They were shot in the back. Every single one of them. Every. Single. One. The only one strong enough to sense the betrayal was Yoda.

I forgot, only puppet Yoda allowed. Again, that is just you not getting what you wanted. But, that is a testament to just how strong Yoda is in the force. Every fight he is in he uses the force to fight, flip, jump, etc...

The high ground is 100% a real thing dating as far back as Sun Tzu.

Dying of heartbreak is a real medical condition. Shock + stress = heart failure. Add in being force choked and going into child labor while seeing the man you loved slaughter children all in the sake of your name.... fully plausible.

Nah. You should the see one it is based off of!

Sounds like Luke is constipated. :lol

The only idiocy was Disney's entire handling and lack of planning of the ST.

Ah, so when we bring up interest in these movies, the original point at hand, we can't use arguments? So, you pick and choose what to believe in the ST and are picking and choosing which arguments are acceptable now? :lol

You should check places like BBTS and see the Black Series sales for the ST. Now compare them to the PT.

You'll notice one needs to be marked down to 78% off to sell, while PT is selling at or above retail. Why? INTEREST. People are attached to these characters. You don't see that with the ST.

No, what killed the ST toy line is the terrible characters in those movies. Padme, Kenobi, Dooku all sell because they are good characters that people like.

Toys are a microcosms of movies. They help show what is good and what is bad based on fan interest. The reason those toys didn't sell aren't because they are toys, it's because the source material they were based off of were failures to begin with! The characters were failures to beging with. That's why toys are relevant to this discussion. That's why so many of these rot because the interest/quality whatever you want to call it, simply wasn't there for the ST.

You do realize all the other Jedi were shot in the back with no chance, right?

That's really ironic considering you've admitted to picking and choosing what to believe from the ST novels then retcon all of Snoke with Jye and JAWS trying to piece together how it all makes sense he was Plagueis all along, straight up imagining things that were never stated in the films.

Last time I watched them was three months or so ago. Still as good as the first time I ever watched them. Probably will be re watching them all again this week considering the world right now.

Lol shut the thread down..... this dude obliterated all two of the ST fans. Due to Coronavirus this thread is canceled now lol
Yeah it's funny how the diehard prequel fans are ripping on this movie when it really does elevate that trilogy. The broadcast that the Resistance hears at the end telling them that the Final Order has begun and for all free planets to surrender or die sounds very similar to Palpatine in TPM when the transmission got slow and garbled when he said "he fill find your lost ship" which I thought was cool.

Again the PT is far from something I accept as canon but for whatever reason I have no problem with all the clever ways that TROS circles back to it. Brilliant "take it or leave it" approach that allows you to fit the ST with just the OT or both the PT/OT if you prefer.

It does t for with the OT. It literally ass pulled itself into it. Palpatine was not part of the original plan. It?s so obvious lol.
It's really ironic considering you've admitted to picking and choosing what to believe from the ST novels then retcon all of Snoke with Jye and JAWS trying to piece together how it all makes sense he was Plagueis all along, straight up imagining things that were never stated in the films.

Last time I watched them was three months or so ago. Still as good as the first time I ever watched them. Probably will be re watching them all again this week considering the world right now.

I didn't notice my name was used here :lol

I really don't care if its Plagueis or not.. I thought it was cool that that the novel suggested it was and I am fine with that being canon..

Again that's the thing I like about the OT... Not everything has to be spelled out. I enjoyed the movie just fine before the novelization came out.. Turns out that I liked the explanation and that it worked for the film. I don't get how I am trying to piece anything together.
We have an emergency here, people - and I'm not talking Coronavirus.

Not sure Khev and JAWS will be able to cover the shortfall, and theaters are closing as we speak.:gah:

This is the situation as of yesterday...


Number of days in theatres (Domestic): TROS - 87; Joker - 154.

Not that it matters, but if not for COVID-19 it probably would have made up the difference (but just barely). And there's always the possibility that Disney will find some uncounted receipts that slipped between the couch cushions. :lol
Number of days in theatres (Domestic): TROS - 87; Joker - 154.

Not that it matters, but if not for COVID-19 it probably would have made up the difference (but just barely). And there's always the possibility that Disney will find some uncounted receipts that slipped between the couch cushions. :lol

Release a Jared Leto Joker movie lets see how it does lol

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Or the bizarre character choices where the Jedi Order practically *pushes* Anakin to the Dark Side, where he instantly joins the Sith at the drop of a hat, and then the whole thing is resolved with nonsensical lightsaber twirling, Jedi getting gunned down without putting up a fight, Yoda and Palpatine flying around like silly cartoons, Obi-Wan winning with a proven tactical non-issue, Padme self-terminating because even motherhood can't convince her to remain in these movies a single second longer and then Darth Vader letting out the most laughable scream in the history of cinema. Yes if burning idiocy into people's brains for decades on end was George's goal then he freaking nailed it across the board.
